View Full Version : Question for PC gurus

February 4th, 2004, 03:32 PM
After i got my new case and dvd burner, my computer doesn't seem to wanna recognize burnt cds. A burnt a data cd for a friend so she didn't have to wait 10 hours to dl if of the net with her dail up, but after burning it, i put it back in and my computer keep says "put a disc in the drive dummy." Any ideas on why its not working?

Also, back home my parents got this dvd recorder that goes with the tv. My mom recorded me a movie(that spark lost by the way) and my dvd drive wouldn't read it either. Although i have watched a few dvds on my computer, just wondering why this one wouldn't work.

February 4th, 2004, 03:39 PM
Hmm.. The first thing I would test is to see if the CD you burnt for your friend can be read by her CD-ROM. If she is able to and you can't, then I would look into returning the DVD burner.

February 4th, 2004, 03:41 PM
Try updating drivers...

It IS fully plugged in, yes? ;)

February 4th, 2004, 03:50 PM
Was the DVD +R or -R .. does your dvd player play both types?

Your dvd burner actually say "put a disc in the drive dummy"? Does it read all other cd's but the one that you burned for your friend?

Your dvd drive may just be bad.. check the manufacturers website for firmware updates

February 4th, 2004, 04:23 PM
OK, no, my drive didn't actually say that, it just didn't recognize a disc in the drive going through explorer, BUT, i did notice when i was burning myself a new audio cd(which of course i have all of the originals tracks), i had another burnt cd in my other drive.

Let me specify this, before i got my new case i had a reg cd drive and a cdr, now i have a cdr and a dvdr. Going through the nero software to see if it was gonna say if that other disc i have was blank, i could see that it wasn't and it showed that there was stuff on the cd.

And now that i have my new audio cd burnt, same problem, doesn't recognize it.

And my dvd player plays all types.

February 6th, 2004, 04:10 PM
