View Full Version : Police Brutality

September 9th, 2003, 07:59 AM
I know there are a few police officers in LA MERC, but after you hear my story, i think you'll agree that the cops were WAY out of line.

I was out with some friends last friday night in Ruston, and the ATC or ATF came in and shut down the bar. They told everyone to go back to the front to be recarded and blocked off the bathrooms. The line up front was long as hell, and i really had to go, so i went to the back to go to the bathroom and noticed there were 2 guys(not in uniform) blocking the bathrooms. I asked nicely if i could go, offering my ID since i am of age to be drinking. He told me no and when i asked what i should do then he told me to piss on myself. So im sitting back talking with my friends about 10 or 15 feet away, and we were wondering what kinda cop it was. To my friends, i said "thats not a cop, thats a biotch". I guess he overheard me, read my lips or something, because he charged directly for me, grabbed me by my neck, punched me 3 times across the face, while pushing me up against a wall. The wall he pushed me against had a deck on it where 2 cops reached down and were hittin me from above and picked me up by my arms. Once they got me about waist high, they flipped me feet over head and slammed me to the ground. I had friends telling me that i tried to get up, and the 2 cops up top were hittin me in the back tryin to flatten me down, i don't remember that, it all happened kind of quick. While the first cop charged me and attacked me, my brother standing beside me tried to pull him off my by pulling on his shoulders. Soon as he touched the guy, a cop grabbed him from behind in a chokehold and put him to the ground. We both sat on the ground in back cuffed for about an hour, then we were takin to jail and booked. I was booked for offensive langauge and my brother got battery on an officer. They kept both of our driver's licenses. The cop that started the whole thing was not wearing a uniform, never identified himself as a cop, and wouldn't give his name or who he was with. There was a bunch of witnesses and it might be on tape, gotta go back and talk to the club owner. But anyways, apparently to that cop i was "inciting a riot and i was the leader and needed to be taken down". When he charged me, i put my hands up pretty much leaving myself defenseless. Thats my story, should have a fun time in court.

One unhappy citizen

September 9th, 2003, 08:59 AM
well, i can personally say that none of the MERC police officer would ever take part in actions of that kinda...

sounds to me like a rookie that has Ego issues..

September 9th, 2003, 09:15 AM
I doubt that most law enforcement agencies would do such a thing unless someone incited them.

September 9th, 2003, 09:16 AM
man, waht little dealings ive had with police, they atleast acted like they respected me.. i hope u can get dude fired and a decent settlement check

Just tell court it was somthin like this :fight

September 9th, 2003, 10:38 AM
Well, first of all, there are 3 sides to every story. I'm not saying youre lying but I'm guessing there is something either left out or information you don't know about thats missing. The agency was PROBABLY ABC (Alcoholic Beverage Control)or some version of that. They are peace officers and have the right detain you and give you lawful orders and commands.

I hate to think (even though I know it happens) that a fellow officer would do something that stupid...especialy in public. I can't see losing my job over some drunk guy in a bar because he hurt my feelings. Its never a good idea to second guess an officers decision becasue I wasn't there and dont know what he was experiencing at that moment.

I've never been mistreated by an officer probably becasue I've never given one a reason to. I have in the past been stopped and had my car searched for what I feel was solely becuase I had long hair. Whatever...he didn't find anything because I ddin't have anything to hide. As an officer, I've been sued in Federal court for a civil right violation SOLELY because someone got their feelings hurt. They lost the case....

Whether the cop was wrong or right, it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't opened your mouth....If you take nothing else way from the experience, remember that.


September 9th, 2003, 10:44 AM
You can be arrested for offensive language? Damn.. If so, you'd have to arrest just about everyone in the south.

September 9th, 2003, 10:47 AM
One last thing, cause I'm sure it gonna come up. Yes, you have freedom of speach....No...What you did, on it's face, was not illegal (at least in CA). But for you to expect an officer to stand there and take all the verbal crap you dish out w/o doing or saying something is just plain ignorant. There are so many variables that go into this it's impossible to pass judgement ono EITHER of you. The only thing I'd ask of you is to ask yourself not so much WHAT you said but HOW you said it. Delivery has more to do with it then what was actually said.


September 9th, 2003, 10:50 AM
Its not that i opened my mouth, i wasn't infront of him cursing him, like others there were doing. When i said what i said, i didn't say to him, i pointed at him when i said it and i think he overheard or read my lips. He could have easily pulled me away, i gave no resistance, and i showed no sign of tryin to attack him. He went over the line when he came to me and started assaulting me. He could have solved the situation peacefully, but he took it straight to violence, not me.

September 9th, 2003, 10:59 AM
I got pictures that I took with 2 ABC officers at an LSU game.. We were tailgating and I walked off.. Well, I was.. errr.. sober and lost .. they found me and pointed me in the right direction and later on that day, they found me again where I was tailgating so they stopped to talk and ended up getting them to take pictures with us.. LMAO .. Boy oh boy, that was a crazy day.

September 9th, 2003, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by Drax
Its not that i opened my mouth, i wasn't infront of him cursing him, like others there were doing. When i said what i said, i didn't say to him, i pointed at him when i said it and i think he overheard or read my lips. He could have easily pulled me away, i gave no resistance, and i showed no sign of tryin to attack him. He went over the line when he came to me and started assaulting me. He could have solved the situation peacefully, but he took it straight to violence, not me.

