View Full Version : what do you wake up to?

September 12th, 2003, 08:21 AM
how do you start your day?

I wake up to my radio on classical music, then after that has played for about 10 mins my computer starts playing loud techno... so its like a soft wake up, then its time to start moving! I check the forums then get some breakfast and head on into work, where i stay from 8:00-6:00.. during that time i work on computers / webpages / and what ever else comes my way / plus talk on trillian to some mercs (if i dont talk to you send me a im i might not have you on my buddy list cause im usually always logged in).


so what kinda day do you have?

(this helps us get to know each other)

September 12th, 2003, 08:37 AM
well, i usually wake up to a crying baby somewhere between 5-6:30 am. But sometimes i'm able to escape the house and go to work before the kids get up. Leave for work about 6:30 and fight Houston traffic for about an hour. get home around 6 pm. While at work, i fool everyone to think that i'm an engineer. Check merc forums throughout the day but not able have instant messaging at work (i think!). I usually hit the gym on my lunch hour. On the weekends i play ice hockey and do my household chores. Maybe somewhere in there i get a few moments to play cs.

man my life is boring...doh!

September 12th, 2003, 08:56 AM
wake up 5:30 to Z100 (z100.com)
Have a few cups of coffee.
Drive 30 miles to work.
Jump on the forums!!:D

September 12th, 2003, 09:41 AM
sheesh makes me glad i dont have kids yet

September 12th, 2003, 09:52 AM
man I wake up around 7:30 do the the S's. Check out the news and head to work, get there about 9:00 I am there till 11:30 THAT night and then I go home. Try and spend some time with the wife who is waiting up for me. Finally get to bed around 1 or 2 then get up and do it again....

Days off are the same except replace golf when I am at work.

Then maybe if I get chance I get on and get pawned for an hour or two in CS.

September 12th, 2003, 11:14 AM
hey now you forgot about me
you talk to me when your at work
:redcap: :redcap: :redcap: :redcap: :redcap: :redcap: :redcap: :redcap:

September 12th, 2003, 11:36 AM
I wake up to a 4 year old girl yelling because her 2 year old bother is in her room beating her up telling her it's time to get up.. Then they make there way to the living room where they turn the T.V. on and turn the sound up all the way.. After that they then make there way back to my room where they then jump on the bed the 2 year old with a poopy diper and the 4 year old girl with breath that will kill a cow. Then I have to get up... Between the smell of my girls breath and the boys dirty diper there's no going back to sleep after that!!!


September 12th, 2003, 11:45 AM
great keep goin i love these post they are making me feel alot better about my life.. LOL

sorry blondie, i forgot to mention the light that you bring to my day

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
September 12th, 2003, 11:59 AM
Wake up around 9ish, whenever the kids get up, make them breakfast and check the forums. Get them dressed and fed, again, before school starts at 1PM. Then I get to play games or do housework until I go to work at 2. Work from 3 to 11:30 get home and check the forums again and play some CS until around 2AM and start again the next day. Atleast that WILL be my schedule in 2 weeks which will be my regular routine. Next week I have to work day shift, blah, so it haxes everything.

September 12th, 2003, 01:43 PM
you are sweet:) :)

September 12th, 2003, 02:13 PM
i set 4 alarms total, 3 on my phone one on my computer. i set winamp to play a song, usually cradle of filth, at 0530 and then set the alarms on the phone for 0540 0550 and 0600. then i go do pt at 0630 which usually consists of running at least 4 miles and doing a bunch of push ups and sit ups. then i get back at 0730 take a shower change and go to work.
