View Full Version : Gamer of the Month?

-FA- hoody
November 5th, 2003, 03:56 PM
Ok it's a new month and Corona's pic is still up. I knew he was good but didnt think we was good enough for 2 months in a row. j/k. I was just curious is to who is the new gamer of the month. It should be me, although i know its not. weee!!!!!!

November 5th, 2003, 04:44 PM
No man, it is you!!! Congrats Hoody. Hoody Hoo!!!!

November 5th, 2003, 05:02 PM
Yes! GOod job Hoody!! O wait he won b00n of the month, not Gamer of the the Month, I get those confused sometimes. ;)

-FA- hoody
November 5th, 2003, 05:06 PM

November 5th, 2003, 08:27 PM
Boon you powend your self...jeesh...
