View Full Version : New Orleans is sinking

September 29th, 2003, 06:56 AM
I came home from playing hockey last night....oh about 10:30 or so and turned on sportcenter. A few minutes into the program, i saw the highlights of the Colts game and almost woke the wife and kids up cause i was laughing so hard.......If the saints want any hope of a win the MUST get rid of that punk QB that thinks it's funny to play like shiznit.

oh yah, and the home team (TEXANS) pulled one off yesterday w00t!!! At least this diverts my sorrows for my own favorite teams 180 (BILLS). :(:p: :D :p: :D :p: :D :laugh: :laugh: :p: :p:

September 29th, 2003, 07:33 AM
Your right Canuck the QB gotta go, but the other problem they have is they can not seem to keep any starters at full health. I think they have 5 defensive starters out right now because of injuries. This happened to the offense last year when Deuce and some others got hurt. So they gotta axe Brooks, find a backup for Deuce, and somehow find a magic pill that keeps all their starters at 100% for the full season. But if that ever happens little devils will be ice skating because the Saints will win the Super Bowl and everyone knows what happens then. Hell will be a cold, cold, COLD place.

September 29th, 2003, 08:30 AM
well said Red, injuries have decimated a very thin defense!
Brooks is by far not the biggest problem we have,
The O-line cannot pass block
The play selection has been horrible,
The Saints have been outcoached in every game
The luck is ungodly bad, Saints=Murphy's Law
The Linbacking play is horrible
The Secondary has no playmakers, and cannot cover anyone.
Saints opp are 12-3 and now they go to 3-0 Carolina
Sorry to bore everyone, this is like going to a shrink to talk about the problems :)
BTW, How bout them LSU Tigers!!!

September 29th, 2003, 09:21 AM
diesel...sounds to me like the aint's have absolutely nothing going for them lmao...i would have to agree!!! I think the tigers would would put them to shame. and yes they have a BIG problem at qb, the guy doesn't care if they win or lose, why would any o-line want to block for him? I know i would let him get clobbered. Those other problems you mentioned are true but this guy is supposed to be the leader?

September 29th, 2003, 09:24 AM
w00t!! Tiger POWER BABY!!!

I think the O line can pass block they just choose not to. Its really like the team has no confidence in Brooks. I seriously think he has failed as a leader of the team. As for play selection, once again i think Brooks is at fault, I could be wrong on that one. I strongly dissagree on the coaching, I think Haslett has been the best thing to hit NO since Mardi Gras. But if you dont have a team that will work together then....... well....... what can you do? Your right on about the linebacking and the secondary, I watched Ambrose line up against the receiver he was to cover in the last two games 5 yards back. he then proceded to back peddle another 5 yards when the ball was snapped. Well guess what, receiver comes out 5 yards, hooks to the inside, catches pass and gains another 5 running for the sideline while Ambrose tries to catch up. YAY!!! GOOOOO SAINTS!!!! Gimme my Carter back!!! Once hes better look for some real action in the secondary. That guys insaine w00t!

September 29th, 2003, 09:43 AM
Brooks needs to get the hellouta Dodge. He is horrible. I've hated him since the end of last season.

The only bright spot last night was Deuce and I think he is doing what I would be doing in his position. Running hard on every play and making myself marketable for next season so I can get on a better team. Just like Ricky Williams (Miami 2-1) and Jake Delhomme (Carolina 3-0). Both, of which, are leading their Divisions.

September 29th, 2003, 10:04 AM
hmmm can wait till the next game, NO vs carolina :D

September 29th, 2003, 10:43 AM
OFFENSIVE COORDINATOR IS GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1st and 10...no wide recivers, duce in the back...2nd down same....3rd noone in backfield, 4 wideouts...blitz,sack, punt....every friggin series!! Brooks=dumbarse.... 8 men in the box... brooks audibles to a run up the middle wit duce....2 yard loss... 5th fastest reciever in the game forced to run 5 yard curls the whole friggin game!!! Conwell=no catch masta...4 droped balls this week that i no of... not to mention on 2 ocasions he cut his route off on 3rd down 2 yards shy of the first!!!! DEFFENSIVE CORRDINATOR SUX!!! Not one player can make a friggin tackle in the open field...that boils down to coaching IMO... Who is the head coach?? haslett is the man, and if he continues to support the pitiful staff he has assembled, than he should be 86'd.... Who wus responsible for Brooks playing hurt at the end of last season?? Got to be the coach! Who should ultimately b incharge of team discipline??? the friggin coach.. execution?? coach again... the list goes on... and yes we do have a serious injury prob... 8 peeps last night!!! 6 of which left the game and didn't return!!! The saints r in BIG trouble this season..

September 29th, 2003, 10:53 AM
I will agree with you that Brooks needs to be retooled and the team has loss some confidence in him, I am not defending the guy, but as a ...sigh.. season ticket holder in the upper deck, I get a great view of the plays happening, and it looks completely diff than the tv angles. I would say 8out of 10 plays there are no open receivers, and when brooks rolls out from the pressure, omg our WR's stand around, I am not kidding, watching the colts last night was great, there plays were beautiful, you could see when their receiver were going to get in the open zone. Now he did miss some open guys last night, but so does everyone. I like Jake Delhomme, and think he is a good qb, I just cannot stand when people say we should have kept Delhomme look how good Carolina is. :mad If we had Carolina's defense we would be good too!!!!!, sh|t Billy Joe Tolliver could win some games with that defense! Look how many games they won last year with Rodney Pete, and now they have Stephen Davis... /me faints
...it is going to be a long year
:soapbox :p:

September 29th, 2003, 10:56 AM
Very nice insight Spark, as a fellow season ticket holder, isn't it scary how easy it is to see the formation and predict what is going to happen...just think what the NFL defense is thinking

September 29th, 2003, 11:06 AM
ok,ok...enough about the saints and their already pitifil season (again)...
who was it that was bragging about the oregan ducks last week....cause i'm not hearing anything now!!!!lmao

September 29th, 2003, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Canuck
who was it that was bragging about the oregan ducks last week....cause i'm not hearing anything now!!!!lmao

Poor Big Poppa, that was amazing, their quarterbacks had not thrown an int all year and they threw 5 in the first half! resting on what you did last week is a :nono in college football
anyone got the BB dance/song at hooters to show what happens to ducks that make too much noise...I think it has boom boom in it :p:

September 29th, 2003, 04:28 PM
Diesel u be right on many points....however the big prob i see is the fact that i recievers never run routes past 5 or 10 yards!! I just don't under friggin stand...the def doesn't need to be good at all if you don't stretch it out with the long ball!! we got the talent to stretch the field, but the coaching staff is ignorant.. then when we finally go for the long shot, twice that i saw last night, we get a reciever that can't hang on... he's probably in so shocked that we actually passed the ball that he can't catch the thing... not to mention when we do complete a long pass, you can bet the next three plays will be a runs up the middle with zero gain..(field goal).....I'm convinced the coaching staff is the root of the prob man....If a nub in the stands can predict almost every play from scrimage wtf do you think the paid pros on the field see?? they b licking there chops...stat hoes... anyway...me b selling the tickets...actually found a real live f00! the bottom line is I cant afford to travel all the way back to NO and spend $40 at a game..Me no got job and no more student loans to cover my arse.. :( Even if we were undefeated..... I'd have to sell em..
