Right on Parker!! One of the key things regarding our current Airmap configuration, is to have maps with two uncaps availible. What I mean is considering we are playing no more than 3 map cycles a night, we should be playing primarily maps with Uncaps. Fushee, Dalian, Daqing, and mix in Kubra (Mig vs the F-18's is a little more fair) and Clean Sweep. PLEASE note this is just a thought not a request, or reccomendation!!

I like what we are doing, but I know there will be ugly times like last night where it's just a$$-Rapefest-2007. Oh well, sometimes you gotta take one for the team.

I did have fun playing cat and mouse with Andy, he and I traded a few well placed kill shots! That was fun!

Anyone interested in some I/O tonight.. a little Sharqi, or even some Special Forces I/O could be fun....

I enjoyed seeing LA_MERC_Sniper in the house!! We gotta get the new meat on some I/O let them cut their teeth on a few Noobs..