I think it was because he was tking a teamkiller. There was this nub who would put down mines infront of both planes when we were MEC so no one could use them. After he blew them up 2 or 3 times in a row me, Andy and Spark started killing that bastage as soon as he spawned in. After a 3 or 4 times killing him Andy gets banned. I think he only actually killed him the last time too. LOL! That was just the one server not sure about the others. I do have to say that if you get Andy in that bomber then those beach USMC bases are going down. He had like 37 kills one round and the next closest person was 5. It was insane. See the Banking Left thread and that's exactly what we did, take off, bomb a beach fort, swoop in for rearmmament, and start it over again.