View Full Version : Fable! AHHH! best xbox game??

September 6th, 2003, 06:48 PM
Well, although its not even out...some say it is going to be the BEST RPG ever made.. and by the way it looks.. it could be.. i have never seen graphiX like this..it is crazy..AND from what i have heard...HEARD! that the game will take about2 years to beat.. that is..from age 8 to 70 something...and throughout that time..it will take you 2 years to get to.. I dont think it will be that long..maybe MONTHS but.. i dunno..ive never heard of a game that takes that long..but oh well.. i dun care.. im gettin it.. hehehehe oh yea to see some SS of it...go to IGN and search fer Fable- also known as Ego...but they changed it =):rockband :band :nana
