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November 6th, 2003, 10:52 AM
would it be possible for me to be unbanned.. there are no good public rotation servers i like to play on besides la_merc and a few others... perty plz :d:

November 6th, 2003, 12:03 PM
Didn't we cover this just a week or 2 ago?? WHat is your gaming name??


November 6th, 2003, 12:08 PM

November 6th, 2003, 12:29 PM
thats a nice name

November 6th, 2003, 12:43 PM
ty :)
i think u banned me under name ioNiK, but im not sure but all u need is the steam ID and u should be able to unban me that way

November 6th, 2003, 12:44 PM
Not your Steam ID tard....your gaming name. I know Ive seen you around and I seem to remember you being a bit of a pain but I dont remember your gaming name.

BTW, Mikey??? What friggin rock did you crawl out from under? You been MIA for a good long time.


November 6th, 2003, 12:47 PM
sanorex or ioNiK, im sure u know me from either one of those :)

November 6th, 2003, 12:56 PM

November 6th, 2003, 12:58 PM
why do you not want to give the name you used when you were ban?

November 6th, 2003, 12:59 PM
i already gave it... ioNik... this is the 3rd time i tell u

November 6th, 2003, 01:04 PM
Are you sure now? In your other post you were not sure what name you were using. Could it be that you were ban for the same reason as you last ban when you played as cipro? What did you do to get your steam id ban? We are not just going to unban the id without knowing the facts of the case.

November 6th, 2003, 01:07 PM
oh ya, i changed to cipr0 b/c everyone wanted tips every time i joined the server so i went under alias, only a couple people knew who i was.. i got banned b/c i cussed on fy_iceworld

i was questioned who i was so i said sanorex and ionik b/c most peeps knew me under that name not cipr0

November 6th, 2003, 01:13 PM
Well man I will have to say no to your request. I am not the one makeing the finial decsion, but I would not lift the ban. My reason is that it seems you really can not decide what name you want to use and that makes me think that you are tring to hide something.

November 6th, 2003, 01:21 PM
I change names b/c people can't come to the fact that there are really good CS players in the world and when they get shot through the wall or get hs'd alot by one person they yell h4x. Don't even say that LA_Merc is innocent because I have gotten called a hacker by many of the admins. I was CAL-M in Counterstrike, I know all what you can do with different guns as well as spots and how to control my shot. Now you know why I change names so often. Go ask any CAL-M or CAL-I member in CS and ask them when they go pub if they use the same name twice. The answer will be no. Because we don't have the time of day to be asked for tips or to be called a cheater. I'm not hiding anything. If I was hiding anything I would not be confronting the matter nor would I be going to CPL this winter to compete.

November 6th, 2003, 01:29 PM
I dont think diffrent names are as big a problem as multiple steam ids. Ban stays...unless I'm overruled but I wouldn't hold my breath.


November 6th, 2003, 01:31 PM
multiple steam ids? um i only have 1 steam id...

November 6th, 2003, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Derek
I change names b/c people can't come to the fact that there are really good CS players in the world and when they get shot through the wall or get hs'd alot by one person they yell h4x. Don't even say that LA_Merc is innocent because I have gotten called a hacker by many of the admins.

And your reason for wanting to be unbanned?

November 6th, 2003, 01:48 PM
when they get shot through the wall or get hs'd alot by one person they yell h4x.

Just for this statement If I was an admin I would say NO!. One thing LA_MERC does not tolerate is hackers. And if you shot someone though the wall then you are a hacker. And I say we here at LA_MERC do not promote that kind of behavior...

Thank you come again

November 6th, 2003, 01:49 PM
because I have alot of friends that play there, I live in LA so I have a great ping to the server and it has one of the best public rotations.

November 6th, 2003, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Tracker
when they get shot through the wall or get hs'd alot by one person they yell h4x.

Just for this statement If I was an admin I would say NO!. One thing LA_MERC does not tolerate is hackers. And if you shot someone though the wall then you are a hacker. And I say we here at LA_MERC do not promote that kind of behavior...

Thank you come again

ROFL, you sir are the dumbest person alive. If you have been playing CS for a long time you should know that many guns shoot through walls. I can't believe that you've been with LA_Merc and playing CS for this long and haven't realized that. Just so you know...
ak, colt, deagle, awp, para ALL shoot through walls. So before you say something in defense for LA_Merc please know your facts so you won't be flamed for doing so.

