View Full Version : Sup Peoples

October 10th, 2003, 04:02 PM
sup everybody i got da inet back today so i can play again and i hate 1.6 so i may not play much anyway, but just wanted to warn yall cuz i'ma be stoppin by...

October 10th, 2003, 05:03 PM
its not so bad. Ive played twice now and dont see too big of a diffrence really. The new weapons, buy menus and the fact the renamed the guns sux the most. Steam bite big ones too but the game play is still good. Just play a lil bit Dustin...you'll get used to it.


October 11th, 2003, 02:36 AM
oh no i can play it fine i just think if joe blow sucked before its alot easier for him to be good now since the guns have less recoil alot easier hs's and the damage for each gun is alot diff. 300 fps isn't bad course i only get 200 but thats more than i needed anyway
