View Full Version : Motorcycles

September 30th, 2003, 09:35 PM
Has anyone ever owned one here? I am starting to seriously think about getting one next summer. Gas efficency is important, and I also believe it would be a good experience I would value later in my life :-D (unless I kill myself)


I've talked to a few people and they've told me to ride someones dirt bike before even thinking about it. etc. I was wondering if anyone here had useful information from personal experience that they would give me. Thanks.

September 30th, 2003, 09:55 PM
i have always wanted on, but i am only 18 and mom won't let me.. dad told me 2 do whatever i wanted.. oh well when i get the money, i am buying me a crotch rocket.. w00t!!

September 30th, 2003, 10:09 PM
I get two oppinions from girls I talk to, they either love it, or are scared that I would get hurt. The guys say it would be badass but they know I would do something stupid like race it. I point out the stock spedomoter goes to 180 mph..

September 30th, 2003, 10:33 PM
You need to ride a dirt bike for about 6 months to a year. before ever stepping onto a street bike. i raced Motocross for 13 years. I rode 250 INT\Exp... I do not like street bikes. They are fun and kewl but i just dont like them. Chad Mullins a guy i know lost his life on one. Just another reason i dont ride them,.

October 1st, 2003, 08:00 AM
yea ride a less powerful bike first, see if u like it.
I wish i could get one, but my wife won't let me and it's not too practical in NYC.

October 1st, 2003, 08:28 AM
There are 2 kinds of motorcycle riders....Those who HAVE gone down and those who WILL go down. If youre even CLOSE to the type of person who would do something stupid like try to see if it really does 180...DON'T GET ONE!! Bikes are like guns...you MUST have total respect for them and what they are capable of doing.


October 1st, 2003, 08:55 AM

I have ridden for over 15 years(street bikes). Like cfh said above, I have had 2 serious accidents in my time, neither of which were my fault. The bike you have in the picture is in my opion Way Overkill for a new rider, I also agree that you need to ride a smaller dirt bike or small street bike for awhile until you build up your skill level. An absolute must if you are serious about getting a bike is taking an AMA riders training course. Not like lame drivers ed in school, they cover proper braking, cornering and most important accident avoidence and what to do if the worst happens. As far as getting a nice bike for your first one, I wouldnt because you will drop it, at least once, everyone does when they learn. I Love the sport but it comes with risks, please please please get some training and skillz before you jump on a high performance bike and take off. Also there is also no substitute for having proper gear, a jacket(with armor are the best) gloves motorcycle specific boots and of course the all important helmet. I dont care if its 90 degrees I still wear proper gear. It has saved me more than once. Hope this info helps, Use your head before you make a big mistake.

October 1st, 2003, 09:00 AM

i myself have wanted one for a long time, but for reasons stated above, i will not get one. I know i will try to push the envelop..ie see if it can do 180mph. my life, wife and kids are way to valuable to put myself in that position. IMHO stay away from street motorcycles until you KNOW you will respect them and that you are mature enough to ride properly. Remember, you can still be a very safe motorcycle rider, but it only takes one blind spot to end your life.

October 1st, 2003, 09:29 AM
"If you don't hang on tight when accelerating, you will get thrown off. I have been on the interstate with both a gsxr 750, and an R6 and when it came down to the nitty gritty (get up and go) this bike walked away from them like they were on mo-peds. fender has been eliminated and replaced with carbon fiber lights"

well as cool as that sounds... this just means hes peged the crap outta it a number of times.. only buy a bike like this if its brand new.. used "ubar fast bikes" just mean the guy has gone too fast for too long on it..

and on another note, 6 of my friends ride these kind of bikes.. 3 have had major accidents to no fault of thier own.. ex a animal runs out in road and they hit it... cars have run red lights and smashed into them.. and tires have blown out on them... they arent dead or seriously scared for life.... but they are also the luckiest mofos i know.. think about it seriously if you are ready to drive a bike.. apparently you ARE NOT ready cause if this is the bike you want to learn on.. your gona kill your self really quickly..

random fact... my friends have a saying.. 1-40 mph you goto the hospital... 40+mph you goto the grave..

October 1st, 2003, 09:35 AM
That's a nice picture of the LSU lakes, but the bike...well...I've never been on one and I never will. Listen to the guys that have and learn from their mistakes.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
October 1st, 2003, 09:48 AM
My partner at work hit a deer at 40 mph on his Harley. Broke both his legs and was out of work for 4 months. Still has problems with he's legs and the accident was 3 years ago.

October 1st, 2003, 10:32 AM
Yea u got a lot of morons riding motorcycles.
One day when I was coming home from work, these 2 morons popped a wheelie for 1 mile going at least 60mph.
With the uneven road surfaces in NY, I was just waiting for one of them to go flying.

October 1st, 2003, 04:22 PM
Well thanks for the input, and no I don't have that. I don't have any sort of money to throw around. I was just looking at that for myself, and as an example of what I had in mind as an end result (what I wanted in the end) What the real idea is when I go to college, easy to get to school and leave school, low gas bills... but yeah i guess it is really too dangerous... hrm im just gonna think about it until this summer... thanks guys

October 1st, 2003, 05:41 PM
I'm in the same boat -- I would love one, but I'mt he type "if the power is there, I use it." I'd kill myself or someone else with it.

Iv'e had many friends have em -- one has 5 pins in his leg, the other is just walking again with 3 screws in his ankle (He had a ZX6-r just like that one -- 6 months old) Others have all "dropped the bike" with means it took a nice slide on the asphalt -- themselves with it. You wont be wearing full leathers on a weekend ride either when it happens -- you'll be in jeans and a tshirt on your way to work or something. The guy that had the ZX6-r -- wasnt his fault -- it was night and sone 16 year old kid pulled out of a gas station right in front of him with less than 50 feet of clearance -- hit the side of a truck at 40 mph -- not a good thing.

Oh, and when you see one that has had the frame polished and everything chromed and such -- it was either wrecked and while it was completely disassembled they decided to take that time, or they paid a buttload to build a show bike -- either way I'd be wary of it.
