View Full Version : Got a question about admin abuse

August 26th, 2003, 04:17 PM
i'm just wondering if anyone else considers an admin is abusing powers when he gives god mode to someone and stuff like that? I consider it a slight abuse of powers, but the main thing I have a problem with is when an admin is doing this, and doesn't ID himself, has no tag, or anything, if there not in game they should do a system message. well I wasn't fun playing on LA merc server yesterday when someone had god mode on, granted it was only for one round but still, it shouldn't be done in my opinion. I dunno which admin it was, but I have a demo and SS's if needed. I also don't enjoy when I'm threatened by an admin for saying I would post this (this is clearly shown in the demo), also I don't think it's fair for an admin to stuff like this, and think he can get away with it (which is also shown in the demo when the admin says "I'll be the one reviewing the demo anyways"). Unfortnatly, I can't host the demo, but I will send it to anyone who wishes to see it.

August 26th, 2003, 04:23 PM
hmm...well there are certain times that i have done god mode on people, but i do it for everyone...and only for about 15 seconds...mainly in dm type maps only though...and i also do low gravity, disco, chicken, and other types of stuff just to have fun...

but i will only do it with my tag on...you can send me the demo if you want and i will take a look at it...

send it to [email protected]

August 26th, 2003, 05:40 PM
Yay! For once it wasn't about me!

August 26th, 2003, 06:28 PM
Elfarran, I was the one that put god mode on someone for less than one round. It was cs_bloodstrike and it was 4 on 1. If I remember right, he killed one person while he had god mode turned on him because he was only trying to knife. I was not logged into the server so it would have been hard for me to wear my tag. I removed god mode after he killed one person and he immediately died.

I do also remember how you were saying that la merc and our server was gay. You brought up how we banned Day for hacking and you said a few other choice things trying to get others to side with you. All of which could be easily pulled from the server logs.

Also, Yes, I straight up told you that you would be wasting your time and I would tell you again. From what you said about la merc, I could care less if you played on our server. If anyone else has a problem, let them speak up with specific times and examples of me abusing my powers and I'll clearly explain my reasoning.

August 26th, 2003, 06:49 PM
I never said LA_merc was gay, and if you did it on bloodstrike, then thats twice, I did say it's Lame for an admin to do that, but my full sentence was "it's lame for an la_merc admin to do that, I would be lame if I did it" and I never used the words "Gay" and also, about day I said on my mic "Hey Andy, Did you see that demo that day had for when he got banned?" I don't see how that is bad, me asking someone if they new about how there clan member was bad. Feel free to pull logs, and if I said the word "Gay" then I do truely apologize.

August 26th, 2003, 06:52 PM
Mercy, I have to send it with my AOL E-mail since hotmail puts a limit on the file size you can send.

August 26th, 2003, 06:53 PM
L0825140.log:L 08/26/2003 - 00:00:40: "*DiM*Elfarran<2121><3495455><CT>" say_team "the la merc ppl are lame" (dead)
L0825140.log:L 08/26/2003 - 00:00:56: "*DiM*Elfarran<2121><3495455><CT>" say_team "this server is getting g-hey" (dead)
L0825140.log:L 08/26/2003 - 00:01:59: "*DiM*Elfarran<2121><3495455><CT>" say_team "they banned FA-DAY b/c they said he was hax0ring" (dead)

August 26th, 2003, 06:57 PM
ok then sorry I said gay, but now please pull the part where I finished 0825140.log:L 08/26/2003 - 00:00:40: "*DiM*Elfarran<2121><3495455>" say_team "the la merc ppl are lame" (dead) where I said I would call my self lame or something if I was doing it, I don't remember the exact words. and the majority of the time I use my mic (ask anyone's who played with me) and you would see about how I was asking andy if he knew about that. I dunno if you can hear mics from the server if you have speakers on or what not, I don't think you can, I dunno you guys may have a mod that lets you or something.

August 26th, 2003, 07:03 PM
That was all you said at that point.. After I told you that la merc was not lame is when you changed it up to where you said something about we are lame when u do things like that but it was well after saying that the server was ghey.

As you can see, what I did and what you said rank about on the same level as being uncalled for. I don't even think the guy who had god mode on even killed you, he killed clanless n00b who then laughed about it. The only ones who really complained was you and -FA- Sirius was agreeing with you. One other person thought the guy was hacking .. LOL.. but that was about it.

