View Full Version : C&C Generals: Zero Hour

August 8th, 2003, 07:08 PM
For those of you that just can't get enough of C&C Generals, this is a head's up on a "to be released" expansion pack for C&C Generals. They are adding some units, adding weather effects, adding new missions and adding training. You can find the official announcement HERE (http://www.eagames.com/pccd/cc_generals_zero/home.jsp) as well as a couple (ok, it's only 2 for now) screenshots of some of the new units and weapons.

Personally, I can't wait.


August 9th, 2003, 03:57 PM
w00t!! I cant either, I just wish Time Warner would get off their bums and get me my internet access so I could play against/with j00 b00ns!!

August 9th, 2003, 04:29 PM
Yeah where have u been Maverick ??
I have noticed that a few of the Merc's r MIA..

August 9th, 2003, 05:08 PM
Ive been really busy with work, girlfriend, and some other stuff, so I havent been on as much as usual. Also, Ive been getting net_send error packets out of the kazoo, I only seem to be able to play for about 15-30 mins at a time before getting booted, which really ticks me off. Ive been trying to play some for the last week or so, but by the time I get off work and get home everyone is already off the server, and no one seems to be on when I get on before I go to work, but hopefully Ill be playing a little more in the next few days. Prolly going to give Time Warner another call next week to see if theyve released the internet access yet. They ran the cable like 4 weeks ago, but havent done anything since. Slack bastages!
