View Full Version : Ninja's pwn Joo!

January 27th, 2004, 06:33 PM

January 27th, 2004, 06:40 PM
omg i cant stop laughing at this site, check out the stuff all over it im laughing my butt off right now reading it!

January 27th, 2004, 07:21 PM
LMAO!!! "i love them with my pee pee" LOL!

January 28th, 2004, 06:32 AM
WTH kinda crap wuz that!? ROTF-LMAO! "You better get a life, before they cut your head off" YEAH RIGHT! :slp

January 28th, 2004, 07:21 AM
That web site must be Sponser by "Kids on Crack"...The only way to explain it=)

January 28th, 2004, 02:01 PM
This is a picture of my best friend Mark showing off.
He's a lot older than me and almost done with puberty,
which is bragable.

LOL, thats just too funny!

January 28th, 2004, 04:20 PM
Seppuku..... read that one i love it i cant stop laughing at it lmao!

January 28th, 2004, 09:27 PM
OMG.......I cant stop laughing my arse off!!! Have you checked out the hate mail!!! ROFLMAO!!! Here's a sample......LOLOLOLOLO!

Dear Mr. Hamburger.

I am a single mother. A single mother of three boys! And it's tough enough to keep them from acting up without people like you in the world. You are a disgrace to the whites, if you're white. My second born son has been, as you call it, "flipping out" recently and he started doing so around the same time the boys discovered your site. And surprise surprise, my son seriously harmed his brother AND now his behavior is affecting his schoolwork. Are you going to tutor him, jerk? I'm a single mother! His rambunctious attitude is going to get him put in jail or even juvenile hall. You are encouraging kids to go berserk and disregard rules. I demand that you take down this immediately, before I call the police. Trust me, mr. hamburger, this is one single mother of three boys you do not want to mess with. I will lobby to have your site banned for the rest of your life. I'll see you in court. Write me back and we'll talk some more.


a single mother of three boys you do not want to mess with

-FA- hoody
January 28th, 2004, 10:42 PM
and the story that that woman inspired him to write. OMG LMFAO.....

The Smear

Scene 1:

The camera opens slowly to reveal black smoke pretty much everywhere. And there is thunder. A single flute is pumping up the audience. Then, without a drop of preparation, the audience hears a nibbling sound. The smoke blows away to reveal a single mother breast-feeding three young boys in a bad-ass living room. The audience now hears soothing music with pianos and more flutes, which will calm them. She’s wearing an all black apron with holsters for the kids. Basically she’s a loner, with babies. Nobody messed with the single mom until one stupid day a killer with a chunk on his shoulder goes crazy. The crazy killer taps on the single mother’s living room door and says “Hey, I’m going to kill you pretty soon.” And she say’s “By pretty soon, you mean never.” But her impropriety majorly pisses off the killer. And then, out of nowhere, he opens the door. The single mom stands up hard. And, with boys still suckling, she begins to spin on one hoof. (In slow motion, the killer’s smile flips into a frown.) The boys’ tiny limbs flop on the killer’s face and smooshes his teeth into liquid. The killer falls backwards into a bunch of things. And flute sounds are literally out of control when the single mom smears pap all the killer’s mouth and face. But then, the audience hears a single flute wailing in the background to represent a bunch of single mothers. And the flute gives birth to boys…three boys.

the end

January 28th, 2004, 11:26 PM
LOL...My buddy Joe would love this. HAIIIII YAH!!!!!

January 29th, 2004, 05:31 AM
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA H i just PP'D MY PANTS IM LAUGHING SO HARD!!!! AAHAHAHAHAHA, They can be mean harsh cut peoples heads off and sweet! didnt he just contradict himself right there?!?!? LMAO! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAH i love them with all my body even my Pee Pee!! omg i cant breathe! AHHAHAHAHAH! so in that picture of mark? what is he like a Ninja master now that he has completed puberty? AHAHAHAH w00t omg that was to much Omega

January 29th, 2004, 06:47 PM
i ply tenchu and this site is a real rib buster and im still trying to recover from that music...ahhhhhhggghhhh..!!!!!
