View Full Version : Cajun's New IP address

[Cajun] Zx9rNinja
August 24th, 2003, 03:49 PM
Hey guys and gals, just figured I'd let you guys know that we have a new IP address. We've switched to a better provider. It's not totally up and running yet but you're still able to play on the server.

IP is:

Later all.


[Cajun] Zx9rNinja
September 6th, 2003, 11:47 AM
Hey guys, just wanted to let all of you know that the Bayou is fully operational now, with better ping. Hope to see you guys and gals on the server in the future.

Nin Nin

September 6th, 2003, 03:24 PM
Thanks,been wonder where you guys went too,Tho Merc must of scared you all off..hehe;)

[Cajun] Zx9rNinja
September 6th, 2003, 09:19 PM
Nah, we weren't scared off, just found a better server provider so that the ping is better. Look forward to seeing you back on the bayou bro. Take it easy.

Nin Nin

September 6th, 2003, 11:17 PM
Ummm Ninja was just wondering why i was banned from your server..i wasn't causing any trouble nor was i infact doing anything wrong to be kicked or in my case banned.. i didn't even get a reason to why i was banned...

[Cajun] Zx9rNinja
September 7th, 2003, 10:34 PM
Well Corp, I know you weren't doing anything wrong but, it's been my understanding that you haven't been allowed to play on the Bayou for quite sometime. I understand that some things happened before I got into the clan, but from what I understand, you aren't allowed to play on the Bayou. I have no problems playing with you or against you for that matter and what happened in the past is between you and the members that it involved. If you want to be able to play on the Bayou again, only thing I can say is talk to ET. I didn't ban you but Doc did, and I guess until/if you talk to ET about getting your ban lifted, there isn't anything I can do for ya man. ET kinda made it clear that you, sweets, and pfthor were permanently banned. Sorry man, but it's kinda out of my hands.

Nin Nin

[Cajun] Etouffee'
September 8th, 2003, 02:34 AM
I'll try and keep this civil.
Corp, you know as well as I do that you and Sweetgirl
have a history with the Cajuns. Not all of it good.
I'm not gonna come here and start anything, i respect
the Merc's too much for that.
Your history with the Cajuns is what got you banned
from the server a while back. That ban is still in
I would think about removing the ban if you and I could
have a talk about the stuff that happened. I would also
have Lewzer and Catfish to sit in since they are senior
members of Cajun as to have their input.
Let me know what you think.

September 9th, 2003, 11:23 AM

September 9th, 2003, 11:24 AM
<- IP dosent work for me? =/

[Cajun] Zx9rNinja
September 9th, 2003, 03:55 PM
Dunno why Acid, it should man. That IP is correct. Don't know what to tell you except to keep trying. How do you connect? I use HLSW. If you don't have that, I recommend it.

Nin Nin

[Cajun] Zx9rNinja
December 13th, 2003, 05:08 PM
Ok, we went back to BFG to host our server. Epic was too much of a hassle to get the payments to so we changed back. Here soon though we'll have a server hosted for free by Grunt and the IP will change again but not for a while. As of now, our new IP for a while is the one posted below.

Hope to see you guys there like before. Later guys and gals.

Nin Nin
