View Full Version : Friend goin to NO

July 25th, 2003, 09:27 PM
Hey guys i have a mate from australia here at the moment, he is going to new orleans later this week .. well more like wednesday or thrusday. I was hoping that maybe someone could let me know some places he can visit, site seeing and fun parting places too lol...

July 26th, 2003, 07:48 AM
The New Orleans Tourism director Dirge, I am more than sure will
fill you in on all things that are N.O. :)
My personal favorite is the D-day museum, I could spenf 6 hrs in there and not get enough of it.
Aquarium and zoo are nice, but it is too hot for the z00 IMHO.
there is this street they call Burbon St that has some nice :naughty
things to do.
Dirge can give ya the skinny.


July 26th, 2003, 09:18 AM
Oh cool thanks mike for the info .. i will try to catch up with dirge before my mates leaves for NO...

July 26th, 2003, 11:17 AM
there's too much to do here! Must have a muff from central groc... Hit up Pat O's for a long Tea..... Rick's cab for lunch and naked chicks.... ride the street car all the way from Canal to Claiborne..
Fahy's Irish Pub for a pint and g00d peeps.... House of blues for some tunes (walk in..have lunch..and see who's playin)The list goes on and on and on............

July 26th, 2003, 02:40 PM
cool spark i will let my mate read what you have posted... is there a tourist info place that he can go too.

July 27th, 2003, 01:19 PM
go to www.nola.com...it has a lot of stuff listed..... Any of the hotels will be able to provide info...

July 27th, 2003, 08:22 PM
thanks for the info spark :)

July 29th, 2003, 08:06 AM
w00t Hey if you're boy is from Australia, there are a couple of cool bars in the warehouse district he might like. Lucy's Retired Surfer's bar and Vic's Kangaroo Lounge. As far things to do, catch some real jazz at the famous corner or the cozy corner or most of the hotels in the French Quarter. Drink a Hurricane or Mint Julep from Pat O'Brien's. Grab a bite to eat any one of the great resturaunts (my favs are Mike Anderson's, Bella Luna, Maspero's, House of Blues, Irene's Cuisine, Cafe Sbisa, er I guess that's a lot, well they're all good.) Be sure to walk down to the French Market and Flea Market during the day to check out the wares. Walk around the Jax brewery and stroll down the riverfront. River cruises are cool as well. The Haunted history walking tours are very enetertaining and rather spooky at night. If he wants to see more of the city, take a Grey Line city bus tour.

Some websites to check out:

If he needs any particular details let me know. Oh and remember, you can walk down the street sipping on your drink. In fact, take advantage of the plastic go-cups by the doors of every bar so you don't have to kill your drink before you wander around outside.

July 29th, 2003, 02:36 PM
hey thanks dirge...(took ya time tho) and i will give him all the details when he gets into New orleans.. he left this afternoon..Houston was hot like a mutha..oh well i better use A/C next time lol..

July 29th, 2003, 03:02 PM
Sorry Corp I forgot to mention that Dirge was with Andyconda
which means:

July 29th, 2003, 04:33 PM
ahhhh well i understand then... dirge just needed a few days to get his brain cells back into gear.. can u see this when drunk dirge?? :P

July 29th, 2003, 06:15 PM
What are you trying to say Mike. Dirge makes me do it. Damn his Irish blood. Corp, tell your buddy he has to visit Rick's Caberet, Pat O,briens for a Hurricane, and get a (spelling) bennets and cafe au lait at Cafe Du Mont. A very vital piece of information that Dirge, Diesel, and Spark left out in your tourist guiding is that for no reason at all should you go past St Ann when going down Burbon Street. Burbon Street is the coolest street in the world from Canal all the way to St Ann. After that you'll see things that are SCARY. P.S. I'm not Homophobic, I just prefer not to see a man perform Falacio (spelling) on another. Also Dirge and Yankee live right off os Caralton so if it gets to hectic give'em a call. They can bail you out. Can't count the times those boys saved me from the drunk tank, rape, robbery, murder, etc etc etc.
