View Full Version : First Annual Creative Writing Contest

September 19th, 2003, 08:51 AM
LA_MERC is proud to present the First Annual Creative Writing/CS Short Story Competition!!

LA_MERC is proud to have many talented people play on its server. Musicians, poets, writers, artists and even comedians (you know who you are) are all on our server. This is a chance for those of you with writing skills to show them off.

Here are the rules:

1) Keep the foul language to a minimum – We don’t allow it on the server, so we want to try and keep it to a minimum in your story.
2) Three (3) Pages MAXIMUM! – We don’t want to have to read 20 pages of your creative abilities (even if you write like Tom Clancy!)
3) NO 1337 speak! Keep it in English! – Please refrain from using 1337 speak in your story. Some people have a hard time understanding, and besides, it’s not really English.
4) You must include at least one CS map – For example, you could write about a character that is guarding the President on an oilrig. Terrorists attack the oilrig and it’s his job to insure the President gets out safely.
5) All submissions must be in within 2 weeks of today - Simple math says that these are due by October 3rd of 2003!

Remember, this is for fun, so try to have fun and be as creative as you want to be. All submissions will be judged by members of LA_MERC (we’ll try to be as unbiased as we can!). Be sure to post here and tell everyone the name of your story. You can email any story that you want to enter to: [email protected]



September 19th, 2003, 08:54 AM
A Role Playing Competition For a Multiplayer Shooting Game.

I think thats a great ideal man... Ill get to working on my Biography, "A Man, A Knife, and A Dance."


September 19th, 2003, 09:49 AM
lol...nice H


September 20th, 2003, 02:16 PM
what does the winner get.. a pat on the back?

September 20th, 2003, 02:49 PM
Haven't decided that yet, sorry.

September 21st, 2003, 05:07 PM
Sweet.. I get to release for first cheesy/sleezy sex novel... Iceworld Isolation(or something to that effect) Nah seriously, sounds like fun, I'll try to get something.

September 22nd, 2003, 09:04 AM
Working title for my story: "The one that got away"

September 22nd, 2003, 09:36 AM
"Marvelous" -The New York Times
"Riviting, and Action Packed" -LA_Merc Forums

"Die Another Round"
by $pecto|2

“Damn it, Jones, where is Blue Team?” Captain $pecto|2 shouted. “I dunno, sir. They should’ve reported back by now.” Recruit Jones replied. “I don’t have time for this crap, I’m going into the red zone, cover me.” “And Jones, if don’t make it, then you better not either.”

K, i dont know if im goin to actually do whole story , cuase i got work in Comp I that takes up my writing side of life.. i may try :P

September 22nd, 2003, 09:51 AM
lol $pecto|2...nice start.

September 23rd, 2003, 09:43 AM
WOrking Title-(half way done)

b00ns in the mist:)

September 23rd, 2003, 02:34 PM
im glad to see more support for this, im working on mine right now!

September 23rd, 2003, 03:15 PM
my title: "Why w00t?"

September 23rd, 2003, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_NoXiOuS
my title: "Why w00t?"

rofl. Sounds like a meaning to life title, or comedy :P

September 23rd, 2003, 11:35 PM
Oh oh... I got you all beat... title to mine is.. "Debbie Does Dallas"

;) Nah seriously... man I'm honestly having fun with this. I dont know if I'll win but it should entertain a few people.

September 25th, 2003, 10:35 AM
how about "Debbie Does Dust" that sound real nice! Try that one corbin!

September 25th, 2003, 10:39 AM
Omg! Reading all these titles you guys are nuts man! Why W00t?,Die another round,the one that got away! Great Titles

September 25th, 2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by $pecto|2

“And Jones, if don’t make it, then you better not either.”

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

September 25th, 2003, 10:00 PM
i can't wait 2 read these.. lol..

September 26th, 2003, 07:09 AM
I am stumped on a title. I was thinking:
Maybe something movie oriented

"How Big Poppa got his groove back"
"Leathal Toby 3"

or something in a Documentary

"Counter Strike and my Ex-wife"
"The many hair colors of Big Brother"

September 26th, 2003, 07:14 AM
It should be "How Hybrid got his groove back" ...I mean, he IS the slap dance masta after all...

