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August 26th, 2003, 09:42 AM
Hey guys,

Im going to re-install counter strike on my computer cause its been awhile and i cant remeber where all my binds are and stuff, and i have fragments of old packs like donkey and wall hacks and stuff... jk, but i need to get some new drivers and such, i noticed on the news page that ndiva has new drivers for the g-force 2, so ill be gettin those, i also need to dl new windows updates and security patches for just my os.. but are there any new packs or bind programs for cs since ive been gone? i think i also need to get the newest version for counter strike.. man its been awhile since ive been able to play.. help me out are there any new cool programs that are legal that go with cs? and i also wanted to find out from a admin if script programs that help you buy fast and creates keyboard shortcuts are still ok to use as long as there are no auto aim or hax er something.. i havent played in awhile so i could just got with a clean version of cs and re-learn it.. lemme know.

btw i have two new e-mails:
[email protected] <--- home
[email protected] <---- office



August 26th, 2003, 10:12 AM
I'd stay away from script programs...never really know what youre getting. Just manually type in the binds you want. In our files section there are all the updates you need for CS and HL. You need for HL and 1.5 for CS. There ia also a skim pack there thats not too bad.


August 26th, 2003, 10:37 AM
cool! i also lost the program that yall use to create the avatars for the forums what was the name of that program?

August 26th, 2003, 02:15 PM
hey by the way, what is the best way to run my system.. like video options in cs options... i have a g-force 2 with latest drivers and a 1.2 ghz proc with 512 mb ram... opengl? or.......
