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September 16th, 2003, 06:11 AM
There She Blows

Yo mama so fat, when she jumped into the ocean the whales started singing, "We are family, even though you're fatter than me!"

Chuckie Cheese Please

Yo mama is so poor, she strips at Chuckie Cheese for tokens.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

September 16th, 2003, 06:20 AM
omg seriously, get the hook...

September 16th, 2003, 08:44 AM
hahaha the chucky cheese one is funny just cause i use to love going there! if you had strait A's on your report card you got a lot of free tokens! it was the best gimic i ever heard of!

September 16th, 2003, 08:55 AM
Blondie, you started out good...but what happened recently?

September 16th, 2003, 09:05 AM
I dont know i need to find more

September 16th, 2003, 09:17 AM

September 16th, 2003, 09:24 AM

September 16th, 2003, 09:52 AM
hahaha chukie cheese rox...and the card thing is no joke you do good you get a lot of tokens! WEEEEE

September 16th, 2003, 04:42 PM
"Thin girls skinny dip, fat girls chunky dunk":fruit :nana

September 16th, 2003, 09:52 PM
Not to steal blondie's joke spot light, but just gonna drop a few lines that I KNOW will get under women's skin....

Q: How many guys does it take to open a beer.....

A: None. It should be open when the woman brings it to him.

Q: Why do brides wear white?

A: So the dishwasher can match the rest of the kitchen appliances.

Ok women, remember these are just jokes and don't go bashin on me too hard:D

September 16th, 2003, 11:56 PM
and he wanders why he cant keep a girl....


September 17th, 2003, 12:08 AM
Q: Why do men whistle when they're sitting on the toilet?
A: Because it helps them remember which end they need to wipe.

Q. How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A. One - he just holds it up there and waits for the world to revolve around him. OR Three - one to screw in the bulb, and two to listen to him brag about the screwing part.

Right back atcha babe!!!! :p:

September 17th, 2003, 03:10 AM
OMG my eyes...there burning...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..............

September 17th, 2003, 05:06 AM
lol...gj Drax and Widow!

September 17th, 2003, 05:10 AM
ouch widow. lol
i wish i knew some jokes, every time i try to retell one it gets all messed up

September 17th, 2003, 02:09 PM
hehehehe at widow and drax

September 17th, 2003, 03:21 PM
rofl Widow! weeeeeeeeeee ahahahaha omg that was funny

September 19th, 2003, 10:23 AM
Nice comeback widow, but whats wrong with the braggin about screwing part :laugh: :laugh: . And hybrid, why keep one girl when ya can just trade em in like a used car for a new one? :blue: :blue:

September 19th, 2003, 10:30 AM

September 20th, 2003, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by Drax
Nice comeback widow, but whats wrong with the braggin about screwing part. And hybrid, why keep one girl when ya can just trade em in like a used car for a new one?

:e2 Did you say you were, umm, single?
