View Full Version : if BD post...lemme know PAlease =P

September 1st, 2003, 08:50 AM
hey yaLL, how you all been? have you all MISSED ME?!?! muhahah, i bet...anywho i been on vacation and mad working and well..i just got time to get on..but brandon came down laz weekend and we got to chill and he said... "SAID"... that he would be gettin DSL pretty soon up there in WV, so probably, since he has gone through horrible CS withdrawl...he'll come here first off and post... maybe, im just thinking..but if he does.. can someone email me? im not going to be able to get on the MERC site fer a couple of days, but i will be checking my email..becvause i email my g/f a lot..yes im whiped..but if he does post..please lemme know..my email addy is [email protected]... it means "Extreme Guitarist"..since im asked that alot =P...well..i gotta get going now..ill see you all maybe today or later this week online and on the server untill then.. l8z:blue:
