View Full Version : Hearts of Iron

October 23rd, 2003, 11:23 AM
I recommend this RTS game to anyone that is interested in Grand Startegy games coving the time period 1936 - 1948.
You have land, air, sea units, research, production, and the entire globe to fight over. The only area that is not included is Antarctica.
You can exercise diplomacy with third world countries to either join or die. You have to think long term, because when you request an infantry division it will cost production for 3 months before the units is trained and ready to fight. The technology tree is not for the faint iof heart. Your reasearch fields include infantry, armour, artillery, tactics, ships, planes, production, rocketery, radar/communications and even nuclear weapons.

Anyone that picks the game up, be ready to be Gibletized by my German hordes.

October 23rd, 2003, 11:50 AM
wow, how many diff "countries" or civs are there to control, and do the have unique units?

October 24th, 2003, 11:30 AM
8 major countries (USA,Great Britian, France, Russia, Italy, Japan, China, Austrailia).

You can play any country you want to.

My son tried to be Luxemburg but didn't last long.

Your current technologies will determine the armour fighting, infantry fighting, AA fighting skill, and defensive strenght of your divisions. You cannot make tanks if you dont have the technology. As you increase in air technologies you can build different types of planes. The Germans start out building HE 21 fighters (I think)then can develope the technogies to develope ME109's, FW190's, ME110's, ME262's.
The game I am currently working on I have Tiger I tanks with 70 mm guns. Me109's version E. I am reaching upgrades to my gun 80 mm and super heavy tanks prototypes.

Each country has their own leader pool. Certain leaders get bonuses for leading tanks, or offensive attacks, or logisical wizard to name a few. Patton, Rommel, Eisenhower, Montgomery, and Degaulle are to name a few leaders. Each branch of the service has their own generals. Efective use of your generals is key to military victories.

You also have to manage your economy between consumer goods, military supplies, reseach, and production. Its a tightrope that will push the envelope to manage all 4 without dissent rising in your country because consumers cant get the goods they want, keeping your military uinits properly supllied so that don't disband for lack of support, increasing your technology base to keep better killing machines in the field, and the capacity to build military units.

I have only scratched the surface with this brief overview.

October 24th, 2003, 12:29 PM
Looks kind of like Axis and Allies but on a much grander scale...I mean, same type of game, but 4 different things to worry about (consumers, supplies, research, production) on top of research time etc. Kinda interesting. May have to get this one.

October 24th, 2003, 01:32 PM
Here is a complete review and 81 screenshots:

