View Full Version : No Longer a Active member

July 23rd, 2003, 02:37 AM
Hey guys,

In case you havent noticed i havent been around much latley. Here is a update on my life. Ive been workin 10 hour work shifts to pay back the money i owe from last semester of college. Ive also landed a job in Mineapolis St Paul Minesota. Ill be workin there as an internship position for a year with a corprate apt, yes that means i dont have to pay for it! After i finish up about a year of on site training ill finish up the rest of my A+, Network, and other core certifications, along with finishin up my MIS courses. After that they want to keep me on for another 3-5 years. I know alot of you guys know ive been going through some personal issues, and im happy to say that things are lookin up. Ive not been able to get close to a computer ever since i moved back from florida, so thats why i havent been posting or even attempting to get on the server. I really wanted to put in a request for my termination as a active member cause i wanted to let you guys know that i still want to be apart of the merc family, but that i am not able at all to even get on the internet due to the fact that i dont have a internet connection and also i have so little free time. Corona i havent even been able to give you a call this whole summer, you or sobe or fishie. But seeing as how ive already been demoted to non merc, i guess ill just post this here. I mean i understand the desision, just a call or an e-mail to check on me would have been nice. How the hell are you guys? When i do get up to minesota, im supose to have a high speed hook up in my apt, so just to let you guys know i will be back in the merc family when i can get my computer up and running!! And if you guys dont think i can hang anymore, ill take you all on with my damn knife, take over admin of the server and make the only map avalible city_assault and you all will have to watch in awe as i wield my knife to the techno! Heck even though im sadly not able to be a merc anymore im still the slap dance masta and dont forget it....

i had to change my e-mail and stuff, id really like to catch up with yall so an e-mail would be nice.

E-mail: [email protected]
AOL IM: im str3tch
I also got a new cell so send me an e-mail corona and ill give the number to ya!

July 23rd, 2003, 07:30 AM
Good to hear things are looking up for ya Hybrid. Sorry if you feel that way about no one contacting you, but with so many members, the onus is really on them to keep in touch. When you get set back up, let us know. Good luck in the great white north!

July 23rd, 2003, 04:49 PM
yeah bro do what you got to do and take care man. If ya get a chance pop in from time to time

July 26th, 2003, 02:37 AM
ohh, im not upset, you can ask toby i told him several times if i dont meet the requirements kick me. And you better belive that when i can get back on ill be a merc again!

July 26th, 2003, 05:27 AM
Do what you have to do Hybrid, Just let us know when u get settled. We miss having you around, take care and good luck

July 26th, 2003, 09:50 AM

You know we'll always be here for you Hybrid...do what you need to do and then when you can come back!

July 26th, 2003, 10:10 AM
hybrid, hit me up on aim man im almost always sitting in my room and i got another computer so if im doing something on this one message deadbabygooo cause thats the other one and its usually just sitting there.

July 26th, 2003, 04:19 PM
wewt im feelin the love!
