View Full Version : K Please all mercs read

September 8th, 2003, 03:28 AM
Okay guys, here is the deal i recieved a pm from mercy telling me about some things that have happened with twisted a member of our clan, some things about the pm i will not discuss but i wanted to let all mercs know that he will not be kicked out of our clan and that he will be staying in -FA-. Now as far as this little fued i hope that it will stop,i hope all ill posts towards each other will stop as of this one, play the game and get along with one another. now as far as the whole twisted thing alot of what you pmed me wasnt true mercy, get with me on icq and we can talk about it there, and besides what the hell does it matter it is there personal life??????? it has nothing to do with this game..... even more people need help getting through tough times and i hope we -FA- as a whole can be there for him. we are not going to kick a member out over something like that. now i understand he is banned from your forums and sever so be it he broke your rules and truthfully i dont know what happened there and truthfully dont want to know because if you remember correctly another one of our members was banned for supposed cheating which i know for a solid fact he doesnt cheat but yet was still banned....regardless i just want this all to stop. thier personal life is none of my nor your buisness, but i will be here for anyone if they need me thats just me, i cant help that. All i ask is please stop the hate and try to get along, that goes for everyone La_Merc and -FA-. thanks...........

September 8th, 2003, 05:36 AM
well said mike.
i consider most of FA friends.
im down for the cause.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
September 8th, 2003, 06:57 AM
I agree that your personal life doesn't have to be a part of gaming. But Twisted brought his personal life into the game and that's where the problem occurs. I hope that everything works out for the best for him and -FA-.

September 8th, 2003, 07:14 AM
You told Snakebite about this??

September 8th, 2003, 08:04 AM
MIke, I think you'll agree when I say this is an issue for leadership and not general members of either of our clan let alone the general public. The reason Mercy and I used ICQ and email was to keep it at that level. I'm going to leave this up long enough for you to see it then it's going in the trash. Any further communications on this subject will be handled in a more private fashion.


September 8th, 2003, 08:05 AM
Told me about what Diesel that all the stuff you guy's have been told is a majority of lies, if you read what he said instead of trying to come up with some witty banter you might actully get clued in.

September 8th, 2003, 08:13 AM
actually snake, there is a lot more to this then even our members know, and honestly it comes down to one persons word against another...

honestly i dont give a **** one way or the other now..


the next person i see say anything on this in these forums will be banned permenantly.

im tired of this subject and all the poeple that think that they know what is going on.

if you assume that you do, well then you are only making an ASS out of yourself.

do me a favor though snake, tell your guys to stay away and i will do the same with mine.

go on with what yall want to do, and we shall do the same.

September 8th, 2003, 09:48 AM
I will add this..he wasn't banned from our server b/c of his personal life. He broke the rules on the server on more then one occasion. That's why he was banned
