View Full Version : What is your job?

December 5th, 2003, 05:43 PM
I have seen alot of comments in here about how most people work in the computer field, so I was interested n starting a post where you describe your job and what equipment you work on.
I work for callcenter company that has 8 location in the U.S and 3 locations outside the U.S. Each domestic location seats over 750 people and our overseas one seats a couple thousand people. I am the local network/telecom administrator for our Louisiana site and and I am currently being trained to be 2nd in command of global networking for the company. I am in charge of the Avaya G3R, switches, routers, T1's, wiring, etc. locally and our 2 Cisco MGX's and IGX's and all our other Cisco equip globally.
I went to school and was majoring in Microbiology and decided I didn't like it and I quit, worked with my dad for about a year doing commercial satellite installations and then got on at my current company because I was the only who applied and showed up for my interview:) I got hired never seeing a phone switch or a business type router or switch, got 2 days training, and my boss left me alone to fend for myself. I fell in love with the work after about 3 days, dove in head first, and taught myself alot from trial and error.
That was almost 3.5 years ago, I am with the same company still and just got promoted to the global networking, work my own hours now, they are about to pay for me to get CCNA and CCNP certified (I have no degree or no certs at all), and I will be starting school in August for my Computer Science degree and they are going to work around me going.
All in all I consider myself the luckiest person I know considering I quit college with a 1.0(yea I was young ans stupid I know) with no future plans and a new company just happen to be put into our town about this time:)

December 5th, 2003, 05:54 PM
I'm a PC/Telcom Tech for a large software company that creates software for Churches and Private Schools...
I'm responsible for about 350 workstations/laptops, and share responsibility for an Avaya Definity phone system running both digital and IP phones. We also have an Aspect phone system for the callcenter, but my manager is the sole proprietor of it :-P.

I too changed my career mind in college - I was a History major w/ a dual minor in Music and Economics...hardly related to what I'm doing now. When I started college, I DID have a computer - a 386 my mom bought me new when I was in 6th grade, but it hadn't been booted in at least 2 years. I was more into hunting, fishing and playing my trombone to care about a computer.

While in college, my music prof was real big into MIDI, and I started messing around w/ that, which in turn got me VERY into computers. I'm natrually a 'tinkering' person, and I had to get in there and see what makes computers tick. When I left school, I went to work for a year in a retail computer shop, and then moved to my current job.

I love work. I actually have to make myself leave sometimes, and I'm always there early in the mornings. That's what counts...you gotta be happy, and if I'd wound up teaching history in High School, I think I'd be miserable, and would have wound up killing some punk teenager. I DID get a taste of teaching while in college - for one school year I taught band at a local Elementary School. Now THAT was an experiance! 30 Kids with horns pointed at you at 8:30 AM!!!

December 5th, 2003, 06:52 PM
I'm a Domain Network Administrator for the same company MadMAX works for. I manage a server infrastructure of over 40 servers and a large variety of network infrastructure devices. We are very fast growing company and network administration here is always exiting. Matter of fact we are final stages up building a new Technology Center for our Call Center and Server Room. w00t!

I too am a one year college attendee in Medical Technology, minoring in Music (playing trombone is a very strong passion of mine and through this was how I met MadMAX). During this year was the first time I had ever been on the internet! Due to unfortunate circumstances I was unable to continue on. Also being on the local fire dept and rescue squad, I found that the medical field was not of my liking.

Afterwards, I found myself in the Call Center for my current company starting at front line support and working my way on up the food chain until I was the top level Tech Support Rep. I traveled quite a bit and enjoyed every bit of it. Living in SC, I never thought to make it to Vancouver, BC. (Now that's a rocking place!!!!)

While in the Call Center, I began working on my MCSE(Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer)certification and after studying for a year and a half was able to achieve this certification. Along with that I began working in the IT dept for my company as PC Tech and worked all the way up to Network Administration. I am still continuing my MCSE certifications and hope to begin my CCNE as well.

Computers are my life now and wouldn't trade it for anything. Unless of course I can make more dough than I making now playing trombone.

December 5th, 2003, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by M@lACHi
Computers are my life now and wouldn't trade it for anything. Unless of course I can make more dough than I making now playing trombone.

AMEN Brotha!

December 5th, 2003, 08:45 PM
I'm a 3rd generation Telecom-industry kid -- Grampa, dad, and now me, but none of us worked for the same company -- Western Electric, AT&T/Lucent, and me at CenturyTel. Spent 3 years doing tech support for our internet operation (Quarter million subscribers in 22 states.) Now I've moved up into our Customer Service department working for Quality Assurance.

