View Full Version : Definitions

November 24th, 2003, 01:35 PM
hax "Hacks"

<blockquote>The art of using "scripts" to hack someone usally in a game. E.G. OCG for counter-strike.

If used repetatively,hax hax hax, then the term becomes an excuse once again for something that happened in a game such as counter-strike

Can also mean just to plain "hack"

**LA_MERC_Corona Headshot LA_MERC_}{y|3ri|) with a ak47**

LA_MERC_}{y|3ri|): wtfomg hax!
LA_MERC_Corona: Lies!!!
LA_MERC_i||ega|-op: hax hax hax

1337 "leet"

<blockquote>Hacker "Sp33k" for leet, or elite. Originating from 31337 "eleet", the UDP port used by Dead Cow Cult, a hacker group, to access Windows 95 using Back Orifice, a notorious hacking program.

1337 h4x0rz pwn j00!</blockquote>


<blockquote>A complete and utter newb, with no comprehension at all of the matter at hand, often used in IRC/asl, and the ever present Counter-Stike

New counterstrike player: Haha, my full auto silenced colt killed you!1! Im so l33t.

Pro Player: GG l4m3r nub.</blockquote>

<blockquote>Nub- The all purpose word when used correctly

Nub-noun Newbie
Nubbed- verb e.g. You got Nubbed
Nubified- verb e.g. Ive been nubified!
Nubiferic- adj e.g. That **** is nubiferic
Nubtastic- adj e.g. Your mom is nubtastic
Nubtageous- i have no idea

The list goes on..

freaking nub, you nubbed me with that nubtastic nub cannon. Freaking nubiferic nubface.</blockquote>

n00b "n-oo-b"

<blockquote>A inexperienced and/or ignorant or unskilled person. Especially used in computer games.

Haha that n00b got pwned.</blockquote>

<blockquote>Someone who is new to a game or software etc.
Used in online gaming like cs
Newbie = noob n00b

That player is such a n00b.</blockquote>

b00n "boooon"

<blockquote>a b00n (or boon), is an interpretation of the computer term "noob". It is used to describe someone stupid, idiotic,docile, dumbarse, or just plain ignorant.

LA_MERC_Sniper is such a b00n.
Some b00n just rear ended my car.</blockquote>


<blockquote>The ultimate, above all, the best, top, something that nothing is better than. Also Über

I'm Über confused...</blockquote>

ghey "gA"

<blockquote>A synonym for gay but not insulting in the sexual sense. Used to implicitly make fun of people online who use gay as the default insult.

CS-H4x0r: You keep camping, that's so gay.
Rockhop: Yeah, I'm ghey. </blockquote>

Lies "La-ies"

A word shouted in disbelief responding to a statement which can not possibly be false or which has already been agreed upon. Often used in "Invader Zim", an animated television show.

A: I specifically remember taking it with me when I got out of the car...
B: It's not in the car.
A: LIES!!</blockquote>

w00t "woot"

<blockquote>An expression of joy and excitement.

I just got an A on my test. w00t!</blockquote>

<blockquote>It's a state of mind where everything is cool. Wootness differs from chonkey in the sense that it is more 'style-related' : how you do things from day-to-day and how they end up based on the approach you took to do those things you do. When all things are going well in your own life, that's when you know that the wootness flows through you like water - it's a part of you - it's natural to you...When everything goes your way - or for the most part goes your way - that's when you know you have the power of woot within you...All of us do, it can come from time to time - or disappear for a long time, or simply stay w/ us our whole lives - we just have to believe in it... </blockquote>

November 24th, 2003, 01:56 PM
lol!!! I hope you didn't make that up toby

November 24th, 2003, 02:12 PM
my favorite=Nubtageous..hahaha lol. hmmmm LA_MERC_nubtageous...w00t:)

November 24th, 2003, 02:30 PM
ha ha nice one on Rockhop..lol

November 24th, 2003, 02:50 PM
Here is a term you forgot toby:

Toby (toe - bee):

Term used for a person who is at work gettin paid, but yet isnt doing a single thing except making up definitions for terms used in counter-strike.

(Also See Nub; Boon; hax)

November 24th, 2003, 03:03 PM
lmao jared,

i think i'll use this one someday:

freaking nub, you nubbed me with that nubtastic nub cannon. Freaking nubiferic nubface

or...maybe someone will use it on me! doh!

November 24th, 2003, 03:04 PM
what about: lol, lmao, afk (a free kill)

November 24th, 2003, 03:10 PM
<blockquote>An internet spawned word created by fat retards who were too lazy to type out "That's funny! Ha Ha!" Possibly the most overused expression in chats, instant messages, and message boards all over the net. Its meaning has been degraded to that of saying "Keepin' it real!" in a hip-hop song.

LA_MERC_Sabre: "That's really funny! LOL!"
LA_MERC_Dirge: "Your limited vocabulary for expression of laughter is even funnier."</blockquote>

Overly used expression in Counter-Strike, no real meaning.

Action: A guy pulls of 4 amazing headshots in a row
Response: lol

Action: Guy dies stupidly
Response: lol

Action: Map changes
Response: lol

Action: After turning on your computer, Windows loads up
Response: lol</blockquote>

November 24th, 2003, 03:18 PM
ha ha

<blockquote>A mocking term used in multiplayer games when a player has done something amusing.

*LA_MERC_Diesel has killed self with a grenade* :grenade
LA_MERC_Diesel: doh
LA_MERC_i||ega|-op: ha ha</blockquote>


<blockquote>Something to say when you have done something stupid or idiodic

"just did something that you didn't have to"
"bought something that you already had or the wrong one"
"throw a grenade that comes back to kill yourself"</blockquote>

November 24th, 2003, 03:45 PM
(A - F - K)
a term used to notify the server that they are "away from keyboard." Although most players understand this as "a free kill." It is also a term used for those who connect to the server, knowing that there are 20 people waiting to play and they deside to just walk away from the game... but stay loged in.

November 24th, 2003, 04:06 PM
lol Toby, that is 1337. Too bad these nubs are too uber ghey to get it. Bunch of b00ns wouldn't know hax if it bit them...HAHA! They are reading this going, "DOH! I don't get it"...gg mental AFKs.


November 24th, 2003, 04:11 PM
that was totally w00tabulous!

November 24th, 2003, 05:07 PM
hahaha...those rock

November 24th, 2003, 07:24 PM

an adaptation of lol to including laughing REALLY hard about something.

November 24th, 2003, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Cowboy_From_Hell
lol Toby, that is 1337. Too bad these nubs are too uber ghey to get it. Bunch of b00ns wouldn't know hax if it bit them...HAHA! They are reading this going, "DOH! I don't get it"...gg mental AFKs.


Print Scrn "Prent - Skreen"

A button on the keyboard for doing exactly what it sounds like it should. Only a nuberiffic kr0d would have no idea what this button was for.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

November 24th, 2003, 08:32 PM
junky pwned CFH!

November 24th, 2003, 10:53 PM
krod "Krawd"

<blockquote>another name for the slang, "dork."

when a person messed up something simple, jokingly say, "you are such a krod!"</blockquote>

<blockquote>It's a nice way of saying "dork"

CFH is such a krod, someone told him to print screen and he zeroxed his monitor.</blockquote>

November 24th, 2003, 11:16 PM
http://www.lamerc.com/vbulletin/text2schild.php?text=HAX!! HAX!! HAX!!&typ=8&col=0,0,0&shcol=255,255,255



November 25th, 2003, 05:12 AM
You forgot Bastage, Toby...

November 25th, 2003, 06:42 AM
We should put these all on a website: www.dorktionary.com

