View Full Version : having a bad day

November 17th, 2003, 02:26 PM
ended up 43 and 1 but couldnt take a ss when it said loading ... but here is less than a min to go

November 17th, 2003, 02:44 PM
Team Stack hax.. lol

November 17th, 2003, 02:48 PM
nice job C and Zak,
but I also applaude Tomcat and those that stuck through that round.

BTW, I love the name of the last placed T, I think it descibes the entire team going against 2 of the servers better players.

November 17th, 2003, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Diesel
nice job C and Zak,
but I also applaude Tomcat and those that stuck through that round.

BTW, I love the name of the last placed T, I think it descibes the entire team going against 2 of the servers better players.

yeh im gonna have to agree with Diesel, it takes a lot of balls to just sit there and get your lunches handed to you...

November 17th, 2003, 03:24 PM
I'm w/ Toby on that one --- you dang stackerz lol

-FA- ManiacalClown
November 17th, 2003, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Diesel
2 of the servers better players.

Corona and alzare, right? ;)

That's just about as embarrassing as the result my team just had in our CS tournament at school. 26-0. OUCH.

November 17th, 2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by -FA- ManiacalClown
Corona and alzare, right? ;)

That's just about as embarrassing as the result my team just had in our CS tournament at school. 26-0. OUCH.

Your school had a cs tourny? Why doesnt my school have cool stuff like that...were so poor

November 17th, 2003, 03:57 PM
Geat JOB!!!!Corona way to go man!!!! Great job Tomcat is from my old clan he is a great guy. Plays hard and does a great job. well done bro.


November 17th, 2003, 04:00 PM
Dude he is from Arkansas what else is there??? He took his Pig farming class already....j/k :p:

BTW Clown, I know Zach owns you, and that may be tough for you to handle, but stop the constant bashing ...it gets a little old from my viewpoint, on every post where his name is mentioned.

November 17th, 2003, 04:38 PM
..........."oh my g0d hax!".

-FA- ManiacalClown
November 17th, 2003, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Diesel
Dude he is from Arkansas what else is there??? He took his Pig farming class already....j/k :p:

BTW Clown, I know Zach owns you, and that may be tough for you to handle, but stop the constant bashing ...it gets a little old from my viewpoint, on every post where his name is mentioned.

I don't mean it malevolently. I'm just messing around with him, but I can stop if it's causing you so much distress. :)

November 17th, 2003, 07:50 PM
what the funny part is... zak (tim) was flashing me the whole time during the last 8 min of the map... i would run to a position and soon as i get ready to fire ... ***fire in the hole*** and i would get flashed ... and he would also do it at the beginning of the round and then buy more flashes to flash me later

November 17th, 2003, 08:12 PM
way to stack... I mean... good job.

November 17th, 2003, 09:25 PM
matt and tim are n00bs... how could the T's let them do that.... HAX i tell ya.... HAX

November 17th, 2003, 09:40 PM

November 18th, 2003, 09:37 AM
geeze guys... you would think that after 10 or so rounds of domination you would have even the team a bit..

ive gone 42-8 before.. but im prouder of the times that i am teamed against you nubs and i still go 20-7

November 18th, 2003, 10:19 AM
Yeah, I don't think I'd have shared that SS. That's like playing dodge ball with a bunch of blind guys. Sure you kicked the hell out of them but is there really any glory in it?? LOL!!


November 18th, 2003, 11:14 AM
i'm so embarrassed for you, bragging on killing a bunch of blind guys....

November 18th, 2003, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Cowboy_From_Hell
Yeah, I don't think I'd have shared that SS. That's like playing dodge ball with a bunch of blind guys. Sure you kicked the hell out of them but is there really any glory in it?? LOL!!


you have had some practice in this i think?


November 18th, 2003, 11:51 AM
lol if i was 5 and 22 I think I would have threw my monitor on the floor. I get pretty bad when I doin bad haha

November 18th, 2003, 03:13 PM
Thank God I don't get mad cause I go 5 and 22 every other map :p

November 18th, 2003, 03:26 PM
how many times do you want me to tell you to stop haxing hehehe :)

November 18th, 2003, 04:23 PM
I have some screenshots I can post when I used to practice with bots... went 200 - 3 me vs. 7 bots on max skill level.

I guess 1 bright spot about that pic, it's probably the best stacking job I've ever seen on a pub server.