I think the admins do a very good job of "policing" the server. Is this one instance, that lasted about maybe 30-45 seconds out of a 30 minute map, all you have to complain about? You'd be hard pressed to find another server ran as well and fairly as this one.

Side note* You didn't even know how to stop the demo until I told you how.. haha

August 26th, 2003, 07:11 PM
I had never used the demo feature before, and also Coop was complaining, he was actually quit upset, you should of heard him on his mic, no cursing buy quit upset, thats the thing, what you don't hear on the mics, no one cursed but pretty much the whole CT team was upset, except that noob guy. and I had been shooting at the guy for about 15 seconds before you turned god mode off, the round ended when I killed him, and he had it on from the start of the round, I can't remember exactly how long the round was, I'll have to check may of been 45 seconds, but seemed way longer than that.

August 26th, 2003, 07:14 PM
Like I said, one guy, Coop, was calling him a hacker the whole time.. He just had a hard time typing because the word filter kept blocking it.. hahaha..

Yeah, it was turned on near the beginning of the around. About the same time his whole team died at which point it made it 4 on 1. The only reason it lasted as long as it did because all he was trying to do was knife and the other team was just running away. :laugh:

The n00b guy was like the only one killed and he was the only one not upset? That doesn't sound right.. :stick

August 26th, 2003, 07:18 PM
I guess he didn't mind b/c he was like 13-3........or had some sort of good score, and I don't remember coop saying anything about hacker, I just remember him on his mic talking about how he shot the guy in the head like 5 times but god mode was on and how he was mad.

August 26th, 2003, 07:22 PM
Look Elfarran, I'm not going to sit here any longer and battle with you on what I did as an admin on our server. If Mercy feels that it was that uncalled for, he will talk to me about it. If you feel that it was lame and that our server is ghey, feel free to play somewhere else.

August 26th, 2003, 08:17 PM
Sorry guys i just don't see where th problem is. I mean if someone did that all the time; maybe, or did it to themselves all the time. When this happens it is to have fun nothing else not to be malicious. If someone is so worried about there stats; that they cant run away and enjoy a good chase and laugh then the game has gotten to serious. we are all here to have fun and i in no way see wher that point was abusive i have been on the other side of godmode and its no big deal so i die. doh nothing new there lol its a game and change is what makes it fun.

August 26th, 2003, 10:21 PM
i'm sorry but for 45 secs of godmode to have fun is NOT abuse. It was strictly out of fun and if it was 4-1 or 3-1 and he turned it on, that's not abuse. You want to see abuse. travel around to some other servers that ban you for going 10-0. Quite frankly I could understand if something major happend, like u getting banned for no reason or even kicked for no reason. But for god mode to be on a person for 45 seconds..come on. It's a game. Enjoy it :D

August 26th, 2003, 10:24 PM
oh yea elf, what server do u play on in swg?

August 26th, 2003, 10:30 PM
Yeah and besides that Toby and Sniper hack all the time and kill me anyway..hehehe...So I need God mode sometimes..PLEASE..hahahahaha...Man this is a little silly to be mad over a 45sec. God mode !!!!!!!!!....w00t..play ball...lol

August 26th, 2003, 10:48 PM
Well I will say this. If this thing only lasted 45 seconds of one round and you got bent out of shape for that, then I suggest you take a long hard look at your self. It may be time that you take some time off from the game. CS is a game and a game should be fun. If you are taking it that seriously then something is wrong. That is my two cents worth.

August 26th, 2003, 10:51 PM
lol, it was Sniper that I did it to.. me no longer can turn god mode on sniper.. /me cries :cryy

Sniper will now have to perminately be a helpless b00n.. waahhhh

August 26th, 2003, 10:54 PM
doh lol

August 27th, 2003, 12:20 AM
So nothing has changed then Sniper..HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

August 27th, 2003, 07:28 AM
OMG, I just read this, I skipped it the first time, This guy elf..whatever, says this on OUR server, you shoulda slayed his butt as well, and see how he liked that, and Sirus too. Oh and Elf, Mercy has turned it on for one round where a person killed the entire team on cbble, one of the funniest things I ever saw. It is funny and just a game, or are you a stats *****. Go read the fa forums and put a thread "if you play like this you will get god mode against you". :laugh: Sorry for the rant Merc's I am just sooo tired of these children, oh he slayed me, oh he team slayed us, oh he teleported me...what is the problem, get over it.

August 27th, 2003, 08:05 AM
ummm.. ok this is about as crazy, as if i where to complain about people slappin me on the server... wtf...

