View Full Version : Star Wars Republic Commando

February 5th, 2004, 08:26 PM
SAN RAFAEL, Calif. – May 13, 2003 – LucasArts today announced development is underway on Star Wars: Republic Commando (working title), a dark and intense first-person shooter for the Xbox™ video game system and PC. The game will utilize an enhanced version of the acclaimed Unreal engine technology.

Expected for release summer 2004, Star Wars: Republic Commando will present a dramatic military-style action experience from the point-of-view of an elite squad member of a Republic Special Operations unit. Players will step into the role of a Commando performing precision operations deep behind enemy lines in this brutally realistic Star Wars combat experience.


February 5th, 2004, 08:26 PM

February 6th, 2004, 12:51 AM
neat...too bad i dont have an Xbox

February 6th, 2004, 01:04 AM
it's for PC though too! Me wants one! This is purdy!

February 6th, 2004, 01:33 AM
j00 should grab an xbox, spark, come over tomorrow night, we're gonna have a HALO party. I'm expecting 2 Xbox'es with 8 players, but if more want to come, bring another Xbox and we can have more, cept they might be on a smaller screen. Jus let me know b4 tomorrow on AIM.



IF ya wanna come and play some Halo, and ya wanna have bigger than a 19 inch tv, bring your own, i have room, we have another room, we could have plenty of room for 6 Xbox'es if ya wanna. Just let me know on AIM


thats my aim name, i leave it on alot, especially tomorrow

And yea, we will be drinking tomrrow night since its friday!

February 6th, 2004, 07:45 AM
They had a trailer for this game on Knights of the Old Republic. I hope these next two games that LucasArts (this one and Battlefront) are as good as they appear they are going to be. =)
