View Full Version : Question for ya PC wizzies

January 14th, 2004, 09:47 PM
been tryin to upgrade my computer alot, and came across the other day that in my settings in windows that my agp is turned off, if i try to turn it on, windows ask me to restart, and usually it won't shut down on its on, then i manually restart it and when windows comes back up, go back to properties and the change i made is no longer there. I looked around my BIOS to see if anything had to do with it, but all i could find was 3 changes in video settings. Is it possible that my motherboard doesn't support it, cause i found out not too long ago that it only supports up to 512 mb ram, which kinda ticked me off when i bought 1gb of ram, but o well, guessin that will be my next thing to upgrade, after all its only a p3 733.

January 14th, 2004, 10:10 PM
If it has an agp slot on the motherboard then it supports agp. What actual setting are you looking at and how do u get to it? Do you have an nvidia video card or an ATI?

January 14th, 2004, 10:15 PM
i have a radeon 9000 pro, and to get to the setting i just right click my desktop, go to properties, then click settings, then click advanced. In there it has an ati tab called SmartGART, i can ajdust agp settings and fastwrite on/off.

January 15th, 2004, 06:06 AM
The latest ATI drivers seem to do that because they were having issues with it. I think they will fix it in an upcoming update

January 15th, 2004, 07:57 PM
ok, thnx toby
