View Full Version : Just a heads up...

January 20th, 2004, 07:47 AM
I may not be around the server for a few days...
I'm planning to finally go all Linux on my desktop, and I'm in the process of configuring Wine to work w/ Steam. I have steam installed, and I can "log in" but then it crashes. I'm still going to have to do some "config tweaking" yet. I'll get it to work, or I'll buy transgamings wineX...I'd rather go the free route if I can get it to work however.

I'll be on the fourms, and I'll get icq set up tonight if anyone needs me, I'll be configing away.

BTW, UT2k3 rox on Linux!

January 20th, 2004, 07:50 AM
you'll probably have to use WineX. Have you found any success stories using just Wine?

I used to be a transgaming subscriber, it's a pretty good deal. You can get support from them on making the offically supported games work.

January 20th, 2004, 07:55 AM
Whats wrong with good ole Winblows?

Me = too lazy and stupid for Linux

January 20th, 2004, 09:20 AM
It's more for the challange to get it work than anything :)

Windows is too easy :D

Rox - I have found where people have got it working just using wine - I'm ALMOST there, just not quite. I'm gonna play w/ it till i get paid friday - then I'll try WineX if no success.

January 20th, 2004, 09:24 AM

Looks like transgaming doesn't support it either - I'll just keep trying myself - I've gotten as far as they have - I can get it installed, just no gameplay.

If all else fails, I'll set up like a 4 gig windows partition for steam, and boot into linux for everything else - no biggie to do that!

January 20th, 2004, 11:21 AM
oh yeah, well i'm gonna take over the world..muhahahahahahahahah!!!!

unless of coarse you come up with.....a million dollars!!!


January 20th, 2004, 12:03 PM
huh .... a millon dollars? They gross a billon dollars anually.

:D hehehe

January 20th, 2004, 12:14 PM
Max, check this link: http://www.transgaming.com/gamepage.php?gameid=1

it seems that CS *is* officially supported but the release of steam has screwed it up.

January 20th, 2004, 12:27 PM
"with frickin' LASER BEAMS attached to their heads!"

January 20th, 2004, 01:13 PM
Yeah - it looks like becuase of Steam, I'm not going to be able to get this to work :(

Tonight I'm going to set up a dual boot, so I can play CS (I'm having withdrawals) :)

I still like having Linux on my box to play with though - it's so fun...when I get something to work, I REALLY feel like I accomplished something, rather than clicking next a bunch of times! BUT, for now, it looks like dual booting is the only way to go unfortunately.

January 20th, 2004, 03:10 PM
<- is computer illaterate... what is Linux Bob? :p:

January 20th, 2004, 04:28 PM
Linux is an operating system - for example you can run Linux (or Unix, or BeOS, or various others) RATHER than Windows...

However, I'm back on windows for my main box since Steam bummed me out w/ WineX :(

Oh well, I'm having fun right now installing Mandrake on a P150MMx...I'm going to leave it "X-less" Command line only and run it as a mini - server - may make a firewall out of it :)

January 21st, 2004, 06:20 PM
Im going to mini serve my winie box on my OS = BS and wall my fire
behind a bucket of bolts in the corrner of my room.
OR I just might put my Header pipe in my hard drive then strap a
mini-me to the heat sink in my Kitchen...
You guys think this will work????
:blue: :blue: :blue: :blue: :blue: :blue:

January 21st, 2004, 07:14 PM

that might just work, let us know how it works out..

January 24th, 2004, 10:09 PM
good luck
i really like linux, maybe u should try lindos os..its written to be more thread oriented like windows and user friendly to MS enviroment..
but good luck anywho...

January 24th, 2004, 10:18 PM
Lindows is ok, but any distro w/ wine installed will do the same thing...biggest problem is that Steam/CS won't run under wine at this time -

I have a dual boot set up now - running RedHat 9 for most stuff, and booting into Windows XP for CS, and a few other things...mostly work stuff.

January 25th, 2004, 11:07 AM
have you had any luck with speed running things in wine... i have always had problems getting things to run well/fast in wine... i have yet seen a game run the same speed in wine as it does in windows... is it even possable?

January 25th, 2004, 12:07 PM
I dunno man - I have wine installed - and it runs regular stuff fine, but I'm not bothering w/ it for games right now - I'm just going to game in windows...

Execpt for UT 2k3, it's native to linux, and runs awesome!