And all of this on a Marketing degree that I don't utilize :-)

December 5th, 2003, 08:53 PM
I just left a job where i did comercial firealarm, security, data, and sound PA systems, and some CCTV...I have just now started on frontline support with the same company mentioned by MAD MAX and MALACHI... Only have A H.S. diploma the rest of my education came from the School OF Hard Knock's. I like the Job, it is a challenge, But like MAD MAX and MALACHI said its a company that has a lot great thing's going on.

December 6th, 2003, 07:40 AM
After completing high school a year before my class, I majored in Pre-Med at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. I was really young and floundered around there. I transferred to the Univ of So Alabama majoring in Biomedical Science. I worked for years as a Research Assistant in Pediatric Neurology at the Univ of So Alabama College of Medicine. I assessed children with Sickle Cell Disease, called in their prescription refills, managed their health care with the Neurologist, etc. I began having children and, since then, dedicated my full-time job to my kids. My youngest is 22 months, and I plan to return to work when he goes to school in a few years. Until that time, I cook breakfast EVERY day, make lunch, dinner, wash clothes, make beds, clean out closets, run errands, take them to doctors and other appointments, and just all around work harder then I EVER did at my job at the University. I just hope that, by the time I return to the work field, all my brain cells haven't been destroyed by Barney and Rollie Pollie Ollie. :p:

December 6th, 2003, 08:53 AM
Well, I'm a detective for a small police department in Southern California. I work juvenile sex crimes. Most people stop me right there and don't want any more details...


December 6th, 2003, 09:08 AM
I'm the Director of Media/Computer guy at the Grambling State University School of Nursing. I don't do much Media work, but I do a LOT of computer stuff.

December 6th, 2003, 10:04 AM
I work with madmax, malachi, yellowdog, and the rest of the sc mercs. Ive just started work in the front line call center. I went to college and got a Management Information Systems degree. Ive been into computers since about the 10th grade when malachi (my brother) built me my first one and I started goofing around on it playing games. I like to do programming, web design, and enjoy making software work the way its supposed to (and some ways its not...hehehe). So far, I love my current job and think that Im going to be sticking to it for a good while.

December 6th, 2003, 10:48 AM
Yeah - I feel sorry for those poor little church secretary's with yellowdog and mav trying to fix thier problems...lol :D!

December 6th, 2003, 11:15 AM
Ha Ha! Keep in mind though, these same secretaries had to go through me first. LOL!

December 6th, 2003, 11:18 AM
Yup - you just broke them in for yellow and mav, just like you broke in Jeanette for me! :D

December 6th, 2003, 12:18 PM
I forgot to mention that I also teach 3 classes. doh!

December 6th, 2003, 01:55 PM
web page developer and In office IT plus on site installer of software we sell at my company which is a quality training company. Is0900 etc eFMEA AIAG anyone know what im talking about? hehe

I play solitare all day...

December 6th, 2003, 02:03 PM
I wish I had time to play solitare :-(

December 6th, 2003, 03:06 PM
Lies i saw max playing solitaire the other day...i mean ummm..no i didn't malachi. he's always busy :D j/k i work w/ all the other SC boys here. At the software company described by the others. My department is 1. support for support or any other department needed help w/ the software, testing, setting up systems in order to test in various enviroments, etc. They can't figure a problem out they send it to us. 2. networking consultant for the churches and school that uses our software. Basically go on site and fix the churches/schools networks in order to run the software properly. This can be anything from replacing their cat3 runs w/ cat5 or as simple as replacing one NIC that was pushing out bad packets. 3. Help programming and R&D w/ testing of the software. We help them find problems and bugs in the program that needs to be corrected. We also Test the software on several different platforms and scenarios in order to make sure the software is as stable as can be. 4. We also help test future products that the company is considering or will be releasing in the future.

That about sums it up.

oh yea max. I do not want to hear anything about Jeanette. freaking h4x0r!!!

December 6th, 2003, 03:31 PM
Jeanette is your girlfriend b00n! Why don't you want to hear anything about her?

December 6th, 2003, 03:37 PM
i'm an Italian from upstate N.Y
My grandpa was a book back in the 40's in gloversville New York and some of my money comes from loansharking.I charge about 60 percent interest.and if I don't get paid I visit their houses and sometimes give them or their personal property a makeover.anybody short on cash this month??

No fratricide-----------------------------+spartan

December 6th, 2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_bighead
Lies i saw max playing solitaire the other day...i mean ummm..no i didn't malachi.

