View Full Version : Question guys?

December 4th, 2003, 12:19 PM
I want to know a site I can go to, to dl music? And Do you dl it to your computer first and then to your cd? What do I need to do?

Dragon and I are wanting to dl some music and need to know how...

December 4th, 2003, 12:22 PM
well, you could d/l a program called Kazaa. You can get music, movies, programs etc...

the music you get will be in .mp3 format (not playable in most music cd players). You will have to use a cd burning program like Nero or cdcreator to convert them to a 'regular' cd like the one's you buy in the store.

Legal Disclaimer:
(i am not in any way supporting this kind of file sharing!)

December 4th, 2003, 12:28 PM
Thanks me and dragon has the Kazaa and the nero d/l. He can burn cds on his comupter but I can't. what does he need to do to get it d/l through nero?

December 4th, 2003, 12:30 PM
You would dl the files to your computer. When they are done, you can then burn them to your CD using Nero. I don't think there is any process to burn on the fly (as it is downloading), but I could be wrong.

December 4th, 2003, 01:24 PM
ok He wants to know how you get it from kazaa to the nero to d/l it on a cd? We have them d/led in kazaa he wants to know what we do now? How do we go though nero to get it on cd?

Thanks guys for helping us!!!!!

December 4th, 2003, 01:30 PM
first put all your music files you want to burn into the same directory (just to make it easier) start the 'cd burning wizard' and follow the steps...new cd...music cd...that sort of thing. Nero will convert everything in the background for you. when you get to a 'windows type screen' you can just click and drag the files into the window from windows explorer. or you can surf through the directories on the right hand side of your screen within Nero.

hope this makes sense..llol

December 4th, 2003, 01:32 PM
I'm not sure if we know how to d/l it to the computer!:eek: we are reallly lost here guys lolol... Can ya'll tell us step by step how to do it? lol... oh and mite need to explain it to us like a 5 year old because we lost!!! lol HELP....

We have them d/l in kazaa in the d/l part but don't know what to do after that!
Do we need to upload them to something else to get it in nero?

December 4th, 2003, 01:34 PM
Dragon said talk English!! LOLOLOLOL....

December 4th, 2003, 01:38 PM
No...ok...here goes:

0) You
should put a cdw cd in the cdw-drive
1) open Nero
2) Click "New Audio CD" in the left pane of the pop-up window
3) then click NEW
This opens up the burning files pane (on the left) and the windows explorer on the right
4) on the right, go to the My Shared Files (or whatever Kazaa calls the shared folder now) folder in the RIGHT pane.
5) Highlight whichever files you want to burn to a cd.
6) left click and hold the highlighted files. Drag them over to the left pane (the burning files pane)
7) let go of the mouse button
8) chastise yourself for stealing files...but then smile and say, "I've paid for these songs with all the crappy CD's I've purchased through out my life"
9) In the top of the left pane, there is an icon that looks like a burning CD. Click it and follow the directons fmro there on out.

December 4th, 2003, 01:48 PM
ok thank you we still lost we just going to call BS and get him to come show him how to do it. We think we may have missed a step or something because we can't get it to work.

Thank ya'll so very much for helping us.... Thanks...

December 4th, 2003, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_LaTech
No...ok...here goes:

1) open Nero
2) Click "New Audio CD" in the left pane of the pop-up window
3) then click NEW
This opens up the burning files pane (on the left) and the windows explorer on the right
4) on the right, go to the My Shared Files (or whatever Kazaa calls the shared folder now) folder in the RIGHT pane.
5) Highlight whichever files you want to burn to a cd.
6) left click and hold the highlighted files. Drag them over to the left pane (the burning files pane)
7) let go of the mouse button
8) chastise yourself for stealing files...but then smile and say, "I've paid for these songs with all the crappy CD's I've purchased through out my life"
9) In the top of the left pane, there is an icon that looks like a burning CD. Click it and follow the directons fmro there on out.

doh tech.. maybe she should put a cdw cd in the cdw-drive too?


December 4th, 2003, 03:21 PM
}{y|3ri|) you kr0d! That was a given...no, it was actually step 0...didn't you see that?