November 6th, 2003, 02:17 PM
We have a great server here at MERC....heck, our server has been full almost every time I have connected to play. Why is this? Because we run a clean ship. Because we clean house when we have to and we REGULARLY police/ban/kick players that can't abide by the rules. You were banned? Well, that's just us inforcing our rules. There are 20000+ other servers that you can play on.

Please come again.

November 6th, 2003, 02:26 PM
lol, i guess the answer is no...

November 6th, 2003, 02:26 PM
"ROFL, you sir are the dumbest person alive. If you have been playing CS for a long time you should know that many guns shoot through walls. I can't believe that you've been with LA_Merc and playing CS for this long and haven't realized that."

Just for that alone, if I could (and I have less than zero pull here), I would ban you from everything counter-strike related and kick your can clear across the state. Tracker is a good buddy of mine...

icq me...I'm not done [292712878 (CS Widow)]
:madd :mad: :madd


November 6th, 2003, 02:28 PM

November 6th, 2003, 02:34 PM
Easy there honey....lol. No one is accusing you of hacking. You cussed on the server and you got banned....AM I right on this? Thats what you said earlier in the thread. Food for thought....calling a MERC "the dumbest person alive" is probably not the best way to engraciate yourself to the admins/leaders.

AS for the language, I know I havent been playing much because I spend 90% of my time policing instead of playing....that sux. I'm tired of giving warnings and letting people back in after they screwed up. Its just more work for the admins. Sorry, but no lift on the ban.


November 6th, 2003, 02:35 PM
...and no Derek, I'm not calling you honey. CS Widow is my wife.


November 6th, 2003, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Derek
ROFL, you sir are the dumbest person alive.

People around here sure have a funny way of trying to get unbanned..

I'm sure that Tracker meant that if you shot someone though the wall by means of a wallhack, not "walling" but a wallhack then its considered cheating by some means which is further more unacceptable.

I'm sure you are probably a good CS and Halo player but I'm sure there are many things that I could school you in and make you appear to look "stupid" and "dumb" but I wouldn't stoop as low as you just did.


November 6th, 2003, 02:54 PM
I am not refering to how many names you use in cs. What I am talking about is in this thread you really can not seem to decide which name you want to be. First it was ioNiK but I am not sure, then it was sanorex or ioNiK, and then oh ya, i changed to cipr0 b/c. Come on man, that alone should raise some doubt with a admin. That is what I am talking about. I could care less how many names you use when you play cs, but get your story straight. After reading the rest of your post here I will say this. I am a founding member in this clan. I stepped down as a leader cause I don't have the time need to put into anymore as I should. But I still have a lot of pull around here and if I have anything to do with it you will never be unban.:banned :banned :banned :banned :banned :banned

November 6th, 2003, 02:58 PM
For those that have a brain do not do the following on our server/forums,
since words do not seem to work for some, I will try this:

:m4: (a person on the LA_MERC Server)
:nono: <---Admin
:trout <---Admin
:banned <---Admin

:help (that person, now in our forums)
:tosser <---Admin
:flamed <---LA_MERC member
:nono <---Admin

November 6th, 2003, 03:14 PM
lmao...WTH was that???? My head hurts trying to figure that out f00.


November 6th, 2003, 03:15 PM
being banned from the server? free
asking to be unbanned? free
acting like an assclown? free
chances of being unbanned? 0%

acting the idiot for everyone to laugh at? priceless

November 6th, 2003, 03:20 PM
It is a pictorial view of what Toby said....People have a strange way of trying to get unbanned or get in our good graces :)

OMG that was a mercyless :owned

November 6th, 2003, 03:23 PM
What happened to -FA- Thief's thread, another clasic foot in mouth, nose where it does not belong thread?

November 6th, 2003, 03:27 PM
gone to the big trash heap in the sky...we moved it

November 6th, 2003, 04:07 PM
Are you telling me you cant read a post? I can not beleive you play on a server where there are Adults and act like an a$$. That is not the way to be. And in case you did not read the sign on the way in it said "Welcome to the LA_MERC server." Hummm like me think would I come in and dis anyone in there house. Well thats a no brainer.And if I have anything to say about it I am going to use every resorce I have to get you Ban from OUR yes OUR fourms......Next time before you post make sure you can read first....And if you have anything more to say you know where to find my ICQ AIM or E-MAIL...fell free to use them anytime....