August 27th, 2003, 08:10 AM
Diffrence is is you like being slapped f00. I remember a few times you were gettin' jiggy wit da techno on city assault and I spanked you like a....nm


August 27th, 2003, 08:25 AM
I would like to request that any admin turn the God Mode on for me when I'm on. I've been playing for about a year now and still have yet to get ranked in the stats. :D :D :D :D

Going for the gold this month. Only 42 skill points away from 1000. I would love to be able to click on my name and find out all the details that the rest of you b00ns get.

August 27th, 2003, 08:58 AM
oh lol and the notag thing all admins police the server to make sure that everything is running smoothly this means they do it undercover sometimes and therefore no tag so that will always happen that just helps people think oh is that guy an admin? I better behave

August 27th, 2003, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Big_Brother
Diffrence is is you like being slapped f00. I remember a few times you were gettin' jiggy wit da techno on city assault and I spanked you like a....nm


f00000 sh000


August 27th, 2003, 01:14 PM
Ahh this makes sience as to why Sniper was owning me the other night lol.

-FA- hoody
August 27th, 2003, 01:34 PM
In elfarren's defense, it just fustrated him when him and Sirius both shot the guy repeatedly and he didn't die. Yes he did take it to seriously but it was just in the heat of the moment. As you see he apologized for calling the server g-hey and lame. Yes he was out of line but I was playing at the same time and he was never seriously mad about it. He thought that Strong Bad was the admn playing without his tag, and thats what upset him the most. I read in the requirements for be a La_Merc you had to where your tag all the time whether they were on the La_Merc server or any other server. That is what he was upset about and I can understand that. I dont know if someone was playing without there tag or not. He does need to not take it so seriously though, it is a GAME and we are just trying to have FUN. And getting God Mode for only 45 seconds is nothing to fret over.

August 27th, 2003, 01:45 PM
Do I hear whining? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

August 27th, 2003, 01:57 PM
I'm going to say this much.

LA_MERC's rules are for LA_MERC leaders and admins to enforce and NO one else. You can ask any member if I enforce the clan tag rule and they will all give the same answer. Like everyone has said, the game is meant to be played to have fun and sometimes minor rules like that are over looked for the fun of the game, especially if the leaders/admins know who is behind the name. I clearly stated on the server during the time of the incident that the person who had god mode turned on them was not the admin and that I was. Most people understood that. It should have ended there but it did not so this is were we are at now. Got Valium?

There are 23,000 other servers out there or you can pay 150bucks a month and rent your own. Until then, when playing on LA_MERC's server, consider yourself a guest in our house. Don't sweat the small stuff and just have fun. If you are bothered that bad by such a minor issue then maybe this is not the place for you.

August 27th, 2003, 02:00 PM
it is just a game...weeeeeeeeee... We need to remember that

August 27th, 2003, 02:08 PM
Hoody if you look at the rules, there is a disclaimer:

"10. Tags- The LA_MERC clan tag will be worn at all times, by all members, on LA_MERC servers. It is asked that you please use your gaming name at all times, use of other gaming names can sometimes be confusing to other members and non-members alike. The only exception to this rule is for admin's while "policing" the server. Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated."

As you can see, this plainly states that admins are allowed to play without their tag.

August 27th, 2003, 02:13 PM
lol sis....Hoody, if he wasn't THAT upset about it he should have just let it go. This is a 3 page thread for god sakes. I know alot of the posts are MERCs but he kept coming back for more. As far as rules about tags...yes, members are supposed wear their tags. If read te ENTIRE paragraph you'll see that admins do not have to if they are "policing" the server. Only an admin can use god mode or any other admin function so that argument it moot. Nevermind the fact that Toby wasn't even IN the server. You guys really need to get 2 things....

1: A grip on reality
2: A life away from the computer

If you can do that I think you'll find that a non-incident (that's what it was b00ns) like this will have far less an impact on your semi-meaningless lives. Stand up straight, grow some stones and for god sakes.....STOP WHINNING!


August 27th, 2003, 02:14 PM
HAX!!! dern you Dirge...you beat me to it....HAX HAX HAX!!!!


August 27th, 2003, 02:17 PM
I'm going to close the thread..

Point is to have fun, if you are not, log out. If an admin is present, let him handle the situation. If you don't think he handled the situation properly, then we have a members page with contact info. Contact another admin or leader if you deem it necessary. Starting threads like this never seem to go anywhere and I should have never replied to something so stupid in the first place.
