View Full Version : What a time..

November 18th, 2003, 12:06 PM
So what A time I'm having at school right now. I was lucky enough to have a half day, yet I get to spend more than the usual amount of time i do at school. It starts off with Drivers Ed right after school, which I've already finished. Now I get to wait 3 hours to drive, because of a stupid driving schedule. Ill end up actually going home at about four, apposed to the usual 2:05 in a normal day. Yes, im on a computer but thats only for some of the time until they kick me out. And once again,lucky for me, the computer has fortress on it, so i cant do anything worth my time. Normally I would just make a boot-up disk from an online download, but by the time I got fortress off, I'd be getting kicked out. Fun day eh?

November 18th, 2003, 01:08 PM
lol.... sux for ya buddy..