Pointing at and/or talking back to an officer was probably not the most prudent thing to do.
One time in a pool hall I pointed at a guy and his friend at the cashier. He asked me what I was looking at, and being a young smart ass I replied WTF are you looking at. They happened to be undercover cops, someone had called in a false armed robbery at the pool hall.
I'm lucky all they did was frisk me.

September 9th, 2003, 11:47 AM
But for you to expect an officer to stand there and take all the verbal crap you dish out w/o doing or saying something is just plain ignorant


If i got arrested for some type of crap i have said... i should just be leaving in jail... Its a rookie cop thinking he has a great powerful job..and he thinks he can make anybody do whatever he wants them to do..Nope not here.. just my opinion..

September 9th, 2003, 12:17 PM
geez... when is the court date and all that.. i mean did the cops lie about what happened, and another question i have 2 ask.. how drunk were u..

September 9th, 2003, 12:21 PM
I think it is a bad Idea to point in the first place. I mean the cop my have thought you were pointing a gun (not that you were) or something. I agree in a way with you Scott but I think that it is also part of the job to take a little mouth. But like you said there is always three sides to every story.IMHO


September 9th, 2003, 12:25 PM
yeh, remember u were drinking/drunk.. from my experience it can distort things that may or may not have happend.

I guess im just differnet, cuase when i got pulled over 1 time, or arrested, whole time i was like "Wow!, what a cool experince, i gotta remember everything, this is so cool/different than my normal dull/boring life!"

And acid, the attitude "not here, i can do what i want" is kinda.. not rational, that is what laws protect etc. but real world is kinda diff. , cop's have power over you, wether u want em to , or not, so just let em think they are in control, cuase they really are, but as long as you put yourself above them mentally, its not hard to deal with. IMO

September 9th, 2003, 02:13 PM
I was probably alittle drunk, had about 8 or 9 beers over a 4 hour period or so. But my story the story of how he reacted is the same with the 15 people i have talked with that were right around me at the time. Maybe he had a reason to come for me, i dunno, i mean there were many other people very upset with the cops that night, most of them acting way way worse than i was. My main point is that he could have solved the situation with me peacefully, not in the way he did.

September 9th, 2003, 09:17 PM
i almost got arrested for the inciting a riot thing in highschool. basically the cops had to come in to tell this kid to leave the class and he said no, they said get out and reached for him, he pulled away, they beat the crap out of him and pepper sprayed him, the whole class started screaming at the cops, half the sherrifs department shows up(no joke i counted 9 cars) and rounded everyone up and interviewed us and what not. 6 people got arrested. myself and a few others lucked out cause we kinda looked like everyone else the guys that got caught were all punked/gothed out. good luck

September 9th, 2003, 11:11 PM
IF you pull away from an officer who tries to grab you...you're fair game. No 2 ways about it. God help you if you make a fist or take a fighting stance.


September 9th, 2003, 11:31 PM
yeah but that is where people are making a mistake. Dont make a fist and dont pull away. If some cop wants to beat the hell out of you let him. But then in court the cop is fair game. Just a little info..:)

September 10th, 2003, 06:42 AM


September 10th, 2003, 07:09 AM
I guess if there's going to be a riot, it's best to be the leader....

September 10th, 2003, 08:12 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_i||ega|-op
You can be arrested for offensive language? Damn.. If so, you'd have to arrest just about everyone in the south.

i wasnt aware there as such a thing, ive seen lots of people swear at an officer, but as long as it wasnt any threating comments about his health or somthing.. i dont think its against the law to curse


September 10th, 2003, 02:20 PM
i understand your a cop BB, and you can't doubt a fellow cop when he does something at the time, but what about after its done? This cop had NO intentions of tryin to grab me, he didn't just run over to me, he ran through me. Maybe i backed up alittle, but who's reaction to someone charging them isn't to back up? i know i did not take a fighting stance. Went to the Dr. today, one of my vertabrae was turned out of line, and the he suggested it was from trauma to my back, i.e. punched or slammed.

September 10th, 2003, 03:48 PM
d00d...read my posts. I'm not taking ANY sides. I don't second guess officers especially when I wasn't there. Anything I said about acting or reacting are just generalizations to live by. Stuff dealing with you I was careful to not make judgments on. Of course police brutality occurs...I was friggin' LAPD for god sakes. I was there durring all the Perez crap. I also said I was sued for civil rights violations when ABSOLUTLY nothing illegal OR against department policy occured. All I'm saying is perceptions are diffrent depending on where youre standing.


September 10th, 2003, 03:48 PM
ahhh i didnt even think about the pulling away thing till you threw fighting stance in there. i guess it makes sense now. haha stupid angry childhood days. but watching a bunch of gilrs crying and throwing up cause of pepper srpay was a moment ill never forget hahah classic.

September 12th, 2003, 09:45 AM
Louisiana does have a law about cussing in public. Disturbing the Peace by using profane language. It was probally the ATC you were dealing with. They have been working a lot in Ruston as of late. I am also like Scott, I will not second guess the officer cause I was not there and do not know all the facts. I will tell you this though, if it would have been me you were dealing with I would not have but up with that kind of talk. If you made me mad enough I would have taken you to jail. When I lay hands on someone to arrest them I don't play around. If you show any signs of resisting you will end up on the ground and it will not be pleasent. If you would have kept your mouth shut and not pointed at the officer you would have been better off.

September 12th, 2003, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_RPSNIPER
you will end up on the ground and it will not be pleasent.


September 14th, 2003, 11:08 PM
er.. Disorder u should have just beat up all the cops and started a revolution... i mean turned around and walked away.. hehehe
