View Full Version : Walton & Johnson

December 4th, 2003, 06:27 AM
Since i moved to houston, i've been able to catch their morning show every day, my question is......is billy-ed, kenneth, and the black guy the same guy just changing his voice...at times i think it must be, but i'm just not quite sure.

btw, their show is really funny if you get a chance to tune in!!

December 4th, 2003, 06:33 AM
Yeah, it's only 2 guys (Walton and Johnson). They used to be out of New Orleans. Billy-Ed, Mr. O, Kenneth (the gay guy) are all the same guy changing his voice.

Funnier than John-Boy and Billy ANY day...

December 4th, 2003, 07:28 AM
I've been listening to Kidd Krad****'s show most mornings -- john boy and billy has been boring me -- it's like everything is one big inside joke that most of us aren't in on.

December 4th, 2003, 08:06 AM
Before Walton and Johnson it was someone else. I think it was Johnson and some other guy. I used to listen to them all the time.

December 4th, 2003, 08:09 AM
these guys are really funny, the guy who changes his voice all the time has got to be really talented at that, cause it is definitley not obvious.

December 4th, 2003, 08:13 AM
I like Walton and Johnson, John boy and Billy , but the best is Lex and Terry.

December 4th, 2003, 08:38 AM
Yeah I'm with BS on this one. I like John boy and Billy but I reallllllly like Lex and Terry!!!!!! Man them guys crack me up!

December 4th, 2003, 08:45 AM
The funniest thing is when Mr. Kenneth, Billy Ed and Mr. O get in an arguement with themselves. That guy has some serious mental problems me thinks.

December 4th, 2003, 09:04 AM
lol, yeah that is pretty whacky! I've never heard of Lex and Terry :(

oh yeah, johnboy and billy are lame. IMHO

December 4th, 2003, 09:39 AM
Oh man Lex and Terry are funny! The stuff they talk about gets nasty sometimes but it is to funny to turn off! I'm not sure what stations they come on in other states or I would give you the station. Here they come on 97.9 wcpr every morning. Funny stuff!!!

December 4th, 2003, 12:45 PM
Walton and Johnson b the shizzle!!! When I did construction work I listened every morning.. They're not on in Ruston are they?

December 4th, 2003, 12:48 PM
Not yet...personally, I'm hoping 106 will pick them up when they drop JB&B (which is supposed to happen pretty soon).

December 8th, 2003, 03:35 PM
Wow, I remember Kidd Kradd.ick from high school ,way back in the 80s in Fort Worth. Not a big fan of Walton and Johnson here, but some of their stuff is good. Hey Junky and Illegal Op, what is that avatar you have?

December 8th, 2003, 04:46 PM
I used to listen to Walton & Johnson all the time. but it got old, almost the same thing every day. the only thing I still like is story time, but that comes on too early for me mostly.

I usually listen to Condon and Bender. they're local, talk about local stuff, give sports update 3x a morning. and yeah condon is a crackpot, but alot of times he's freakin hilarious.

January 2nd, 2004, 02:02 AM
the only time I turn my XM off is to listen to W&J :D
