View Full Version : Ready to MOVE

August 4th, 2003, 01:09 PM
OMG I am so ready to move in my new house! We should have known at the beginning of this whole housing buying affair that there is no way it would be as easy as it seemed.

We were supposed to close July 25th, but that didn't happen because of some crap with the rural development loan we are getting, and the house didn't meet the requirements. The seller ended up having to paint the house for us, so that's good. I messed up and went ahead and called to have our DSL cut off at the end of the month sometime in July and this weekend it went away, so I'm back to dial up. I'm just before knocking on the doors of my apartment neighbors to see if any of them have any sort of broadband access. I'd give them like 20 bucks to let me plug in for a week.

Anyways, I talked to our realtor earlier and she thinks the closing date will be settled on today, so maybe we can get the ball rolling on moving in. At least I know I can have my dsl hooked up as soon as I get the key to the house and get one of our techs over there to wire up a jack. =)

August 4th, 2003, 02:06 PM
lol....NOTHING is ever as it seems when it comes to home buying.


August 4th, 2003, 02:18 PM
OMG! So true! Man, be sure to check the hot water side of your plumbing! Especially if you have a house on a slab. We just had to have our whole hot water side replaced becasue of a leak that doubled our gas bill (from the water heater working overtime) and doubled our water bill. That right there was $1000...

August 4th, 2003, 03:15 PM

I was down in Nachitoches last week and didnt think about it until I started seeing the CPTel signs everywhere--I shoulda called and said hi---I'll catch you next time though.

August 4th, 2003, 03:28 PM
dang junk, you shoulda called, you coulda gone to eat some fajitas with me =)

August 4th, 2003, 03:32 PM
Man that really bites about your whole house situation. You shoulda bought 2 rolls of duct tape, paint drip sheets, and a cardboard box, construct a protective hut out of paper towel tubes, and the paint drip sheets so rain won't hurt your second wife, and move close to a dsl substation and plug in and get oc3 speeds :hb what else would you need, great view, fast internet, and shelter.