September 26th, 2003, 09:36 AM
damn strait!

and tech i might be a little late turning in my story, my parents decided to fly up here and visit me, so im gonna spend the weekend time with them, i had planed on going to the part and writting the story on saturday, anyhow it would ruin my record of turning in projects late... record still going on since high school!!


September 26th, 2003, 10:06 AM
Thats cool. How about we make an extension for everyone. One extra week is given for all that want to turn in stories! That mean's that after the weekend of the 11th, no more stories will be accepted.

September 26th, 2003, 11:03 AM
sounds good to me, and CFH has offered to create a "prize" for the winner, he is going to create a sort of logo, or ribbon that the winner can place in thier signature. thanks scott!

September 26th, 2003, 11:16 PM
will there be a section where all the stories will be posted or just the winner?

September 27th, 2003, 07:03 AM
I think nI'll make a section where you can download the stories if you want to (one at a time). That sound ok?

September 27th, 2003, 08:18 PM
RGR that tech..sounds great.

October 1st, 2003, 01:31 PM
Just wanting an update: How is everyone's story going? I've finally got my rough draft finished...ready to have some fun with it.


October 6th, 2003, 12:41 PM
ive been workin on mine all weekend and should have a final draft tonight or so!

October 7th, 2003, 03:21 PM
Hey guys (and gals),

Just wanted to remind you all that you have less than a week left to get your story written and turned in! All stories are due by 8pm on Saturday the 11th of this month!


October 7th, 2003, 04:42 PM
w00000000000000t!!! i can't wait..

October 12th, 2003, 11:02 AM
Ok...so, I got a grand total of 0 (ZERO!!) entrants other than mine...so, I guess by default, I win! Go me...

Unless, of course, someone forgot to email their story?

[email protected]

October 13th, 2003, 02:03 PM
buddy im tryin to get mine finished you know ive got alot of things going on atm

and for the rest of you why havent you posted your stories?!?

October 13th, 2003, 02:26 PM
I have been working a lot. I'll get on it tonight when I'm not doing anything...... at work :-)

October 17th, 2003, 08:22 AM
The One That Got Away

Somewhere North of the Mason-Dixon line, 2130 Local Time
Jared’s weekend was starting to shape up to be really good. Here he was with one of his friends…at the local bar, surrounded by buxomly shaped blondes and brunettes. Life was good. A particularly gorgeous Asian girl with tight pants that was sitting just down the bar from them had caught his eye.
“A toast to that beautiful girl over there, my friend,” began Jared. “Here is to living single, drinking double and sleeping triple!” and he nodded at the Asian girl as he tipped his drink back.
“Dream on man. I have a better chance dating a model than you have with her,” replied Matt.
“I’ll drink to that toast, too,” said the Asian girl as she sipped her drink. “My name is Lyina Lee. What’s yours?”
Jared smiled and began to reply when his pager went off. Nobody but Captain Turner knew his pager number, so he knew his excellent weekend was officially canceled.

Malstrom AFB, Montana, 2200 Local Time
After parking his HMMWV outside the Command Center, Jared flashed his card at the guard manning the reception desk and walked towards Captain Turner’s office. People were hurriedly walking about doing one menial task or another, but all had serious faces on as though they knew something serious had happened. Jared quickened his pace so that he wouldn’t be left in the dark any longer than he had to be.
“The Captain is expecting you Commander,” the cute blonde in the waiting room said to Jared as he walked into the outer office.
Jared knocked on the door and heard Captain Turner shout, “Come”.
“You wanted to see me, Sir?” Jared asked.
“Commander, I wish I could say that it’s good to see you. In any other circumstances, we would be talking over a couple of beers. Instead, some whacked out nut-job decided to hijack a couple nuclear weapons and hold them for ransom, and I am going to need you to go in and convince them how wrong they are to mess with the United States.”
“Sir, what sort of intelligence do we have? I mean, how did we find out about this? Are there any hostages?” inquired Jared.
“Son, I wish I could give you more concrete information. All we know for sure is that between five and ten terrorists have attacked one of our nuclear storage facilities in Utah. They have contacted us via Sat Phone, and have demanded the release of five of their comrades that are being held in the Federal Penitentiary in Denver. I’ll send you more information as it develops. Get your team together and get that base back without losing any of the nukes.”
“Yes Sir,” Jared replied with a smart salute.

