View Full Version : sweet release needed

July 31st, 2003, 11:22 AM
Last year I built three computers one for my mom, one for my sister, and one for myself. Seemed like a nice thing to do right, well did it ever back fire. My mom who is a computer addict now, and one of the biggest conspricy theorist I have ever seen, now swears that someone has hacked into here computer and has logged a back door command into her pc and is stealing all of her stuff, has well completely messing with her. Well, she swears up and down that is is me. (maybe I might do that to someone else) but my mom, does she really think I care one bit about knowing what she does all day.... Well, the funny thing is she has called out a big time computer tech to try and find my backdoor (hummm gonna be looking a while) but I know that hes not gonna find anything. I swear she has Zone Alarm, Norton's, and Black Ice all on there.

My question is after this guy is done should I call and ask what did he find and wait for my vendacation. Or just say nothing, Cause this has really put a strain on our family. Sounds so stupid which it is, but she has really gone way to far with it......

(only fear is that this damn tech is a dumb butt or dont know Ram from Rom.)

This has been a venting post, cant you tell............

July 31st, 2003, 11:42 AM
Seems like she's been into to many chat rooms and others have planted that theory in her mind..

After she finds out that you have nothing to do with it, give her time to make to first move and see what happens. If she's been blaming you this whole time then its no use calling her up to rub it in that you were right all along.

July 31st, 2003, 12:20 PM
Go over there with a shot gun, blow a hole in the case and say "You want to see my back door? There's my back door!"

er on second thought just wait and let the truth prove itself. ;)

July 31st, 2003, 01:00 PM
LMAO Dirge.
Yeah the truth shall set you free..

July 31st, 2003, 01:36 PM
lmao 5x
he told her that I am in there for sure and he is gonna fix it to were I cant get in... I guess if you pay enough they will say what you wanna hear.......

July 31st, 2003, 01:42 PM
Well, he gets paid more if he has to do "extra" work. It would have just been to easy to go there and say that nothing was wrong.

I'd call up the repair guy and say that you are going to your mothers to get the computer now and bring it to another repair shop and if they say that nothing is wrong with the computer then you are going to sue him for defamation of character along with a few other things. :twak

Hell, you don't even need to bring it to another shop, if he emplies that it was you without proof, you could still sue him.

July 31st, 2003, 02:19 PM
OMFG!!! He really said that? Sue him.....

