View Full Version : Pain in the neck

August 13th, 2003, 09:04 PM
Man I had that worm that eveyone had. It was a killer. I had to format my whole computer,and I tell you what I now have a virus scanner and a fire wall. That is the first worm I have ever had the pleasure to come in contact with and I hope the last. I just wounder if in the future if I am protected from all attacks? What other percautions I should take to stop any and all attacks?


August 13th, 2003, 09:25 PM
hit windowsupdate.com on a regular baisis. go there now and install every critical update and then be sure to check back and see if any new ones have come out.

August 13th, 2003, 10:04 PM
U did not have to format your computer :slap , just update your security patches for windows. :d: Oh and your firewall and virus protection program would have not helped u anyways. It was Microsoft’s fault for not securing there software. The REmote Procedure callis vital for windows to run, if it is told to shut down, well....than so does your computer:mad:. So technically a virus did not infect your computer, it was more like an exploitation of bad coding by some one who was smarter than Microsoft.

I work as a computer TEch at Best buy and we checked in 47 computers in 6 hours for Virus removal... at a cost of 39.99 per computer for just the removal or more like an update. We also made another 29.99 off of new Norton installs and 29.99 for the Norton Disk it self, per computer that we checked in. :fruit :owned IT was a mad house man, I felt like I was listening to a broken record, " uh uh my computer keeps shutting down, why?" My response, well it looks like your main phase inverders are losing structural integrity, and u need to reroute main power through your secondary cuplinks, your dylithium crystals are dangerously low and u might need a 1.6 giga watt of electricity to fix it. :hb

August 13th, 2003, 10:14 PM
Ha Ha Ha....yeah but ebeytime i go to dl the updates it frizes my computer.....ahhhhhhhhh

August 13th, 2003, 10:31 PM
I could have sent you the file on a CD...no need to format...

August 13th, 2003, 10:33 PM
max go ahead and post the file, just in case someone else needs it or something

August 13th, 2003, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Lt.Dan

I work as a computer TEch at Best buy [/B]

U actually admit to that???

LOL - j/k bro - joking because the techs at the local best buy here are losers that probably can't get a job as pctech anywhere else (and I don't know HOW they got a job at Best buy unless they were just REALLY desperate for techs)...lol - they are total nubs. I hate to walk near their counter for fear of getting in an argument w/ them...hehe. They will tell customers totally stupid crap that doesn't even make since, and the customer will just stand nodding thier head like they want to pretend to understand what they are listening to(like they do when ANYONE is talking "computer stuff" to them...hehee)

I can tell you aren't like that though :d: you're posts actually make since (most of the time :rolleyes: :laugh: :p: )

August 13th, 2003, 10:42 PM
lemme vpn into work real quick and grab it...

August 14th, 2003, 07:22 PM
Yeah BEST BUY is the only computer store for 300 miles in every direction. I would say I am very good with computers, and my co-workers are even better than I. Everyone but me is A+ certified,not that it matters, most nubs I know who have A+ dont know jack. We have reps form Linksys and netgear that come in and train new employees on networking every couple of months. We also get to go to computer conventions, paid for by the company, to see first hand some of the latest stuff. Most of us are in school, trying to finish some day, SO I CAN SAFELY SAY ME AND MY FELLOW CO-WORKS ARE GOOD AT WHAT WE DO :) but i can not say how good techs are at other stores, Especially ones that are out of state :D

, if it were not for telling customers BS, I would go crazy

Originally posted by LA_MERC_MadMAX
They will tell customers totally stupid crap that doesn't even make since, and the customer will just stand nodding thier head like they want to pretend to understand what they are listening to(like they do when ANYONE is talking "computer stuff" to them...hehee)

I can tell you aren't like that though :d: you're posts actually make since (most of the time :rolleyes: :laugh: :p: )

August 14th, 2003, 07:29 PM
:) from the nubs

August 14th, 2003, 08:03 PM
Yeah man - i was just joking around..hehe I know ALL best buy techs aren't like the ones here...I just wonder how THESE got a job LOL!

I used to work in a computer shop, so I know just how aggravating working on home user PC's are - that's why I'm so VERY happy I'm in an IT department in a corporate environment now...w00t.

Home usuer comes in w/ some kind of crap loaded - you have to TRY and make it work, if you can...

Employee on network has some kind of crap loaded that's messing up the computer ... "Sorry, I have to uninstall this - it violates the acceptable use policy".


August 14th, 2003, 08:13 PM
Lt. Dan, you own!!! lol
