View Full Version : WOOT!!!

July 3rd, 2003, 09:03 PM
Hey guys I got my machine back up and running.
Actually it's sort of a new machine....
It runs really good though. I got a GF FX 5200 with 256 meg DDR.
I'm not sure if I like it or not yet because I haven't run any games that will really push it. I got SWG installed and running but it's not that graphically intense. I haven't gotten CS installed yet. I gotta get my CD back from Mad_Max first *hint hint....* :)
I got a cool new case and another stick of DDR.

Now I've got 5 fans not including the PS. Three of which are crystal LED's, I got a new dual fan 420 watt PS that is also internally lit with blue and red crystal fans. I've also got a blue cold cathode and a dual cathode blacklight. hehe....

I coated down my round IDE cables and my heat sync fan with red blacklight accent paint so now they glow red too. hehe...

It looks really cool though.

So as soon as I can get reinstalled I'll be back on the server between SWG sessions.

July 3rd, 2003, 09:08 PM
get w/ me f00! I got your CD and mine...lol. Stacy had them both forever...

July 3rd, 2003, 09:28 PM
Will do.
I'll try to stop by tomorrow.
By the way? How's it going with you trying to quit smoking?

July 3rd, 2003, 10:05 PM
um... well.... it went for about 12 hours, then oh well...

July 3rd, 2003, 10:17 PM
oh btw, my cousin, davids altinator went out today...I had to go jump him off after work, so it'll prolly be easier to catch me in the evening...

July 3rd, 2003, 10:52 PM
did u-haul pay for the machine?

July 3rd, 2003, 11:08 PM
not yet - hopefully they will - I've built a machine out of mostly donated parts, a AMD 1600+, 512 ecc ddr ram, GF4MX440 Vid card, I bought a Antec Lanboy case and a WD Special Edition 60 Gig HDD, so I have a DECENT machine up and running...actually better than my 1GHz PIII Xeon system..

As far as u=haul, we shall wait and see

July 3rd, 2003, 11:40 PM
lol... hey everyone... my computer fell out of my window.. *cough* donations? w00t... that's cool though Max... still remember.. if they say ok we'll pay for it... you had a 3200+, 1gig of ram... 2 80 gig hard drives... and umm...some other stuff

July 4th, 2003, 08:20 AM
post a pic Bulldog I want to see

July 4th, 2003, 08:55 AM
that sounds cool bulldog, hope your back playin cs soon.

July 4th, 2003, 11:56 AM
Will do sLingbLade

I need to borrow a digicam first.
