View Full Version : sowwie

October 16th, 2003, 03:37 AM
Some of u know me some of u dont, but to those who know me I want to formally apologize for the incident that occurred back in the day. Words will never be able to describe how sorry I am and how embarassed I am that I acted that way. I was 19/20 year old man who thought he knew it all but in reality i was acting like a 14 year old kid about everything. 1.5 years later i look around at the world and the cs community and think how scummy i acted then. I dont expect forgiveness or even a reply to this post, but I do feel the need to publicly and formally apologize to those who were my clan-mates and who are/were my friends. In the year/year and a half since then i have had some events occur that kinda got me straight. I almost died 2x since then for not taking care of my diabetes. I know have an insulin pump that continuously regulates my insulin intake [no more injections]. I am now married and have a beautiful baby daughter. Being a true man now with a family and having his head on straight finally i just wanted to let u guys know how sorry i am for the crap i pulled and to let you guys know you run one helluva a public server. Everyone i send here always comes back to me with positive comments. GJ toby, darren, ernie, henry and the admins.

Also can i have my name back as bigpermjr plz. Thx :]

October 16th, 2003, 04:35 AM
done man...and dont worry about it, everyone makes mistakes...and i *guess* we can forgive you :D..

beautifull little girl there adam...i see that you are starting her early in cal ;)

October 16th, 2003, 04:48 AM
welcome back man. missed ya
u were one of the 1st people i knew in MERC

October 16th, 2003, 06:47 AM
GJ Adam, glad to see youaround again. You know you can PM / ICQ anytime.

Scott :blue:

October 16th, 2003, 07:39 AM
PERM! omg man, i thought something had happend to you, never around anymore dude... hey stuff happens, and stuff can be forgoten, far as im concerned im glad to see you are in good health and have a great looking family! missed ya man and i hope you stick around here!

ps ya i just really missed gizmo =-p

welcome back adam

the prodical perm returns!

October 16th, 2003, 10:40 AM
NP Adam, glad to see you back around!

October 16th, 2003, 12:18 PM
yep, it would be nice to have the old bigpermjr back around :)

October 16th, 2003, 06:13 PM
Permymon??? Is it true. Is the real Permymon back. Not that Ashbutt....well, you know what I mean...j/k...Wuzzup Permymon???

October 16th, 2003, 08:10 PM
Hey Adam good to see you around and yeah missed playing with you as one of the guys i remember back when i first got in i remember us "Bigs" rocked.Some times life Etc. is so hard to see clearly,and one day you have this life changing event/events and how much clearer
things apear, and how much things in life really mean too you that used to be taken for granted. iam glad for all your acomplishments and hope you feel well and great to have you back Perm. :)

October 16th, 2003, 08:16 PM
You a great CS player Perm!!! You caught me on my worst night in a long long Time doh!!!

October 16th, 2003, 09:58 PM
permymon good to see u back on the boards :D

October 17th, 2003, 12:22 AM

October 17th, 2003, 09:31 AM
Hmmm, don't know ya, not sure I WANNA know ya either. *giggles* just kiddin'

Your daughter's name is Samantha, and, speaking for all Samantha's of the world, we are the sexiest, smartest, cutest, sweetest of all females. Good choice of name, so you have my vote. :D *giggles*

I'll see you in the game. I'm usually the one that fusses on voice about my long nails screwing with my l33t CS skills (rofl), my boney butt, how much Steam suxors, or how sore I am from working out. I do an ocassional moan upon request, but I only take those from Jay or Sniper. *wink* Nice to meet ya, and good luck. ~SweetGirL~

October 17th, 2003, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by SweetGirL
Hmmm, don't know ya, not sure I WANNA know ya either. *giggles* just kiddin'

Your daughter's name is Samantha, and, speaking for all Samantha's of the world, we are the sexiest, smartest, cutest, sweetest of all females. Good choice of name, so you have my vote. :D *giggles*

I'll see you in the game. I'm usually the one that fusses on voice about my long nails screwing with my l33t CS skills (rofl), my boney butt, how much Steam suxors, or how sore I am from working out. I do an ocassional moan upon request, but I only take those from Jay or Sniper. *wink* Nice to meet ya, and good luck. ~SweetGirL~

there are just soooo many comments i can make right now...

humm from past experence with females its best to just keep my mouth shut.. yes i think that will let me live longer!

:laugh: lol:laugh:

October 17th, 2003, 03:35 PM
still having problems with the ladies jarred? :x

October 17th, 2003, 03:36 PM
btw my wife owns me at cs :[

October 17th, 2003, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_}{y|3ri|)
there are just soooo many comments i can make right now...

humm from past experence with females its best to just keep my mouth shut.. yes i think that will let me live longer!

:laugh: lol:laugh:

"YOU" keep your mouth SHUT, Hybrid??!!!! OMG has hell frozen over??!!! Where's my leather coat and fur panties, cuz it's cold over here!! :D Stop lying boi! Truth be known, women only keep you around for a few specific reasons which are basic reasons that apply to all men (i.e. men are here to take out the trash, pave our roads, and "play with" when we desire). Ya uber nub! *giggles* ~SweetGirL~

October 17th, 2003, 05:04 PM
omg..hybrid just got :owned

October 17th, 2003, 07:49 PM
Return of the Permymon....w00t!!

Now if a brotha will ever return my IM's every once ina while I could say hi.


October 17th, 2003, 08:01 PM
Return IM's? I think he still has my 8meg Trident pci video card from 4 years ago.. :laugh:

October 18th, 2003, 01:12 AM
o yea i still do have that its in my compaq with linux :]
trade u a sack of candy for it :]

and chris i always get disconnected never get ur msgs...i try to msg u but seeing how ur a senior citizen i understand why u have to go to bed early.

:] :] :]

and sweetgirl depends on who u talk to whether u wanna know me or not ;x Just dont listen to ummm Mercy, Jay, Robbie, Stacy, Scott, Jeff, RP, Redneck, Junky, Toby, Noxious, EOB, Hybrid, Corona, Andy, or anyone else who plays here ;]

October 18th, 2003, 01:20 AM
:stu idiot...


October 19th, 2003, 01:57 AM
yea yea im with him

October 19th, 2003, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by bigpermjr
still having problems with the ladies jarred? :x

you know me all too well.. all too well...

and sweets, any time you need me to "pave your road" you give me a call


October 19th, 2003, 08:21 PM
[i]and sweets, any time you need me to "pave your road" you give me a call

;) [/B]

I'm in need today......................err, can you do dishes and vaccuum my carpet too? *giggles* ~SweetGirL~

October 19th, 2003, 10:17 PM
You're my boy Adam, you're my boy. *blue

October 19th, 2003, 11:18 PM
blue??? BLUE!?!?!?! Are you teh SOB who has been giving me fits on the server lately?? Man, Im gonna slay you next time I see you...f00.


October 20th, 2003, 12:19 AM
sometimes life enjoys my company. other times it says u suck and pinches me on the back of my arm then kicks me in the ear while dancing on my hands and sprinkling salt up my nose while playing shake your money maker on an old jukebox made of cream cheese.

October 20th, 2003, 04:07 AM
http://www.lamerc.com/vbulletin/text2schild.php?text=Just say no to drugs kiddies&typ=2&col=0,0,0&shcol=255,255,255


October 20th, 2003, 05:48 AM

October 20th, 2003, 12:58 PM
sometimes in life we do the things we are told to do.. other times we just get fired... er ya!

October 21st, 2003, 07:28 AM
I think I'm starting to have flash backs....all I see is a big puff of hair
