View Full Version : Neutral Impressions for All

September 2nd, 2003, 12:55 PM
Greetings fellow C/S players, and sister Clan. I'm posting an open, public statement of an apology directed towards the [C.O.P.S] clan, that includes friends and family alike who here in the past month or so, have been hurt by remarks, and actions that I took in a clan argument that caused a large amount of dramma.
In referrence to the drama, many of you sat and heard things witch made you wonder what was going on in COP LAND.
D.T.A. was kind enough to make a public post in many clan/forums in an attempt to explain as to what had happened.
In respect for that, I can only feel obligated to openly state an apology to my fellow friends, family, and Clan members who not only wittnessed this, but were hurt in the proccess, and I do sincerly ask for each of your forgiveness concerning this in hopes that we can move forward peacefully. My apology to you all is as follows:

(I cann't put this in the member section for members only, but it needs to be done somewhere, so here it goes with no other place to post it, except here on what I feel would be Neutral ground for all of us to talk civally like, since none of us wish to disrespect our brother at rest)

I come here with a heavy heart, and bearing a flag of truce in order to restore what friendships are left, and hopefully heal what wounds have been recieved on both sides, by all persons involved. I can only hope, and pray as I have been, that this will soon come to an end, no matter what choice any and all persons involved decide to do, or make.
I come here not to point any fingers at anyone, nor expect any fingers to be pointed back in my direction, but openly state that what was is no more, and none of us can ever change that. We can though go forward and hopefully live in harmony once again even if we have split to go our seperate ways.
I've had the last four days/nights while working to think of what has all gone on with us as a group, as a family, as long time friends. No matter how the pie is cut, and who believes what, all parties involved were wrong somehow somewhere down the line. For this, we should all, ALL be ashamed of ourselves. Even though we disagreed on things, and let our tempers flar as they did, we should have been the adaults, the profesionals, the family that we all proclaimed.........but we weren't. We let our ignorance, and pride, and anger cloud our thoughts, as well as our memory's of past fellow kindships between us all as a group of friends.
For those of you who are here now, left within the walls of [C.O.P.S], I do wish you the best of luck, sincerly from my heart weather you decide to believe it or not. I also plan within these next four days, to contact, or at least attempt to contact each of you by phone, one at a time. You may not want to speak to me, you may not wish to hear what I'd like to say in peacefule words, you may not even wish to be around me to even breath the same air that I do........................but you will know that I have tried to make ammends, weather or not you so choose to answer my request. Be as it may, nothing that has happened can be changed, it can be learned from, witch is what I plan to do. Three of you are my friends, or I at least still feel that you are. I can not honestly say if you feel the same towards me. Two of you are my family who I do love with all of my heart. Today while on patrol, I attempted to call two of you, one family member, and one friend. This call was acted upon only with the thoughts of calling that person, telling that person that I was sorry for anything that I had done, or said to upset them and wished to move forward at least on a speaking level. The server, site, or past actions will not be spoken of at all, only the concern of holding onto what friendship may still be alive between all of us. Chuck.........I tried to call your home phone first today, there was no answer and I assumed that due to the holiday, you were with family away from the home, therefor I would not call your cell and bother your family outing. Tonya..........you were second to be called in an attempt to briefly speak to you, and to ask when wayne would be comming home. Weather any of you believe me or not, is not a conern for me anymore.........what is a concern is that I do as much as possible to clear my heart of any ill feelings between any of us and try to move on.
I have moved on, creating a new server, with a new site. It is no secret of who decided to stay, and who decided to leave. For whatever reasons that each person choose to do so, is not of any importance now. What is important is that some kind of truce be drawn up between us all, weather is't a single group, or two seperate groups. The fighting, finger pointing, mud slinging, and hurtfule remarks need to stop. All of us are better than that, and there is no doubt in my mind/heart that Larry is looking down upon all of us, and shakeing his head in sorrow. This in itself, alone, tears my stomach up, as it should all of us. This is something that he would not have wanted, nor would he have tolorated, each of us know this in our own hearts.
I have said all that I can say, in short I have come back here not bring strife, but to offer a peacefule thought expressed in words that I hope have not fallen on hardened hearts, and closed ears. I can only hope, that when we meet again, if it's in person, on one of these two servers, or on a chat line, that we can be civil to eachother, and speak as if nothing is wrong, and that all is in the past never to brought forth again.
If any of you are worried that you will be crussified, or stabbed from the back when you see one of us, don't, I've already spoken to all on the other server/site and it is agreed by all that it is time for the dramma to end, and move on. None from the -=C.O.P.S=- plan, or have thoughts of being vengfule nor hatefule towards any of you. At the same time, I do hope that we do not have to worry of this also.
I leave you now with the thoughts that I have openly stated, in hopes to stop this friction we have let build up, and hopefully save friendships, if there is any left to save. (expect my phone call, I will be clearing my heart of this problem in a civil manner, and if you so choose not to at least listen, then the only one that still has a problem will be you)

My deepest appologies to you all:

Life is like a flower, today it strives to open it's beutiful blossom, only to be noticed by a passer by, who only admires it as a flower, not the true inner beuty that it brings to some who see more in life.

This post has been posted in the following clans for a public apology on my part for any and all actions that were taken. Posted in: [Cajun]/[C.O.P.S] Dedicated/ CsCops/ [FOC]/ -=C.O.P.S=- Rededicated/LA_Merc.

September 2nd, 2003, 01:11 PM
JESUS JB, ever heard of Cliff's Notes??? I had to post this before I read it because I needed to prepare myself for the Iliad.


September 2nd, 2003, 01:19 PM
Read it...nice post. I hope as well that it doesn't fall on deaf ears.


September 2nd, 2003, 02:43 PM
im not sure what the situation was, but after typing all that id forgive anyone lol
