View Full Version : My apologies

November 5th, 2003, 09:08 PM
Maybe I should not post here. I am sorry guys I really didn't mean to get things started again. I am "The Trouble Maker" I was branded that when I stooped down so low trying to keep the most precious thing in my twisted life, by posting on these here forums trying to keep something together that apparently wasn't meant to be. Why I don't know I guess it is because I disrespected Matt and Corona. I am sorry I truly am for whatever I have done wrong. As for what went down on the whole maTrix ban well I watched it pan out without saying a word. He is a good guy, he broke the rules and deserved to pay. Understood Mercy I know this is your house me of all people should know that, experienced it first hand. Blondie was not targeted here at all I felt that her post should have been addressed because maTrix told me he speaks with her over the phone, and if she calls him then she must be his friend and to put a smiley like that up dissin her friend wasn't right. RP Sniper sir for you to say that I have a problem with her talking to other people and not me, that was a blow below the belt, I mean after all sir she has spoken to me on many occasions in the server, so that shoots your comment down in flames. I was just curious as to why Redneck didn't aknowledge my presence anymore when she was present. Toby :) Redneck bubba you said you weren't hostile in your post well you jumped at my throat asking why I drug you into the convo, when after all maTrix said that you were the one that was doing alot of complaining. Maybe my comment on that topic was a little benign and I should not have made it. I apologize, didn't mean to offend you I was just going off of what I observed and I have to admit I made an assumption there and I for dang sure mad an A out of you and me, I am sorry if it is any consideration to you. Also, Redneck for you to say I live up to my name of Twist3d you hit the nail right on the head, just be thankful you have not had a life like mine, now lets here why Twist3d's name is Twist3d a very good friend of mine died on a motorcycle while my cousin was driving it and I was supposed to be on the back, but a good ole game of rock paper scissors twisted that around, instead he lost his life instead of me.

Thanks for your time

November 5th, 2003, 09:17 PM
Sorry, I have to laugh... Not at the apology but at the fact that you always seem to rehash a running log of the past events in almost every post you make. Try the simple one sentense apology, I'm sure most would be able to follow that a lot easier.

Sorry to hear about your friends. Life doesn't always deal us a good hand but that doesn't mean that you are out of the game.

November 5th, 2003, 09:24 PM
I just wish my name would be left out of thing.

November 5th, 2003, 09:26 PM
Toby don't understand how it was so funny. The thread was closed with some unanswered issues on my part. If you find that amusing then that is your deal. Just felt like I was pushed aside.

November 5th, 2003, 11:49 PM
twisted, all he's saying is that you ALWAYS give background to what you are apologizing for....most of us already know what was done or said so "recapping" every little thing seems a little redundant. I don't think he meant to offend you in any way shape or form.

November 5th, 2003, 11:52 PM
Yeah man just chill and let it go. Trust me man it will all work out in the end. I just think that you need to set back and take a deep breath and let it go. Man it is not worth it. All of us have had stuff happen that we would like to for get. Trust me on this one. I just think that in this case just let Blondie go and let the other stuff go away as well man..


November 6th, 2003, 12:42 AM
Canuck man that thread was closed with some issues still pending that needed to be dealt with before it was totally carved in stone. I do not want to be made out to be the bad guy. I said alot of stuff during that time that I wish I hadn't I can't take them back, I for dang sure aint gonna lay down for that treatment, just give me an inch of respect I didn't do anything to you guys. I do believe when you click on the link to come into here that it says to be open minded and respectful to others. Keep an open mind here please. Now Meagin has been brought up yet again on that level after she was addressed by me about her attitude toward someone that was supposively her friend. How that has resurfaced yet again dunno but okay I can go with it, I spoke with her for about an hour tonight and after the long conversation with her and the tears I poured out for a solid hour I am still willing to give it my damndest but she has to give it in return, before it was me putting 100% into the relationship, from her attitude I think something good may come out of it I don't know I love her more than anything still, through all of this I must say I still love her. I think she is learning quite a bit if you wanna get off into it real deep. I really would like to watch her grow up and help her get through everything, she does need help and I am willing. Just wish she would realize it, I aint gonna hide my feelings I have nothing to hide. Now hmmmm your probably saying why did I speak with her, well that was her call. I don't want things to go back to normal I want em better. Life is about change and if I get her back friggin WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT if not then I kept my words until the end even though she didn't care much about them I kept em, I can say that, I can say I didn't do anything drastically wrong, I can say I was helping and kind, I can say I was honest, I can say she was well taken care of. Now lets not take it down to that level again. Lets leave it at the "she dissed her friend level" kay?

Thanks For Your Time Yet Again

November 6th, 2003, 01:19 AM
Twisted, no one wants to know about all the problems yall have had and/or are having. No one asked for the details. Those problems should be between yall and not brought out in the open on the forums. The comment in my post I thought was very clear, but I guess you missed it. What I was saying is that you do not like it when she speaks with other guys. Not that she would not speak to you. Now as far as the problems between you, not my business nor have I asked about them. So please keep them to yourself. This needs to be ended now, it does not need to go any futher. If you continue with it I will ban you from the forums. I am tring to be nice and not do that but you have got to stop.

blondie, I am sorry if I offended you in any way. I did not mention your name in my other posts because I felt it would not be right. I also felt that if people did not know who I was talking about then they did not need to know. I did not mean to hurt or offend you in any way and I am sorry if I did so.

November 6th, 2003, 01:23 AM
Sniper man this went a little to far. How did you get the impression I had a problem with her talking with other guys when I asked why Redneck quit talking to me when she was present?

November 6th, 2003, 01:28 AM
Oh Sniper as for the problems no problems anymore. Don't have any problems. How can a conversation with an ex on possibly rebuilding terms be a problem? I didn't wanna take it to this level bubba but others did. I am sorry I will let the matter(s) rest now. Thank you for tolerating me it shows me alot and I really do appreciate it.

November 6th, 2003, 02:19 AM
Twisted, please do not respond to this post, just read. Matrix problems were between him and whoever he was dealing with. The issue with Blondie was between her and whoever. They weren't dealing with you, and neither one requested, nor needed ur response to cloud up, or rehash, or back up on any issues. You are quickly wearing out the patience of the members of this clan, and from what I'm reading between the lines and staring straight in the face, the admins. Leave this be now! Please. Any further posts on this issue will only cause you to lose access to the forums. Again, do not respond to this. Just read!

November 6th, 2003, 05:41 AM
This post has been closed for pure stupidity. Twisted you 2 went out, it didn't work...get over it. If this crap comes up again, you will be banned from the forums. Have a nice day :)

November 6th, 2003, 08:19 AM
Twisted was let back on the forums with the understanding that he would keep his personal issues, PERSONAL! Failure to do so has caused him to lose his forum access once again.

For the others reading this, I would advise you to start no further threads on this issue. If you have any concerns or opinions that you would like to express to any LA_MERC members, admins, or leadership on this issue, please refer to the members tab at the top of this page and it will give you all the information you will need to get in touch with us.
