View Full Version : Campin Question

July 29th, 2003, 04:31 PM
I have a question i would like to ask, Is guarding B side of doors near spawn on dust2 considered campin or gaurding the teams back when they go A bombsite.??

I was just curious coz i seem to piss peeps off by doing this...and i don't want to do that.

July 29th, 2003, 05:48 PM
Do you mean this by sitting at T spawn with awp and awp people that are coming from from long A and going to bombsite B? If your team is continiously winning and at no time do you attempt to move towards your team and if CT's are able to defuse the bomb while you are still in that same position? Would you do this if you were not able to awp?

Everyone will run their server differently but believe me, if your team is constantly winning, you continually are the last person on your team and you continually awp from that position then it will be looked down uppon by the server admins.

My opinion is that the awp is a support weapon and an equilizer weapon. If your team is losing or if the CT's are brave enough to keep rushing long A while T's struggle then yeah, sit back and pick a few off for a couple rounds to slow them down. Now if your team is winning round after round and you continue to stay and awp in the same spot round after round (team winning or not) then you are setting yourself up for a slaying or chickening. Give your team backup support but once your teams makes it through the tunnel into B and plants then you should be going in right behind them and supporting them from inside of B.

July 29th, 2003, 06:07 PM
i meant i am guarding the doorway and ramp from the B bombsite while my team is normally going A, now if my team is going B i will awp middle for a few seconds and then rushing b with my team.

But i will camp/guard the b door so that the CT's can't go from B through T spawn and then on to long or short A.. is that a bad thing tho ... but if my team is needing me i will Camp/guard for just a lil bit...

Argh maybe i will just stop doing it lol

July 29th, 2003, 06:14 PM
If you are totally on the opposite side of the map after you team has planted and do not make an attempt to assist them then what I said above still applies.

Originally posted by Corp
i meant i am guarding the doorway and ramp from the B bombsite while my team is normally going A, now if my team is going B i will awp middle for a few seconds and then rushing b with my team.

But i will camp/guard the b door so that the CT's can't go from B through T spawn and then on to long or short A.. is that a bad thing tho ... but if my team is needing me i will Camp/guard for just a lil bit...

Argh maybe i will just stop doing it lol

July 29th, 2003, 06:17 PM
Most of the time i am dead when the bomb has been planted lol.. but i try to at least give my time a lil break from peeps coming up from behind them.. i don't think i am a spawn camper, just protecting my teams back.

July 29th, 2003, 06:20 PM
bit confused there corp..lol

July 29th, 2003, 06:23 PM
just a tad ... coz i don't want to be labeled a spawn camper when i am only trying to help out my team, i am not doin it for stats, if that were the case i would camp the box with a ak heheheh

July 29th, 2003, 06:26 PM
just play the game how you wanna play it. if anyone doesnt like it then they should go "hey that guys been there with an awp the last 18 times i shouldnt go that way" or "maybe i should learn how to take out awpers from a distance" yeah its not easy and youll get mad trying to take out an awper with an mp5 but just practice and what not and youll be able to do it. dont change your playing style cause people complain.

yeah i whine about camping too but you just gotta deal with it

July 29th, 2003, 06:47 PM
i think i will just try to vary my team support hehehe
but thanks for the idea's guys...

July 29th, 2003, 06:48 PM
:blue: It's a game, but on the other side of the coin, it's sorta serious...I would have to agree with both illegal op and corp because if you keep slaughtering people in the same spot over and over, it makes them not wanna play anymore, the cry babies that is. And from Corps' perspective I would have to agree that anything goes and wherever the chips may fall so be it. From my perspective though and my opinion, I would have to lean towards Corp which is get good and take them out. When I walk into an area I always assume it's hostile even it's 3 feet from spawn, I shoot everything I see :d: Now lets swing back over to Toby's POV (Point Of View), toby don't take this wrong I aint bashing you I am just getting a little democratic black and white here, anyways what if your on the losing team and staying at spawn with an awp and you keep getting shot over and over, it's in the same ballpark and winning and doing it. I can be on the losing team and all my guys are dead, and blast 7 other people and the 8th one get me. Just puttin a little Twist to it guys hehehe I have nothing but respect for both of you guys. Don't take this the wrong way, I aint pickin sides you are both equal in my eyes. Lates

July 29th, 2003, 08:27 PM
Well I was on when Corp was doin this and I tell ya, it was good frontal supprot when he was the same place as us and good flank coverage when he wasn't. He also had rounds when he was pistol whipped when someone figured it out. I thought it was good strats and people just got a little frustrated. Oh well.

