View Full Version : Low Carb Diets

July 6th, 2003, 08:43 PM
Anyone ever done the Atkins or another Low Carb diet? I'm thinking of starting myself on one, and was wondering if anyone had any recipies, or any results to share.

Later Guys,

July 6th, 2003, 09:15 PM
Well I know it works, BUT you have to be hella strict nah mean. It means no sugar, starch, etc. Just meat and more meat. So take away pastas, potatoes, soft drinks, breads, etc. Go to menshealth.com and find the weith loss tools and find the calorie intake thingie to determine how to loose a pound a week. Then count calories, it is easier than it sounds.

July 6th, 2003, 09:21 PM
Go a few days being active, have a small breakfast, maybe some lunch.. and a nice dinner... drink all the water you feel like.. At first you feel hungry, during the first day or two, but after that you won't get hungry as often.. (water actually is fairly filling)

This is just what I've noticed, I used to weigh around 185-190 :-/ and I felt big, and the ladies didnt like that.. But i've been doing what I described up there.. and right now im 6'2, 175-180ish I can def. tell that I've lost some weight, and it is just motovation to lose some more. I think the fad diets are fulla crap, just don't eat as much, don't eat the bad stuff, and you'll be fine.

(keep in mind I'm 16, and I've only been a little overweight (if that) most of my life)

***Slim Fasts are good aswell, they are good for you and are just like a meal. I wouldnt waste money on 3 a day, but just drink one for breakfast then have lunch maybe 4-5 hours later...

July 7th, 2003, 08:19 AM
I am 23, in dec I weighed 185lbs and I am 5'7" tall. now I weigh 145lbs. How I did it was minimal exercise, but mostly, watching what I eat like a hawk, and when I was hungry between meals, I drank glass after glass of water. Even when I wasn;t thirsty I drank water. So that kept me full feeling, and besides, alot of times when your body gives you the signal that you're hungry, you're in fact thirsty. So good luck man!

July 7th, 2003, 07:54 PM
Atkins sux0rs. You can't drink alcohol. :)

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
July 8th, 2003, 08:07 AM
Dieting really depends on your metabolism, that's why some diets work for people but don't work for other's. All I have to do is jog for about 20 mins a day three times a week and I lose about a pound or two a week. Obviously I don't eat whatever I like but I've always kinda watched what I ate so I didn't have to change my eating habits. Drink water instead of sodas as much as possible. For the most part losing wieght is basic math, how many calories you eat and how many calories you burn. If you want to lose wieght you have to burn more calories than you eat. I lift wieghts and jog with a guy from work and, I think, he watches what he eats. But he just can't lose more than a 10 pounds overall and he's been stuck there for a while. If your having problems losing wieght you should consult you doctor for professional advice. Also if you fairly overweight and you haven't worked out in 5 or 6 months then you should check with you doctor first.
