View Full Version : broke the camel's back....

October 22nd, 2003, 08:06 PM
*warning, only read this if you care...*

$pecto's current dilema, in a nutshell...

Well guys, i havnt been able to get on last couple o days, cuase internet is 'down' again, well i hope it is, if it's not, it means my "backdoor" way of gettin on college internet (to make it actualy 'normal' speeds) has been foiled, (most likely by accident if that is the case). So i am seriously thinkin about gettin cable internet in my dorm, yes, sounds dumb to people but what can i do??? Anyways, it would be cool alot of ways , #1, wouldnt have stupid lag like i always do, #2 i could have a real web server (ive always wnted own, and college had firewall as big as my house). Well, we just see how things go, and see how much money my new job can make.

P.S. i got to hired directly has "shift manager" at Burger King!! :P my first 'manager' type job.. hope it sets the 'new' standard for my future career's. Anyways, i have to compuicate this way now cuase my online chatting which usaly occurs in CS has dropped to the big zero. Gosh, all, this free time offline,,, i might have to study or read a book... look im talkin crazy already.. help me.

P.S.S i do read books for fun. And got 4 a's and 2 b's so not goin to study but it sounds good./

P.S.S.S hey latech, could this be my short story?? :)

October 22nd, 2003, 08:09 PM
LoL w00t!!!

October 22nd, 2003, 08:55 PM
In a word...no. ;) You didn't include any maps!

October 22nd, 2003, 10:23 PM
Sorry to hear that Spector.. From what you told me about your schools internet, maybe you could sell some of the bandwidth to other guys that room near you.. lol.. it would 5 times faster than what they have now.. err.. or u buy a lot of cat5 and late at night, tunnel into the server room and get a direct feed :)

October 23rd, 2003, 12:22 AM
Toby hax..lol

October 23rd, 2003, 12:29 AM
lol.. that would work.. be quite funny...

October 23rd, 2003, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_i||ega|-op
Sorry to hear that Spector.. From what you told me about your schools internet, maybe you could sell some of the bandwidth to other guys that room near you.. lol.. it would 5 times faster than what they have now.. err.. or u buy a lot of cat5 and late at night, tunnel into the server room and get a direct feed :)

i did that once... only no tunnel.


October 24th, 2003, 08:28 AM
yeh, if i can convince mom that my "snack" money should be converted to "cable" money, then this weekend i can get it set up. Then the pwnage will begin all over again without the lag.. muahha, it would be first time i played w/o lag on my own comp. Um, this is also 2nd time ive tried to reply, last time the whole campus internet went down, and all that i typed got lost when i tried to submit :( .

Latech, i think there is a map called de_dorm's heheheh so does that mean i got 2nd place? or 3rd? cusae last i checked no one submitted theirs. And title can be "Specto's Tragic Saga"

P.S. does anyone know alot or some about networks>? cuase im not sure but when i do "route print" in commmd prompt, it says half my routes are in metric 30.... now im not a genius but LANS are supposed to be in 1 right?? so did our network guys maybe change it to 30 to keep dorms slow and not hog bandwidth>?

October 24th, 2003, 08:48 AM
Ok Spec...you get second place...only because 1) I believe there COULD be a map named de_dorm (if nothing else...rats would work!) and 2) my story had more blood.

October 24th, 2003, 12:58 PM
Yes i am typin this in my dorm with the help of my new found love of my life, an electronic equiment that enhances my computer to its fullest, if my computer was a man, then the new CABLE MODEM i got is defiantly the viagra. HOLLA!!! , it says on brochure i should get 1mb download 128 upload.. first test shows 300mb dl aprox and 130 upload... all wells good for now..

anyone know of any thing about "cable uncaps" or somthi of the sorT? somthin to speed this bad boy up? thks./ ahh hgotta go play cs for first time HAHAHAHAHAH hope i see yall on......

October 24th, 2003, 01:00 PM
Unlocking you cablemodem is as simple as changing the cfg file inside it. That, however, is VERY illegal and if they catch you, no more cable modem.