Ummmm....I didn't see anything! :-)

December 6th, 2003, 07:22 PM
I work for a small Phone company/ISP based out of Natchitoches LA that has diabolical plans for taking over the world. We just started our CLEC business in Natchitoches (we are the ILEC in several small areas) and Bell is running scared :stick

I am responsible for all the IP stuff that we do here. Servers, router configuration (one 3660 and two 7206's for those who care). I started here in the tech support department, and after a breif stint on the phone side of things I'm back where I belong. We were an all Windows shop, but I am slowly letting the evil influce of Linux make it's way into our system.

8-bit weapon
December 6th, 2003, 10:20 PM
Y'all all said that you work for a software company but none of you actually said the name of the company. What is it?

December 7th, 2003, 03:08 AM
I'm a full time student majoring in electrical engineering. I have worked for the local garbage company part time for the past 5 years. I sit on my butt all day pulling levers and driving.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
December 7th, 2003, 11:23 AM
I work for DiamlerChrysler at the Newark Assembly Plant in Newark, Delaware. I'm UAW and build Dodge Durango's, I put the upper control arm on the frame, front jounce bumper, bolt the rear swaybar to frame, route the parking brake through a couple holes in the frame, and tighten up a bracket that holds the other parking brake. It takes about 2 minutes for me to do 2 trucks then I sit and read for about 40 seconds, 10 hours a day 6 days a week. I hate my job but it pays too well and has too many benefits to leave it.

I had a scholarship to college for computer programming but I only got to finish 1 year of school before my son was born and I had to get a job. Between work and laziness I haven't gone back to school like I was hoping to do so I could get into the computer field.

December 7th, 2003, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by 8-bit weapon
Y'all all said that you work for a software company but none of you actually said the name of the company. What is it?

Acs Technologies is the name www.acstechnologies.com

December 7th, 2003, 02:30 PM
I'm student at LA Tech and major in Chemical Engineering, hoping to graduate next winter or spring if all goes well. Other than the student thing, ima lazy bum/alcoholic/party animal.

And sweetgirl, when ya get a moment, could use some of your work skillz at the house here :p:

December 7th, 2003, 05:47 PM
Automated Church System's = A.C.S. Tech.... For your faith based comunity.. That's the general focus of A.C.S. Although they do have a few other products out there. E.x. Schools and such.

December 7th, 2003, 06:48 PM
i'm a cosminot ..
i am playing cs from a space station on the planet mars right know.\
we are studying that face that we thing is the annointed cherub but we still dont know yet.ok we got some alians wanting to play cs got to go.

no fratricide---------------------------------+spartan

December 8th, 2003, 01:43 AM
I am a Police Officer for the City of Ruston in Louisiana. My main job is a Patrolman. I am also a member of the SWAT Team and the Sniper Team.

December 8th, 2003, 06:15 AM
Help Desk Administrator and Site Security Administrator for a manufacturing company owned by John Deere. Support about 8 servers and 250 PCs/Laptops. Also our only PC Technician right now blah...

Opened a small business earlier this year building, selling, repairing PCs and networks. So I pretty much work for someone during the day Mon-Fri and for myself the rest of the time. Finding out business is really good around christmas time.

December 8th, 2003, 06:48 AM
I am currently a Senior Programmer for a customer programming company out of Columbia, SC. I have advanced from Data Conversion at ACS with M@lachi to Junior Programmer for Wellman, Inc in Johnsonville, SC (BFE for anyone who knows what that is) to my current position. I have a BS in CS (and it does sometimes stand for what you're thinking!) from Francis Marion University in Florence. I've done PC work with MadMax before and usually was the cause for him staying so late - to fix my goof-up!

December 8th, 2003, 07:34 AM
<-----------:D :p:

December 8th, 2003, 03:51 PM
I sell insurance - for AFLAC. So my job consists of calling on HR people and business owners to offer more benefits to their employees, then selling those employees on our stuff. I promise I'm not the sleazy insurance guy you've met, I believe that people need certain things and certain things only, maybe that's what I have, maybe it's not, but I don't oversell, just try to help people out. The other thing I do is help with claims (not a required part of the job, but I do it). So when someone is in an accident, or gets cancer, or has a heart attack, or any other bad thing, I help them get their money.
I was a Biomedical Science major (like Sweetgirl), at Texas A&M, then left school for retail management (wal-mart, ugh) for 8 years, then into insurance in 1997. Been with AFLAC now 3 years and moving up to District Sales Coordinator on Jan. 1st.
So, you see, when I ask stupid comp questions, I really don't know....

December 8th, 2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Drax

And sweetgirl, when ya get a moment, could use some of your work skillz at the house here :p:

Bah! Take a number! :p: ~SweetGirL~

December 8th, 2003, 08:49 PM
I am a carpenter :P

December 8th, 2003, 09:18 PM
I'm am an unemployed commercial pilot.....not to worry though..I just got the rating and hope to have something goin on soon!!!

December 9th, 2003, 10:42 AM
Good luck Spark!

December 9th, 2003, 10:48 AM
Goose, what languages do you program in? ASM, C, C++?

December 9th, 2003, 11:09 AM
i usually program in english (hehehe)

Mechanical Engineer at Cooper Cameron Corp in Houston, TX...Graduated from LA Tech last March.

December 9th, 2003, 12:31 PM
most of my experience is in C. I have done some in C++ and recently some with VBA and VB. I have to say though, I enjoy C on HP-UX the most.

Sabre - C is as close to english as a programmer wants to be.:D

December 10th, 2003, 10:37 AM
I think goose spends most of his time:
"Countin Flowers on the wall, that don't bother me at all...Smokin Cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo, so don't tell me, I've got nothing to do"...


December 10th, 2003, 11:50 AM
There are 891 flowers on the walls in this room, I only smoke when I'm on fire, and they took Cpt. Kangaroo off my favorite sites last week - they thought it was p-graphic. HEY! That was a crack on me, wasn't it!?

December 10th, 2003, 07:58 PM

February 4th, 2004, 08:46 AM
currently i'm in school. graduated with a bs in software engineering technology in 2002, worked a year at sears selling tools cause i couldnt find a job in mississippi. decided i'd go back to get my masters in engineering tech. really starting to not like school again so i'm looking for a job and if i find one that pays well, i'll take it. if any of yall are needing any help, let me know. i am willing to move anywhere. my website has my resume on it if you want to check it out. http://www.jasontempleton.com

February 4th, 2004, 11:05 AM
I'm a piston oil-less air compressor design engineer for Rietschle Thomas Industries here in the big happinin metropolis of Monroe Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana tech in May of 1997 with my Bachelor of Mechanical Engineeirng degree. I'm also currently working on my MBA at ULM. I'm currenlty the engineer on the oil less air compressor that we manufacture for the Hummer 2 for GM. Cool project. I got to see first hand the SUT version of the H2 coming out next year. It's basically a truck version of the H2. I also worked on the original military hummer compressor that does their CTIS (Central Tire Inflation System). For those of you who have no military experience this is the Hummers ability to deflate and inflate the tire pressure inside the tire while on the go. There are different setting for pavement, dirt, snow, and mud. Not all Hummers have this option, mainly special Op Hummers. I could tell you more but I'm under government contract not to. At any rate that's what i do for a living besided bother you IT gods for help with my computer, woohoo!

February 4th, 2004, 11:38 AM
im a consrtuction enginer... lmao... just a better way of saying "i build houses :p:"

February 4th, 2004, 11:44 AM
We're not "IT Gods" - Google is the "IT God"; we "pray" to it for advice :D

February 4th, 2004, 12:14 PM
How does Andy find these threads :confused:
If he could only design a mini decompressor to uninflate that head :stick

February 4th, 2004, 01:33 PM
Andy got :owned

February 4th, 2004, 02:00 PM
I am en evil genisus by trade.

(one that can't spell though)

February 4th, 2004, 02:26 PM
Currently a high school student with a 1.8 :D. Working on getting it up, parents won't let me play cs until its higher.:( Looking to go into a computer field, either networking or computer maitnence. I have my CNA certification, and start Cisco Networking classes next year.

February 4th, 2004, 03:11 PM
I'm currently working as a C.P.T. (Children's Progammer Tech.) LOL I sit at my office every day of the week and progam a 4 year old Girl and a 2 year old Boy to be the best they can be for when they grow up. I also have a part time job that lasts 7 days a week as a Chef. I work in a kitchen preparing 2 meals a day sometimes 3 meals a day. And on top of that I'm a "love slave" to this man that stays in my house....

Other then that I just set around doing nothing...

February 4th, 2004, 03:28 PM
Full time Student @ SAU, Burger King Shift Manager w00t :P
"Did you enjoy your whopper?"

eh, i figure CIS (computer info systems) is good major.

February 4th, 2004, 04:34 PM
ok mine was a joke! I'm a momma and house wife but that post sounded better. LOL...

Hopefuly this will change tho. I'm in the mix of trying to get a job at an office where my friend is working and take her spot when she leaves. So hopefully it will work out and I get the job.

February 4th, 2004, 09:24 PM

February 4th, 2004, 10:21 PM
LOL!.... I don't even think there is a SO CALLED "Children's Programmer Technicinan" LOL.... I sat and thought about that one for about 5 minutes. LOL... Took me about 15 minutes to post that first post. I just wanted to post something good. You know make it interesting... Did I do a good job? LOL

February 5th, 2004, 05:25 AM
Domestic Engineer is what a friend of mine's wife calls it. You have the hardest job in the world!
