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  3. once you un-collapse the chatbox formatting toolbar by clicking on the BBCode button, you have access to different formatting options for your chats. You can format a chat by selecting a part (or the totality) of it and then select one of the buttons/list. You can also add empty formatting tags by selecting nothing and clicking one of the buttons/menu thus allowing you to add the chat text afterwards between these tags.*
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* : Depending on the settings chosen by the administrator(s) of the forum, you might not have access to all these features.
Results 1 to 6 of 6
  1. #1
    Biggs's Avatar
    Biggs is offline "I'm gonna slap you with your own pimp, bi0tch. cuz I the Juggarnut!"

    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Baton Rouge

    Competition/ Scrim Play

    I PM'ed Diesel my thoughts as well as my findings for league play. so now i am telling all u guys.

    I found that TWL has the more what we might be looking for. We can play in 8v8 ladders or seasons, each will give us 1 match per week or less (hopefully). I know most of us are strapped for time and practices would be hard to get going as well as having weekly here is something else I have considered:

    We can try to set up a bi/triweekly friendly match with another clan. I have played alot on "La Catina" so maybe we should set something up with those guys. This would be great for us to get together as a team and have fun and at the same time build a relationship with another bf2 clan. It would also be less competitive then league play so we wont have to worry about winning or losing.

    So, fellas, when u guys find a server you enjoy playing on, talk to the clan that runs it...if they seem laidback and cool we should post in there forums and get something going....

    This will also help populate our it will get our name and ip out to more bf2 players......and make sure u save their servers to favorites so we can continue to play on their servers so they get to know us.
    "The point if war is not to die for your country, it is to make the other bastard die for his." Gen. Patton

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Slidell, LA
    yeah I also liked the -=NAA=- clan I will look for their I.P.
    I am game either way, but to get 8 it might be best to go this route first...see if we can get the dedication...if so, then we will go to the comp play. good work Biggs, thanks!

    lets network and see what is out there.

  3. When I first started looking for different sites, I used the E.I.D. ( Elite Infantry Division) website for a bunch of questions and answers. I have never actually played with them due to no BF2 yet, but they seemed cool. I will look for their website and server address for you guys to try 'em out.
    Do gay people have straightdars? - LaTech's Sister
    Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company. -Booker T. Washington

  4. Here is the goods:

    Ready to spill some blood on the Battlefield? EID now has a Ranked 32 player BF2 server, IP Address
    EID is accepting challenges for BHD (TDM, FB and TKOTH) and BF2 matches.

    We can host on one of our 50 player BHD or 64 player BF2 servers. Squads issuing challenges should respect EID's G-Rating.
    Do gay people have straightdars? - LaTech's Sister
    Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company. -Booker T. Washington

  5. #5
    Biggs's Avatar
    Biggs is offline "I'm gonna slap you with your own pimp, bi0tch. cuz I the Juggarnut!"

    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Baton Rouge
    yeah, i would rather just have matches and save competition for later.
    "The point if war is not to die for your country, it is to make the other bastard die for his." Gen. Patton

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Cecilton, MD - u blink and u missed my town
    I like the match setup better as well, not as serious but still lets us work on some different strats.

    Just like before I might be able to make some of the matches as long as I know ahead of time. My kids have 2 basketball games a week until some time in Feb. Then in April baseball pratice starts so it will be more of the same. With about a week of heads up time you should be able to get enough to play. Hell last time it was only 5v5 so we can make it work if we have too.

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