View Full Version : Help

July 27th, 2003, 09:50 PM
Ok after talking to Corona I have a request to make. We at -FA- have gotten a server from a host. It's a 16 man and what we need now is to load it up with peeps and stress test it. So if you would this week just kinda watch the server and if you see some peeps on it jump on and play a little and then let me know either here on this thread or you can emial me at [email protected] or on our forums which would give you a opertunity to sign up and support us a little too...

site is: www.thefallenclan.com (http://www.thefallenclan.com)

Server IP:

OBTW thanks to Merc's for supporting us and helping out a fledling clan. Specialy to Onji who helped me out with some of the config files.

July 28th, 2003, 12:26 AM
what you didnt know that onjisan tha man? where ya been joo foo, onji work dat stuff like a champ!:D
