View Full Version : MADONE!!!

November 14th, 2003, 09:27 AM
Hey man debbie needs you to call her at the s.o. its about a laptop, i think it needs a new mobo, figured you could help. she needs to speak to you asap, thanks.

November 18th, 2003, 10:38 AM
If she needs a new MoBo for that lap top i honestly cant help. I have never changed out one, and not sure that it can be done. Not at my lvl anyhow.

November 18th, 2003, 10:42 AM
OMG the great one returns..lol..Hey Mark

November 18th, 2003, 10:49 AM
a laptop needing a new mobo == you needing a new laptop

or possibly sending it back to the company that made it.

November 18th, 2003, 10:56 AM
yup - what he said.

November 18th, 2003, 11:20 AM
I can take em apart, but sourcing the new Mobo is a Mofo. you'd have to order it direct from the manufacturer, or their parts distributor company. Not nearly as troubleshootable (Is that a word?) as a regular PC.

November 18th, 2003, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_JUNKY
... the new Mobo is a Mofo.

lol...sorry, just thought that was funny.


November 18th, 2003, 12:15 PM
I've changed out laptop motherboards before. I actually enjoy the change from working with machines to the small ones.

November 18th, 2003, 12:42 PM
*cough* really *cough*..hehehe. I would have guessed the laptops to be much harder to mess with and really be a pain in the rear. I dont think I could do it. Too much brain thinking (ouch my head hurts)