November 6th, 2003, 04:38 PM

November 6th, 2003, 04:50 PM
(Takes deep breath) (turns blue) (lets breath go)..............:dont :loser :banned :biggrin :boohoo :banghead :flamed :banned :banned :banned

November 6th, 2003, 06:53 PM
I am still the king of minesweeper!


Time of 119 on expert today! w00t

And tracker, I don't think you're the dumbest person alive! :D

Derek be giving Lafayette a bad name. :nono
Must be from that "little" bayou town, you know, shallow pool and all... :rolleyes:

November 6th, 2003, 07:59 PM
Now THAT was a Funny thread to read,_______________you might call me presumptuous... But I dont think the poor fellas going to get to play on the server he like's so mutch he insults the people who run it ? :banghead :help :camper: <------ LAmerc firing squad

November 6th, 2003, 07:59 PM
Thanks dirge..you the man :D

November 6th, 2003, 09:43 PM
I'm sorry. I did not know the circumstances to which (you) Tracker is in at the moment. I've just been really pissed off because other people are getting off doing the same thing in LA_MERC yet my ban is permanent. I had no intention of harming Tracker personally, but as he is a long-time member of LA_Merc I assumed that he knew that you could shoot through walls. I know I cannot take back my actions and language towards LA_Merc as a whole, but I just don't see the purpose of a lifetime ban for 1 wrong mistake. To those who I have offended in any way, I'm truely sorry for this is the internet, a place to come and have fun with people around the globe. Being of the caliber of a CS and Halo player I should have had more patience and respect for admins, as the majority of the admins are my peers. It was very irrational for my behavior in the course of my encounter with LA_Merc, it's just hard to find very low pinged good servers, especially in my home state. When I find something I like very much I have tendencies of giving great emotions and rash decisions in a very short-tempered manner. Giving said all this, I will probably never come back here for 1) I am banned. and 2) I have disgraced myself. Looking back on what I did, it was very foolish and immature of me to do so.
Derek a.k.a sanorex/ioNik/cipr0

November 6th, 2003, 10:00 PM

first of all let me say gj on the last post. As for your wuick judgement of tracker, if you look at our rules, we sp[ecify that the membership to la merc is not based on skill, rather other attributes which we prize much more and which have proven to work for us.

As for you and your ban, you seem to be understanding the attitude. My advice is to check out the forums for a while, see how everyone works, then gradually work your way into them and their flow. No one person dominates these things, just go with the flow.

November 6th, 2003, 10:47 PM
Derek, I have a new found respect for you. Wow, I don't know what else to say but beautiful post. Like I said, I am no one here, but where there is a pat on the back deserved, I like to give it if I can. That was a great topper to this day. Thank you.

Robyn, CS Widow

November 6th, 2003, 10:49 PM
Thanks. I won't be asking for unbanning anymore. If you guys will unban me you will, if not well thats how life goes. Yes, I see that LA_Merc is about comraderie and not raw talent. I'll stop by from time to time. If I'm back before CPL, we'll talk. If not, I'll keep you guys updated from stuff happening in CPL and how we are doing. We are sponsored by 4 companies (1 public server, 1 private server, webhosting & domain, and $375 :) ) and are on-route to winning possibly and top 3 for sure.

November 6th, 2003, 11:17 PM
Probably the single best appology I've seen here...very nice. Good luck at CPL and maybe we'll see ya at Armageddon.


November 7th, 2003, 01:57 AM
off topic... i think i caught a typo in Latech's reply :D

November 7th, 2003, 05:06 AM
Yeah...it happens from time to time. ;)

November 7th, 2003, 09:34 AM
I am sorry for going off also, I am have things going on in my life and shouldnt have taken them out on you. And for that I am sorry also man..


November 7th, 2003, 09:45 AM
for the others out there that have been banned......look at dereks' post as an example of how it should be handled. Everyone makes mistakes, me included, and by flying off the handle makes you look retarded and immature.

Thanks Derek for being the better person. Attitude is NUMBER 1 around here, and you showed signs of a good one.

November 7th, 2003, 10:10 AM
But also note, that this is how you need to handle it, the first time.
Not after the fact, first impressions will always last.

This is also a good lesson in life, as everyone can and will get second chances but value and respect the first! It will make your life alot easier.

