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  3. once you un-collapse the chatbox formatting toolbar by clicking on the BBCode button, you have access to different formatting options for your chats. You can format a chat by selecting a part (or the totality) of it and then select one of the buttons/list. You can also add empty formatting tags by selecting nothing and clicking one of the buttons/menu thus allowing you to add the chat text afterwards between these tags.*
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* : Depending on the settings chosen by the administrator(s) of the forum, you might not have access to all these features.
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  1. #1
    Biggs's Avatar
    Biggs is offline "I'm gonna slap you with your own pimp, bi0tch. cuz I the Juggarnut!"

    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Baton Rouge

    ok ok

    man i miss playing with all you guys.

    I know we all have a lot of work and issues to deal with at this time, but when i get on and play some BF with you guys, all my troubles are forgotten.

    if possible, maybe we can try to get on TS and play some BF for an hour or two. what do u guys/gals think? Maybe set up a date and time when we can get the most guys on?

    Its just a thought. i mean BF does bring some normacly back to us.

    If you cant play maybe we could just get on TS and see how everybody is doing.
    "The point if war is not to die for your country, it is to make the other bastard die for his." Gen. Patton

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Im all for it...But I need major help learning the game I have maybe an 2 hours on it so far. Im really good at dying and thats about it.

  3. Quote Originally Posted by LA_MERC_sLingbLade
    Im really good at dying and thats about it.
    I fall into that category as well. lol

  4. #4
    LA_MERC_Dirge's Avatar
    LA_MERC_Dirge is offline You're gonna end up eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a VAN down by the RIVER

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    New Orleans, LA
    I'd love to, but by the time I get home, I am wiped and fall asleep after a can of soup and a beer... Maybe in a couple of weeks.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Cecilton, MD - u blink and u missed my town
    Sling and Goose, practice in vehicals because that's what makes BF2 so great plus you can get a lot of kills most times in vehicals. If anyone else is playing with you than you can get some tips and watch what they do. BF2 isn't CS where it's all ground pounding and just trying to get kills. Planes are the hardest thing for me to use sucessfully, which is why I have many more deaths in them than kills. But with a little practice in a tank and the heli's you can be a deadly force against infantry and most other vehicals.

  6. #6
    Biggs's Avatar
    Biggs is offline "I'm gonna slap you with your own pimp, bi0tch. cuz I the Juggarnut!"

    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Baton Rouge
    rgr tht,
    i agree with child. if u can master the jet u will see outrageous scores with the k/d just reaching crazy numbers. the tanks are great, learn how to hit moving targets and use the landscape to protect ur butt. the lav's suc, unless u dont have to wory about enemy armor.

    i am fairly good in armor and jets so if u need some tips i have a few. i believe we have a thread for some jet tips as well.

    to be honest guys, i think the best way to learn is to play against guys who are better then u. i learned most of my moves for flying by getting pwned in bf1942. those same old moves still work in bf2.

    if i am on ts and u guys got any questions pls ask, cause when i was a nub i bothered everybody for some help.
    "The point if war is not to die for your country, it is to make the other bastard die for his." Gen. Patton

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