View Full Version : Last night was not to good

December 2nd, 2003, 09:06 AM
I am kind of upset. Last night I was running rebel missions I had just got done with two of them “by my self”. I was riding “jellybean” back to get two more missions when I was attacked from out of the blue by an Imp. He killed me that is no big deal ok I can go clone. What really go me hot was when he attacked “jellybean” he knocked her out and caused a great deal of damage to her. I had to heal her and my self. I got on the group channel thinking cool I can call my friends they would come down to the cantina and give me a hand but no one ever showed up. For that mater no even responded on the group channel. I talk to big but that really did not pan out “no offence big”. I just want to know if we are to help each other in stuff like that or if we are own our own? I know if one of you were in a fire fight I would coming running at the sec you asked me to come. The only reason I am bring this up is a couple nights back there was a really big Imp raid at the cantina and I asked for some help on that I lost 200 rebel points fighting it was only Royko and My self. That was a nightmare in a half. I know that I have gotten help from you all and that is cool I have gotten a home and all that. I just wanted to know and let you all know that if you are in a fight please call me I will drop what I am doing and help you fight the good fight. So the point to all of this is am I wrong for asking for help when I am confronted buy 30 Imp or if I have a play starting crap?


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

December 2nd, 2003, 09:52 AM
oops i saw where you had said that there was imps at the cantina, but i didnt know you meant they were in there attacking players...if i had know, i would have come arunnig...didnt see the thing from last night, must have already been logged, or i would have come healed ya up quick like...also, if you know a lot of us are out in a group, send a tell to someone, a lot of the times, we only are watching the groupchat and not the guild chat...

December 2nd, 2003, 10:08 AM
On the lighter note of sports I just found out how to make stem pack B i am now healing for 170 to 200 a pop Woot I level twice in the cantina in 30 min woot.

Thanks Marcy it is good to know I can get back up.


December 2nd, 2003, 10:15 AM
lol i can make stim c's but cant use them yet...got to level in pharm 4 first...which sucks cause i could probably heal upt to about 700 to 800 with them...got to sit in the cantina tonite and heal

December 2nd, 2003, 10:53 AM
LOL Marcy :) Youve been hanging aroung cfh too long Phantom hehe, his spelling skills are rubbing off hehe

December 2nd, 2003, 10:56 AM
what you mean? i dont see many mistakes like CFH...:D

December 2nd, 2003, 10:57 AM
please no print screen please LOL


December 2nd, 2003, 07:47 PM
ok i didn't see when you were being attacked b/c i was busy crafting stuff for the city/orders. But no one can help you if u are flagged. unless 1. they are grouped w/ you 2. unless they are overt. So it wouldn't have really mattered at that point when the damage was done to your pet b/c no one could help u then. that's what i was explaining. Now if u were being attacked and i was beside u, i would have us group right then and then it's on. But if u run reb missions by yourself and get the temp flagged. you can be attacked and there is nothing anyone can do at that point in time. Read the swg forums some on pvp. It might answer any questions you have

December 2nd, 2003, 10:40 PM
yeah biggie is right, in order for another player to help you in the pvp with a flag, they have to be in your group..not a big deal..when i am on just give me a yell..i love to kill imps..and besides i need to get my BH back..DOH..cant believe i gave that up when i was so close to mastering it..doh..oh well it will be fun getting back to where i was anyhow..