October 17th, 2003, 08:23 AM
Hill AFB, Utah, 0630 Local Time
After notifying the Base Commander of their presence, Alpha Squad began to unpack their gear and to get ready for the assault on the nuclear storage facility known as “The Igloo House”.
“Men, this isn’t going to be easy. As far as we can tell, there are around ten insurgents guarding two nuclear weapons. We believe the two weapons are in different areas, so hopefully, we can divide their forces and keep the nukes intact. The latest conversation with the terrorists was two hours ago. They have threatened to detonate the nukes with det packs, so be sure to bring your kits. Matt, I want you to bring your AWP and try to get to high ground. Prepare for everything gentlemen,” commanded Jared.
Within minutes, all the gear for the job was dispersed and the men were ready to make their assault.

Inside The Igloo House, 0640 Local Time
“Sir! I have readings of a large group outside getting ready to attack!” shouted Andrew.
“Plant those damn C4 packs and let’s get the hell out of here,” replied Toby.
While Andrew ran off to plant one of the charges, one of the other terrorists, Henry, made his way to the lower section of the Igloo House to plant the other charge. Three other terrorists went with them to cover them as they attempted to plant the det packs that would destroy the nuclear weapons.
Toby quietly made his way to the top of the building in the hopes of catching one of the attackers off guard with his AWP.

The Assault Begins, 0645 Local Time
Jared made one final check of everyone gear to make sure they had everything. Fragmentation grenades, MP5’s, Desert Eagles, diffuse kits, armor vests and helmets; the men were ready to go.
Slowly, they began to work their way through the boulders and scrub bushes that surrounded the north side of the complex.
“Sir, I see movement near the roof of the building,” stated Sergeant Jeff right before the sound of a shot. Sgt. Jeff’s head was replaced with a dispersing red mist as the bullet forced it’s way through the back of what used to be his helmet. The now lifeless body fell to the ground in slow motion with blood pouring through the open wound.
“Medic!” Stacy yelled.
“Stacy! Stay back and keep your big head out of the line of fire! Matt, take care of this problem before someone else gets hurt,” said Jared.
“Roger, Sir,” replied Matt.
Matt backtracked into the scrub bushed and boulders and made his way more to the east. There were several large crates that he made his way behind. Slowly, he brought up his rifle and searched for the elusive sniper.
“There you are you camping bastard,” Matt said as he took the covers off his scope.
He took careful aim for the center mass of his target and slowly squeezed off a round. Still looking through the scope, he was pleased to see his round slam home, instantly neutralizing his target.
“Clear,” he said over his Vox mic.
The rest of the squad advanced toward the building and the back door that was located there.

October 17th, 2003, 08:23 AM
Inside The Igloo House, The Same Time
“They’ve just taken out Toby. They must have an someone that’s a better camper than he is,” Andrew said. He then turned back to his det pack. Finally, he got the timer set. “We have 45 seconds, guys. Let’s get out of here.”
Andrew and his group of terrorists went to the basement area to help Henry plant the last pack.

Alpha Squad
“This area looks clear. No signs of movement and no heat signatures from hiding people on infrared scope,” Stacy said.
“The bomb is live people. Lets move!!” ordered Jared.
Robby quickly knelt in front of the bomb and diffused it within seconds. “One down, one to go,” he said.
“They must all be in the lower area. Let’s split up and show these guys what it’s like to be dead,” Jared said.”

