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* : Depending on the settings chosen by the administrator(s) of the forum, you might not have access to all these features.
Results 1 to 12 of 12
  1. #1
    Biggs's Avatar
    Biggs is offline "I'm gonna slap you with your own pimp, bi0tch. cuz I the Juggarnut!"

    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Baton Rouge

    500th Gold Medal

    For those who ask, "Who's the Juggarnuat?"

    I have an answer, "I'm the Juggarnuat Bi0tch!"

    Today i will be winning my 500th Gold Medal and there is a list of the people who made this possible:

    1st I would like to thank God, cause He made this all possible.
    Next I would like to thank Diesel for always helping a brotha out and gettin my back.
    Andy, you were always there to take Bronze like a champ. thanks man!
    BS, you help keep the jets off me and I owe you big time.
    I would also like to thank my manager, my publicist, and my momma! Without these poeple I wouldnt be here today.
    I thank Kanye West for letting me know that George Bush hates Black People as well as Ray Nagin for tryin to get New Olreans Chocolate again, like God says it should be.

    I wanna give a shot out to my boy 50 cent and my main man Eminem, with out these guys I wouldne be here today.

    And last, but certainly least, I wanna holla at EA Games for dropping patch after patch of crap! Holla.
    "The point if war is not to die for your country, it is to make the other bastard die for his." Gen. Patton

  2. #2
    LA_MERC_M@lACHi's Avatar
    LA_MERC_M@lACHi is offline Always be wary of the Software Engineer who carries a screwdriver.
    LMAO! Foo!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Slidell, LA
    w00t gj you f'ing hacker

    you are the juggs!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Spanish Fort, Alabama
    I know why doesn't he change is name from Biggs the Juggernuaght
    Also known by my given Indian name. "He who struggles with fire water"

  5. I sounds like a very good job, Biggsy.

    One question I have is; Can you earn medals during a "What does everyone need to get" night? I do not know the game very well. I want to be able to play soon. We shall see.
    Do gay people have straightdars? - LaTech's Sister
    Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company. -Booker T. Washington

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Slidell, LA
    Quote Originally Posted by LA_MERC_thee_rook
    I sounds like a very good job, Biggsy.

    One question I have is; Can you earn medals during a "What does everyone need to get" night? I do not know the game very well. I want to be able to play soon. We shall see.

    yeah rook, but not gold, silver, bronze as those are end of round medals, and normally the point is to have the round last as long as possible, since 90% of the awards are for "in a round" accomplishments

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Cecilton, MD - u blink and u missed my town
    Gold medals are for the person with the most points in the round for every round, silver = second most points, bronze = 3 most. Ties go to the person with more kills, not sure what happens if they both have the same number of kills.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Cecilton, MD - u blink and u missed my town
    This will tell you what needs to be done to get all the different things in the game. Ribbons, badges, medals, and Ranks all under the corresponding link for BF2 and BF2: SF.

  9. #9
    Balance Champion!
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Ruston/Denham Springs, LA
    Congratz Biggz, you medal wh0re!

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    San Diego,Ca./Portland,Or.
    omg sweet congrates on being the first its a huge accomplishment.
    Semper-Fi Devil dog

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Spanish Fort, Alabama
    Yeah, rook its hard to be the top scoring guy in a game with 63 other players. Brent has accompished a very good feat and is probably one of the best at flying. Now you take planes ot of the game and he's simply mortal like the rest of us. I do like how having him around has increased my piloting skills 10 fold. I was a good pilot to begin with but after being talked into a joystick with twist handle and setting up views like the rear view I'm owning in the sky like he does. Just mean I get a lot of silver medals now, 108 and climbing. The precision you can shoot with with the twist handle joystick was the best by far. Also realizing the hammer head move is the best elude and turn on target move for the game. GEAUX Biggs (Juggernaught)
    Also known by my given Indian name. "He who struggles with fire water"

  12. Congratz biggs (HeAd)!!hehe

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