November 7th, 2003, 10:27 AM
Just for everyone to see how things are done here... Ive made a guide to gettin unbanned:

First you go around a filter... you hack or your get banned

what do you do?


I change names b/c people can't come to the fact that there are really good CS players in the world and when they get shot through the wall or get hs'd alot by one person they yell h4x. Don't even say that LA_Merc is innocent because I have gotten called a hacker by many of the admins. I was CAL-M in Counterstrike, I know all what you can do with different guns as well as spots and how to control my shot. Now you know why I change names so often. Go ask any CAL-M or CAL-I member in CS and ask them when they go pub if they use the same name twice. The answer will be no. Because we don't have the time of day to be asked for tips or to be called a cheater. I'm not hiding anything. If I was hiding anything I would not be confronting the matter nor would I be going to CPL this winter to compete.

ROFL, you sir are the dumbest person alive. If you have been playing CS for a long time you should know that many guns shoot through walls. I can't believe that you've been with LA_Merc and playing CS for this long and haven't realized that. Just so you know...
ak, colt, deagle, awp, para ALL shoot through walls. So before you say something in defense for LA_Merc please know your facts so you won't be flamed for doing so.

Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever Make CS_WIDOW angry.....


I'm sorry. I did not know the circumstances to which (you) Tracker is in at the moment. I've just been really pissed off because other people are getting off doing the same thing in LA_MERC yet my ban is permanent. I had no intention of harming Tracker personally, but as he is a long-time member of LA_Merc I assumed that he knew that you could shoot through walls. I know I cannot take back my actions and language towards LA_Merc as a whole, but I just don't see the purpose of a lifetime ban for 1 wrong mistake. To those who I have offended in any way, I'm truely sorry for this is the internet, a place to come and have fun with people around the globe. Being of the caliber of a CS and Halo player I should have had more patience and respect for admins, as the majority of the admins are my peers. It was very irrational for my behavior in the course of my encounter with LA_Merc, it's just hard to find very low pinged good servers, especially in my home state. When I find something I like very much I have tendencies of giving great emotions and rash decisions in a very short-tempered manner. Giving said all this, I will probably never come back here for 1) I am banned. and 2) I have disgraced myself. Looking back on what I did, it was very foolish and immature of me to do so.
Derek a.k.a sanorex/ioNik/cipr0

if only you had postted that first my man.... things might have been different for you.


November 7th, 2003, 11:20 AM
You win some, you lose some. It's how the game is played.

November 7th, 2003, 11:52 AM

Hybrid...did we really need the box scores for this thread???


November 7th, 2003, 12:04 PM
cfh are you implying that im.... im.... not nessisary???!!?


maybe i shoulda put in Hyrogliphics... since its already been put in image form thanks to the hilarious antics of diesel

November 7th, 2003, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_}{y|3ri|)
cfh are you implying that im.... im.... not nessisary???!!

No, i tinhk taht waht he's sainyg is taht you cna't read bewteen the liens, so dorp it so we can mvoe on wtih life as we konw it.

November 7th, 2003, 12:15 PM

November 7th, 2003, 12:22 PM
ok fnie ill dorp it and mvoe on

November 7th, 2003, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_}{y|3ri|)
Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever Make CS_WIDOW angry.....

OMG I died laughing when I saw that! Nobody will try harder to tune you up when you need it, but nobody will ever love you more!

November 7th, 2003, 01:10 PM
Thus the widow....."You'll only cross me once..."

And they wonder why I'm a whipped man.

Loving every minute of it and wouldn't change a thing. :)


November 7th, 2003, 01:36 PM
Watch out folks...CfH has been captured and re-programmed...

November 7th, 2003, 01:43 PM
Subsistence is futile! Your arse will be laminated!

or something like that...

November 7th, 2003, 01:45 PM
lol, but is it really him?.....was it ever him in the first place? Maybe he was planted there as a virus by the machines? hmmmmm makes me wonder

This idea might catch on as a movie?!!!!!

November 7th, 2003, 02:10 PM
Another pict-o-post oppertunity

Early Scott:



..not exactly from Hell, but who is he kidding anyway :p:

November 7th, 2003, 02:16 PM
Yeah, he's actually from Heck...

November 7th, 2003, 02:27 PM
Diesel is the new king of animation!!!!

November 8th, 2003, 12:24 AM
somebody got a new cd =-D