The Basement, Seconds Later
Henry was in the process of kneeling down to plant his det pack when there was a bright flash and a deafening explosion that filled the room. His first thought was that the det pack went off before he had a chance to get away, but he then realized that someone had just thrown a flash bang grenade into the room. “Take cover!” he yelled at his men.
He ran to a corner of the room away from the nuclear weapon and noticed that he left the det pack in the middle of the room. He saw his men trying to move around to places where they could be safe. Several of his men were in the open when strange looking men in full Kevlar vests and helmets stormed down the ramp and into the room. Two of his men turned to fire their AK47’s at them, but were blown apart by a frag grenade that neither one of them had seen.
Behind where he was hiding, he heard what sounded like grillwork being shot out and then there were footsteps on the catwalk above him. Slowly, he crept to his left to hide behind a box. The attackers were all around him and his men. One by one, he saw his men gunned down till there was just one of them left.
Henry noticed a door to his left that he hoped would lead him out of there. He waited till the majority of the attackers were looking away and he threw a grenade towards who he assumed to be the leader of the group. With a loud explosion, the grenade went off. In that second, Henry bolted through the door. He expected at any second to be shot, but the shot never came.

October 17th, 2003, 08:23 AM
On the Catwalk
Jared had been the first through the vents and had expected to be ripped to shreds from enemy fire, but thankfully, where he came out of the vent was relatively dark. Slowly, he made his way along the catwalk towards an enclosed room to his right. It looked as though there had been a window to the room at one time, but the window was missing. He peaked around the corner and didn’t see anyone, so he stepped through the broken window. His foot caught on the windowsill and he fell into the room, where he quickly realized he was no longer alone. He quickly rolled onto his back, hoping to be able to shoot his attacker, but a foot flew out of nowhere and kicked his gun out of his hand.
“All you had to do was release our friends, and nobody was going to get hurt. Instead, you attack us. Now, you are going to die,” a bodiless voice said.
Jared couldn’t see the face of his attacker due to the bright lights in the room, but he knew the general area from which it came. Trying not to alert his attacker, he slowly pulled his KABAR knife from its sheath at his hip. With the flip of his wrist, he expertly hurtled his knife towards the corner in which he knew his attacker stood.
The knife, perfectly balanced for throwing, flew true and met its mark at the base of the attackers neck. It nicked the Carotid Artery and completely severed the spinal cord. The man dropped without ever firing a shot.
Jared got up and climbed back out of the window and happened to spot someone in the far corner on the floor throw something towards him. He quickly saw where the grenade was headed and he threw himself prone, as did the men surrounding him. The grenade went off very close to the group. Jared found himself laying face down on the catwalk with a strange sense of peace flowing through him.
“Sir, are you all right?” asked Stacy. “He’s been hit! MEDIC!!”
“You guys did great…It was a pleasure leading you men into battle,” Jared forced out. “Tell that little Asian girl that…” and he passed out from the pain.

Arlington National Cemetery, A Few Months Later
Two figures slowly walked through the many headstones of fallen American heroes, one with a cane. Slowly, the male figure knelt in front of a stone marked, “Sgt Jeff”.
“It was a pleasure serving with you Jeff. You were a great soldier and an even better person. You are sorely missed. One of these days, people in our line of work won’t have a job anymore. Until that day comes, I am proud to serve the United States of America in any way that I can,” said Jared.
“Come on Jared,” Lyina said, “let’s go home.”
The left the cemetery that day, arm in arm, as the sun set over Arlington.


October 17th, 2003, 09:11 AM
you guys are scaring me...

October 20th, 2003, 06:54 AM
That scared you? Heck man...I was holding back! Next time, I'll post a story that's a little more intense.

October 20th, 2003, 07:20 AM
lmao..that roxors...i think that could be a movie. Let me call my good buddy Spielberg!

October 24th, 2003, 09:49 AM
Thats a really good Story LaTech.. I really liked that...

October 24th, 2003, 10:10 AM
Hey, Thanks!

October 24th, 2003, 10:12 AM
I'm not really scared, fan fiction just creeps me out =)

October 24th, 2003, 01:46 PM
omgz i use throwing knives!!!!

haha tech i like your story.. mainly cause it sets me up to be cool!

but i also like your style and technique

