View Full Version : Funniest Email...

January 25th, 2004, 04:07 PM
To whom it may concern;
In cooperation with the Department Of Homeland Security, Federal, State and Local Governments your account has been denied insurance from the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation due to suspected violations of the Patriot Act. While we have only a limited amount of evidence gathered on your account at
this time it is enough to suspect that currency violations may have occurred in your account and due to this activity we have withdrawn Federal Deposit
Insurance on your account until we verify that your account has not been used in a violation of the Patriot Act.
As a result Department Of Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge has advised the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to suspend all deposit insurance on
your account until such time as we can verify your identity and your account information.
Please verify through our IDVerify below. This information will be checked against a federal government database for identity verification. This only takes
up to a minute and when we have verified your identity you will be notified of said verification and all suspensions of insurance on your account will be

[there used to be the URL here]

Failure to use IDVerify below will cause all insurance for your account to be terminated and all records of your account history will be sent to the
Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington D.C. for analysis and verification. Failure to provide proper identity may also result in a visit from Local,
State or Federal Government or Homeland Security Officials.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.
Donald E. Powell
Chairman Emeritus FDIC
John D. Hawke, Jr.
Comptroller of the Currency
Michael E. Bartell
Chief Information Officer

January 25th, 2004, 04:37 PM
DOH! This thread has a virus!!!



January 25th, 2004, 04:51 PM

January 25th, 2004, 06:00 PM
thats really funny. I should probably delete it then...oops

January 25th, 2004, 07:19 PM
yup, deleting the url did it...:D

January 25th, 2004, 08:06 PM
Figured as much. I tried to ...erm...netuse the IP address, but there was nothign shared there...darn.

January 25th, 2004, 08:21 PM
ha ha

January 26th, 2004, 06:53 AM
lmao, w00000 i remember'ded when i use to get stuff like that from AOL people... omg.. i used to think it was funny as crap.. untill the i dunno "head of AOL" called my house and said i had been sending threatning emails to all the people who used to send me that crap and my reply was .. *what was the AOL gusy name? we'll call em Bob* I was like Bob, the people were trying to steal my identity and i didn't like the emails they were sending me" he said "that still dosent mean you should send pictures like the ones you sent" I was like.. they were that BAD Bob" he said "Sir, they were detestable, and down right vulger"... i that about it for a min.. and i rememberd where i got the pictues.. and yes, yes they were nasty :P but then i said "Well Bob, they dont send the emails anymore.. and well now YOU are starting to bother me ... ^click^" ahehehehehe, anywho, AOL is gone.. and we got cable WOOHOO! GO CABLE!

January 26th, 2004, 07:02 AM
I wrote an email to the administrator of collegeclub.com (from where I got the email) and informed him that impersonating a federal agent or employee was not only a bad thing, but was also against the law. I then attached the email and the name of the person I got the email from ([email protected] ...not that I'm trying to say SPAM this person or anything...ahem). I then sent an email to that person saying that I was personally email my good friend Tom Ridge that email and that I hoped that [email protected] realized that what she had done was wrong (I edited this last part...figured what I put at first was a little too harsh). Ok, so I didn't email Tom Ridge, but you get the idea....

January 26th, 2004, 09:21 PM
LOL get'em Scott!!

January 26th, 2004, 09:57 PM
w00t - go get 'em boy!

BTW, on a similar side note - I discontinued my [email protected] accout becuase of spam. I called time warner to complain, but they SWEAR they aren't selling email addresses, but I find it funny when I get a spam email sent to all the "j"'s @sc.rr.com that they aren't selling email lists...DOH!
