View Full Version : OK, I take a break and...

June 30th, 2003, 09:03 PM
I suck more now than I did before if that is EVEN humanly possible...lol.

Anyways, I'm gonna try and play a little each night and get back in the swing of things. I did really bad on Aztec16 and started ok on comrade, but once again started sux0ring, so I got out before aggravation set in...

See y'all on the server! w00t!

-FA- Kodachi
June 30th, 2003, 09:47 PM
pm me i r know a good site for 1.5 and 1.6 h4x that r vac proof and 1 with cd proof ;)

July 1st, 2003, 03:56 AM
A thin line does he walk

July 1st, 2003, 06:07 AM
Um...no thanks kodachi...I'll just come back the old fashioned way...

July 1st, 2003, 06:53 AM
well...now you are on my suspicious list.

July 1st, 2003, 07:01 AM
Just let me know when you are going to play and I will join, that way everyone can own me instead. :hb

July 1st, 2003, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_i||ega|-op
A thin line does he walk


July 1st, 2003, 08:18 AM
:bb Ahhh.....do not mess with Toby.....the force is strong, with the Jedi Master :bb

Eon Blue Apocalypse
July 1st, 2003, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by -FA- Kodachi
pm me i r know a good site for 1.5 and 1.6 h4x that r vac proof and 1 with cd proof ;)

This guy should change his name to....I R Babboon! LOL
Whats the gig with this wierd talk anyway.

-FA- Kodachi
July 1st, 2003, 08:45 PM
dont pick on the slow and unedumalated ppl :'(
and i r cabbage companion already so i cant have two names =\
lmao i hope u r am is b jokin
/me gets all nervous and sweaty

July 1st, 2003, 10:11 PM
Kodachi, I often wonder to myself if you ever talk like that in real life...strange kid you is are am be

Eon Blue Apocalypse
July 1st, 2003, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by -FA- Kodachi
dont pick on the slow and unedumalated ppl :'(
and i r cabbage companion already so i cant have two names =\
lmao i hope u r am is b jokin
/me gets all nervous and sweaty

Well of course I be joking. Not into people bashing you know,
life is to precious. I get all nervous and sweaty too....only
when the wife lets me though....lol.

July 1st, 2003, 10:29 PM
hahaha I like this this tread lol.../me laughs at everyone...HAHAHAHAHA

July 3rd, 2003, 08:02 AM
Yea well it's Max we're talking about here and no h4x will help him.

July 3rd, 2003, 01:11 PM
Max, you'll get good.

Just play alot and aim for the head.

July 3rd, 2003, 01:53 PM
When I first started playing I'd ask people this question...

Then it was Day, Dark Prowess, Tigerhawk, and Redneck i'd ask then and they'd all say "play alot and aim for the head" It's not working...

July 3rd, 2003, 02:20 PM
Yeah...my problem with aiming for the head is people rarely stay still long enough for that to matter! Aim for center mass and let the gun travel up...that's what I do now. Just don't rock and roll on the gun either...burst fire.

July 3rd, 2003, 07:01 PM
i generally just run away, turn around go AHHHHH!!!! shoot really quick, turn back around, continue to run away and then find out that I killed the guy with a headshot..w00t!

But if i sit still aim carefully, pull the trigger in single fire mode, i might hit the guy 2 FEET AWAY once outta 10 bullets.....GO FIGURE!! LOL!

July 3rd, 2003, 07:07 PM
I did pretty decent last night...broke even...