July 29th, 2003, 08:56 PM
it is good strats..people will either..one learn how to nade,flash or kill him there or figure out another way to go..IMO

July 29th, 2003, 11:14 PM
Its good strats to a point. If your team is 20 and 3 and you continue to camp spawn with an awp then its just not right.

Everything thinks its ok until they are on the other side of the fence. I've heard each and every one of you complain about someone on the other team camping with awps so I fail to the reasoning behind this.

July 30th, 2003, 05:03 AM
Oh I prob have complained about it. Yea if it's 20-0 then yea i think you should try something different instead of that same part. But never the less, but it's still good strats regardless of how u look at it. I mean you fullfilling your objective to protect the sites regardless of what even I might say about it LOL. Just b/c i might complain about it, doesn't mean it's not good strats, just means i'm tired of dieing :D

July 30th, 2003, 05:06 AM
now if you're spawn camping like say ct camping spawn on italy over and over again. Then yes..that's poor strats and plain gh4y b/c 1 you're not completing the mission, and 2 you're not helping your team. you're just trying to nub some peeps by being an idiot, IMO

July 30th, 2003, 05:18 AM
Bighead, if you think about it.. its sorta the same thing. You can camp as CT spawn on Italy and your team goes Market then you can say that you are watching their back for T's trying to flank them. You are also protecting the point to where your team has to return to with hostages. Why is that not the same thing and not good strats? :laugh: You can argue all sides of it and since this is pub and not match play, its good strats until the point where your team is slaughtering the other team or to the point where you keep ending up as the only player left on your team and you are not trying to complete the objective.

As always, its different when you are on the winning team and not on the one losing round after round while your whole team gets awped.

I'm not trying to say that one person is right and one person is wrong but just stating how I feel about it and to get people to think about both sides of it. If at that time, I feel like its a problem on the server, then I try to address it as such.

July 30th, 2003, 07:53 AM
Yeah Corp, is is really good strategy...hence why people will get mad, it works too well. People do it on many of the maps, the Op calliber players will take you out because they will know where you are before you know where they are. For self-imrovement, and keeping maps fun for everyone, work on 2 or 3 different points, therefore it wont get 20-0 with you in the same spot, if it did.

July 30th, 2003, 09:25 AM
Why is that not the same thing and not good strats? You can argue all sides of it and since this is pub and not match play, its good strats until the point where your team is slaughtering the other team or to the point where you keep ending up as the only player left on your team and you are not trying to complete the objective.

Opsy i don't normally camp to the point i am last i am normally one of the first to die..i do my fair share of rushing too..i also have been known to switch teams when they r uneven in skillz too...


July 30th, 2003, 10:27 AM
I'll guess i should have explained myself a little more..there's a difference in actually trying to complete the objective and just trying to be an idiot. Like my example above, except let's say you ARE the only one left. then that's just stupid. Now if u stayed at CT spawn for a min or so to get the T's who are trying to flank, I can understand that. But let's say 8 rounds later..you're the last to die b/c u camp the ct spawn and never move. that's just stupid. But like op said there is 2 sides to it. but this being the fact. I hate it no matter what side i'm on. Simple b/c you're killing time where I could be playing by doing it. But that's just me.

July 30th, 2003, 10:38 AM
Spoken like a true Camper..hehehehe..j/k

July 30th, 2003, 10:41 AM
LOL well ya know i speak from experience of course :D

July 30th, 2003, 10:45 AM
hehehehe..I was thinking the same thing...wuv you b00n..lol

July 30th, 2003, 10:53 AM
I'm with biggie in that I hate to sit and wait while there is a battle of the campers going on.. It just gives me more time to figure out what all I can do with my admin commands.. :twak

August 3rd, 2003, 05:22 PM
Well, honestly it sounds to me like if we turned on the auto slap for sitting in one space too long--say 15 seconds -- that would probably take care of it.

but it sounds to me like Corp is using a sniper rifle the way they are supposed to be used -- you find a strategic point to set up where you are very likely to find someone trying to get an angle on your team. I have never minded the AWP in that fashion -- well I still have issues with the AWP's 1 hit 1 kill pwer, but that's neither here or there.

Now like Toby said -- once the bomb is planted then the AWPer should move to lend better support to the team -- in a perfect game because the whole CT team SHOULD be moving that way to defuse -- but that doesnt happen.

The problem is that to many people are assuming how the teams are playing--for kills or strategy. A strong CT team looking to just kill people, but using no strats could easily be undone by a T team that works together.
